Monash University
享誉世界的密集研究型大学 - Monah Univerity
莫纳什大学(Monah Univerity),创办于1961年,是澳大利亚规模最大的国立大学之一、其综合实力在各大学中名列前茅,被评为澳大利亚五星级大学。
作为澳大利亚八大名校(Group Of Eight)之一,莫纳什大学以高品质教学、学术研究和高就业率著称于世。97%的莫纳什大学毕业生在毕业后一个月内找到全职的工作,总体收入水平居于全澳高校毕业生之首,另有部分的毕业生会继续研究生学习。
作为澳大利亚的八大名校之一(Group of 8),莫纳什大学建立于1958年,在墨尔本及周围分部有六个校园,此外另有校园位于马来西亚吉隆坡及南非约翰内斯堡,共有八个校园。在澳大利亚莫纳什大学是校园最大,学生最多的综合大学。目前在读学生45000名,其中包括来自100多个国家的9000名在读留学生,莫纳什大学具有一流的教学质量及世界领先的科研成果,如世界最大的原子能加速器将建在莫纳什大学。
“AUQA的报告对莫纳什来说是非常宝贵的&mdah;&mdah;为我们提供了评定自己,重新评价我们经营同时获得专家组客观意见的机会。”副校长Richard Larkin教授说。AUQU专家组称赞了副校长还有学校高级管理层的长远战略眼光,依靠大学自身力量致力于把莫纳什建成世界上主要的研究密集型大学。这个远景被浓缩在了学校今年发布的参与世界战略中。
莫纳什大学由十个院系组成,其中包括:商业与经济, 工程,信息技术, 医学,护理和保健, 艺术和设计,科学,法律, 教育,文科等。
莫纳什大学各个校园的学习环境是幽雅的,现代化的,同时又是充满活力,朝气蓬勃的, 每年吸引着100多个国家的留学生前来求学,各个校园设有国际留学生办公室,为留学生提供各种服务。每个新学年设有新生周日,所有的新生通过此活动熟悉崭新的留学生活。同时大学拥有100多个学生俱乐部, 可以丰富各类学生的业余生活和满足各类学生的爱好。大学设有专门人员为学生提供住宿安排及信息;大学设有校友会,可以为毕业生提供各种有价值的信息。
1、John Bertrand 快艇项目世界冠军,澳大利亚二号快艇操作者,也是商界人士;
2、Peter Cotello 澳大利亚财政部长;
3、Tony D'Aloiio 澳大利亚证券投资委员会委员;
4、Simon Crean 澳大利亚贸易与地区发展部副部长;
5、Teo Ming Kian 新加坡经济发展委员会主席。
本科学费:$31,130 AUD +澳币/年(参考2011普通专业)
硕士学费: $ 31,170 AUD +澳币/年(参考2011普通专业)
博士学费:$ 31,000 AUD +澳币/年------127000+澳币/年(参考2011普通专业)
语言中心: 346+澳币/周(已涨)
莫纳什大学各个校区的学习环境是幽雅的,国际化的,同时又是充满活力,朝气蓬勃的, 每年吸引着100多个国家的留学生前来求学,各个校园设有国际留学生办公室,为留学生提供五星级留学生服务。大学拥有100多个学生俱乐部,可以丰富各类学生的业余生活和满足各类学生的爱好。位于全澳大利亚前第三位的图书馆可提供超过230万册的藏书及18000余册期刊,
莫纳什大学中文辩论社各项活动(2张) 学生们在每个学期都会有新人赛,进阶赛和友谊赛,在校留学生积极参与其中。并在莫纳什大学的校园里营造了一种全新的校园文化氛围。
短短的时间,蹉跎之中,莫纳什中文辩论社从只有四个人发展到如今拥有两百成员的莫纳什校园屈指可数的大社团。成员们均是来自中国大陆,香港,台湾,新加坡,马来西亚的华人留学生。并且获得学生社团组织MONSU Bet Newcomer大奖。
考费尔德(Caulfield):墨尔本东南9公里 [商学院总部]
克雷顿(Clayton):墨尔本东南20公里 [主校区]
马来西亚Sunway(Malayia Sunway):吉隆坡20公里
南非(South Africa):Johanneburg西北20公里
1. Monah Alumni Scholarhip
2. Monah Refugee Burary
3. Monah Univerity International Scholarhip for Excellence
1. Monah Univerity International Scholarhip for Excellence
2. Monah Alumni Scholarhip
1. Autralian Development Scholarhip
2. International Potgraduate Reearch Scholarhip
1. IDP Education Autralia Limited
2. The Walter Mangold Trut Fund
3. Rhode Scholarhip
Master of Business (商务硕士)
Master of Business Law (商业法)
Master of Business(Business, ethics and society) (商务(商务、伦理学与社会学))
Master of Business(Project Management) (商务(项目管理))
Master of Marketing (市场营销)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science,Bachelor of Science (精算科学和理学)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce (文学和商业)
Bachelor of Banking and Finance,Bachelor of Information Technology (银行与金融和信息技术)
Bachelor of Business(Business management and strategy) (商务(商务管理与战略))
Bachelor of Business(Business management) (商务(商务管理))
Bachelor of Business(Sports management) (商务(体育管理))
Bachelor of Business(Taxation) (商务(税收))
Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Information Technology (商务和信息技术)
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil Engineering) (商业(精算科学)和工程(土木工程))
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Studies) (商业(精算研究))
Bachelor of Commerce(Behavioural Commerce) (商业(商业行为))
Bachelor of Commerce(Econometrics) (商业(计量经济学))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Music(Music Composition) (商业和音乐(音乐作曲))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Music(Music performance) (商业和音乐(音乐表演))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science (商业和理学)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) (商业和航天工程)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) (商业和化学工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Information Technology (经济学和信息技术)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) (经济学和机电工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Science (经济学和理学)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (经济学和软件工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) (金融和航天工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) (金融与化学工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Information Technology (金融和信息技术)
Bachelor of Marketing, Bachelor of Information Technology (市场营销和信息技术)
Graduate Diploma of Economic Analytics (经济分析)
master of business- Business economics (商科-商业经济学)
Graduate Certificate of Strategic Communications Management ()
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Business(Quantitative business analysis) (商务(定量商务分析))
Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Information Technology (会计和信息技术)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science,Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) (精算科学和航天工程)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Banking and Finance (文学和银行与金融)
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Actuarial Science (文学和精算科学)
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Finance (文学和金融)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science, Bachelor of Commerce (生物医学科学和商务)
Bachelor of Business Administration(Finance and Economics) (工商管理(金融与经济学))
Bachelor of Business(Banking and finance) (商务(银行与金融))
Bachelor of Business(Economics and business strategy) (商务(经济学与商业战略))
Bachelor of Business(Marketing) (商务(市场营销))
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Accounting (商务和会计)
Bachelor of Commerce (Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Information Technology (商业(精算科学)和信息技术)
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) (商业(会计))
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Environmental Engineering) (商业(精算科学)和工程(环境工程))
Diploma part 2 Commerce Stream ()
Foundation Year - Intensive (本科预科课程-强化课程)
Foundation Year - Extended (本科预科课程-延长课程)
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Materials Engineering) (商业(精算科学)和工程(材料工程))
Bachelor of Commerce(Finance) (商业(金融))
Bachelor of Commerce(Management Studies) (商业(管理研究))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics (商业和经济学)
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Information Technology (商业和信息技术)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) (商业和土木工程)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (商业和教育(小学教育))
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) (商业和环境工程)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (商业和机械工程)
Bachelor of Economics (经济学)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) (经济学和土木工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) (经济学和环境工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (经济学和机械工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) (金融和土木工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Computer Science (金融和计算机科学)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Science (金融和理学)
Bachelor of Business Administration ()
Engineering and Commerce -Bachelor degree (honours)/Bachelor degree ()
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance) ()
Master of Mathematics (Master of Mathematics)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) (金融和环境工程)
Master of Management and Master of Applied Marketing ()
Master of Global Business and Applied Marketing ()
Graduate Certificate of Business ()
Bachelor of Commerce(Business analytics) (商业(商业分析))
Bachelor of Commerce(Business law) (商业(商业法))
Bachelor of Commerce(Mathematical foundations of econometrics) (商业(计量经济学的数学基础))
Diploma of Business (大一文凭课程-商科)
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Marketing ()
Master of Regulation and Compliance ()
Master of Global Business and Master of Management ()
Master of Global Business and Master of Applied Econometrics ()
Master of Global Business and Master of Applied Marketing ()
Master of Advanced Finance ()
Management PhD program ()
Bachelor of Business Administration(Business administration studies) ()
Bachelor of Business Administration(Economics and business decisions) (工商管理(经济和商业决策))
Bachelor of Commerce and Global Studies(Human rights) (商业和全球研究(人权))
Bachelor of Commerce and Music(Popular music) (商业与音乐(流行音乐))
Master of Commerce (商业硕士)
Master of Project Leadership ()
Master of International Business (Malaysia Campus) ()
Master of Internation Business ()
Business Expert master degree-International business ()
Master of Applied Econometrics (应用计量经济学)
Master of Applied Finance (应用金融)
Master of Banking and Finance (银行与金融)
Master of Business(Information technology) (商务(信息技术))
Master of Business(Law and responsible business) (商务(法律与商业责任))
Master of Business(Marketing) (商务(市场营销))
Master of International Business (国际商务)
Master of Management (管理)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science,Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) (精算科学和机电工程)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business (文学和商务)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Marketing (文学和市场营销)
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Accounting (文学和会计)
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Economics (文学和经济学)
Bachelor of Business Administration(Accountancy) (工商管理(会计))
Bachelor of Business Administration(Marketing Practice) (工商管理(市场营销实践))
Bachelor of Business(Business law) (商务(商业法))
Bachelor of Business(Business statistics) (商务(商务统计学))
Bachelor of Business(International business) (商务(国际商务))
Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Banking and Finance (商务和银行与金融)
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Communication Design (商务和通信设计)
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education (商务和教育(中学教育))
Master of Accounting (会计)
Master of Actuarial Studies (精算研究)
Master of Applied Economics and Econometrics (应用计量经济学和应用金融)
Master of Business(Commercialisation) (商务(商业化))
Master of Business(Managing human capital) (商务(人力资本管理))
Master of Business(Risk Management) (商务(风险管理))
Master of Business(Supply Chain Management) (商务(供应链管理))
Master of Business(Sustainability) (商务(可持续性))
Master of Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Master of International Business(Diplomacy and trade) (国际商务(外交与贸易))
Bachelor of Accounting (会计)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science (精算科学)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science,Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (精算科学和机械工程)
Bachelor of Actuarial Science,Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (精算科学和软件工程)
Bachelor of Banking and Finance (银行与金融)
Bachelor of Business(Accounting) (商务(会计))
Bachelor of Business(Human resource management) (商务(人力资源管理))
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (商务和教育(小学教育))
Bachelor of Commerce (商学学士)
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical Engineering) (会计(精算科学)和工程(化学工程))
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering) (商业(精算科学)和工程(电气与计算机系统工程))
Bachelor of Commerce(Economics) (商业(经济学))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Actuarial Science (商业和精算科学)
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Finance (商业和金融)
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Music(Creative Music Technology) (商业和音乐(创意音乐技艺))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Music(Ethnomusicology and Musicology) (商业和音乐(民族音乐学与音乐学))
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education (商业和教育(中学教育))
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) (商业和电气与计算机系统工程)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (商业和法学)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours) (商业和材料工程)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (商业和软件工程)
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Industrial Design (商务和工业设计)
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Computer Science in Data Science) (商业(精算科学)和工程(计算机科学 - 数据科学))
Bachelor of Commerce(Actuarial Science),Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Computer Science) (商业(精算科学)和工程(计算机科学))
Bachelor of Commerce(Marketing Science) (商业(营销科学))
Bachelor of Commerce(Sustainability) (商业(可持续性))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Global Studies(Global Cultural Literacies) (商业和全球研究)
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Global Studies(International relations) (商业和全球研究(国际关系))
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Global Studies(International studies) (商业和全球研究(国际研究))
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Computer Science (商业和计算机科学)
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science (商业和计算机科学(数据科学))
Bachelor of Commerce,Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) (商业和机电工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) (经济学和航天工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) (经济学和电气与计算机系统工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours) (经济学和材料工程)
Bachelor of Finance (金融)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science (金融和计算机科学(数据科学))
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) (金融和电气与计算机系统工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours) (金融和材料工程)
Bachelor of International Business (国际商务)
Bachelor of Marketing (市场营销)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) (经济学和化学工程)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Computer Science (经济学和计算机科学)
Bachelor of Economics,Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science (经济学和计算机科学(数据科学))
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (金融和机械工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) (金融和机电工程)
Bachelor of Finance,Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (金融和软件工程)
Bachelor of Business(Business analytics and statistics) (商学学士(商业分析与统计))
Bachelor of Commerce and Finance (商业和金融)
Master of Global Business and Advanced Finance (全球商务与高级金融)
Master of Economics (经济学)
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Finance ()
Global Executive Business Administration (全球行政人员商业管理)
Bachelor of Laws & Bachelor of Commerce (法学学士和商学学士)
Bachelor of Marketing and Media Communication ()
Graduate Certificate in Business (商务)
Master of Strategic Communications Management ()
PhD in Business and Economics ()
Master of Business-Entrepreneurship ()
Bachelor of Business Administration(Marketing and communications) (工商管理(市场营销与交流))
Bachelor of Commerce and Global Studies(Cultural competence) (商业和全球研究(文化竞争力))
Bachelor of Commerce and Music(Composition and music technology (商业和音乐(作曲与音乐技术))
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) ()
Graduate Diploma in Business (商务)
Foundation Year - Standard (本科预科课程-标准课程)
Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Master of Accounting and Master of Managemen (会计硕士和管理)
Bachelor of media communication ()
Master of Business Analytics ()
Bachelor of Science (Mathematical statistics) ()
master of business(international business) ()
Master of Business-Contemporary management ()
Master of Business(Financial and risk management) ()
Master of Business (Responsible business governance) ()
Master of Business (Strategic communications management) ()
Bachelor of Business(Financial econometrics) (商务(金融计量))
Bachelor of Business(Business studies) (商务(商业研究))
Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Marketing (商务和市场营销)
Master of Global Business ()
Bachelor of Business and Commerce-Malaysia ()
Master of Management and Master of Advanced Finance ()
商业硕士 (Master of Commerce)
Master of Management and Master of Accounting ()
Master of Global Business and Master of Accounting ()
Bachelor of Business Administration(Management Practice) ()
Bachelor of Business (商业)
Bachelor of Business,Bachelor of Fine Arts (商务和视觉艺术)
Master of Applied Marketing (应用营销学硕士)
Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (Bachelor of Business and Information Technology)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (化学工程和文学)
Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) (环境工程)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (软件工程)
Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Transport) (高级土木工程(交通))
Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Water) (高级土木工程(水资源))
Master of Advanced Electrical Engineering (高级电气工程)
Master of Advanced Engineering (Energy and Sustainability) (高级工程(能源与可持续发展))
Master of Advanced Engineering - Additive Manufacturing (高级工程-增材制造)
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) (航空航天工程)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) (土木工程)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (土木工程和文学)
Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (环境工程和文学)
Bachelor of Industrial Design,Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (工业设计和机械工程)
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) (机电工程)
Bachelor of Mining Engineering (Honours) (采矿工程)
Master of Advanced Chemical Engineering (高级化学工程)
Diploma of Engineering (大一文凭课程-工程)
Master of Professional Engineering ()
Master of Professional Engineering(Chemical engineering) (工程(化学工程))
Master of Professional Engineering(Electrical engineering) (工程(电气工程))
Master of Project Management (https://www.monash.edu/master-project-management)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) ()
Master of Advanced Engineering (Renewable and sustainable energy engineering) (高级工程(可再生能源和可持续能源工程))
Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (航空工程和文学)
Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) (电气与计算机系统工程)
Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (电气与计算机系统工程和文学)
Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (材料工程和文学)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) (化学工程)
Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours) (材料工程)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) (机械工程)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (机械工程和文学)
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (机电工程和文学)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours),Bachelor of Arts (软件工程和文学)
Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (工程硕士(电气工程))
Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering) ()
Master of Advanced Engineering-Materials engineering (高级工程-材料工程)
Master of Advanced Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (高级工程 - 机械工程)
Master of Artificial Intelligence ()
Master of Professional Engineering(Civil engineering) (工程(土木工程))
Master of Advanced Engineering-Civil engineering (Transport) ()
Master of Professional Engineering(Material Engineering) (材料工程)
Master of Business Information Systems (商业信息系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Robotics and mechatronics engineering ()
Master of Professional Engineering(Materials engineering) (工程(材料工程))
Master of Professional Engineering(Mechanical engineering) (工程(机械工程))
Master of Advanced Engineering (高级土木工程(基础设施系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Science)
Diploma of Engineering (Information Technology stream) ()
Bachelor of Engineering and Design ()
Bachelor of Engineering and Architectural Design (建筑设计和土木工程)
Master of Engineering ()
Master of Architecture (建筑)
Bachelor of Architectural Design (建筑设计)
Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours) (室内建筑)
Diploma of Art & Design (大一文凭课程-艺术与设计)
Master of Urban Planning and Design ()
Master of Green and Sustainable Technologies (Master of Green and Sustainable Technologies)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education (教育(小学、中学健康与体育教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Special Education (教育(小学与中学特殊教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (教育(小学教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Music(Creative music technology) (教育(小学教育)和音乐(创意音乐技术))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Music(Ethnomusicology and Musicology) (教育(小学教育)和音乐(民族音乐学与音乐学))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Music(Music Composition) (教育(小学教育)和音乐(音乐作曲))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Music(Music Performance) (教育(小学教育)和音乐(音乐表演))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Information Technology (教育(中学教育)和信息技术)
Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy (教育(教育领导与教育政策))
Master of Education in Expert Teaching Practice (教育(专业教学实践))
Master of Education in Inclusive and Special Education (教育(融合教育与特殊教育))
Master of Education (教育)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education (教育(小学与中学教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Music(Ethnomusicology and Musicology) (教育(中学教育)和音乐(民族音乐学与音乐学))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Music(Music Performance) (教育(中学教育)和音乐(音乐表演))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Science (教育(中学教育)和科学)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (教育(幼儿教育))
Master of Educational Leadership ()
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Visual Arts (教育(中学教育)和视觉艺术)
Master of Education in Digital Learning (教育(数字学习))
Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology (教育心理学与发展心理学)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education (教育(中学教育))
Master of TESOL (对外英语教学)
Master of Teaching in Early Years and Primary Education (教学(幼儿与小学教育))
Bachelor of Education and Fine Arts ()
Master of Leadership ()
Master of Education in Applied behaviour analysis (教育(应用行为分析))
Master of Education in General education studies (教育(普通教育研究))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years Education (教育(幼儿教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Information Technology (教育(小学教育)和信息技术)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Science (教育(小学教育)和科学)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Visual Arts (教育(小学教育)和视觉艺术)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Music(Creative Music Technology) (教育(中学教育)和音乐(创意音乐技术))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Music(Music Composition) (教育(中学教育)和音乐(音乐作曲))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education (教育(中学健康与体育教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years and Primary Education (教育(幼儿与小学教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education,Bachelor of Arts (教育(小学教育)和文学)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education,Bachelor of Arts (教育(中学教育)和文学)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Arts ()
Master of Teaching in Early childhood Education ()
Master of Education in Adult Learning (教育(成人学习))
Graduate Certificate of Education Studies (教育研究)
Graduate Certificate of Educational Research (教育研究)
Master of Counselling (咨询)
Master of Teaching in Primary and Secondary Education (教学(小学与中学教育))
Master of Teaching in Primary Education (教学(小学教育))
Master of Teaching in Secondary Education (教学(中学教育))
Master of Teaching in Early Years Education (教学(幼儿教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood and Primary Education ()
bachelor of education(primary education)(second year) ()
Master of Teaching in Secondary education (accelerated) (教学(中等教育))
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and secondary inclusive education (教育(小学和中学全纳教育))
Bachelor of Education and Fine Art (教育与美术)
Bachelor of Education(Primary education)and Fine Art (教育(小学教育)与美术)
Master of Teaching (教育教学)
master of professional counselling(Malaysia) ()
Bachelor of Education(Secondary education)and Fine Art (教育(中学教育)与美术)
Bachelor of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science (计算机科学(数据科学))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Cybersecurity) (信息技术(网路安全))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Data science) (信息技术(数据科学))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Games design) (信息技术(游戏设计))
Diploma of Science (大一文凭课程-理学)
Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours) (高级计算机科学)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Computer networks and security) (信息技术(计算机网络与安全))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Creative Computing) (信息技术(创造性计算))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Games development) (信息技术(游戏开发))
Bachelor of Information Technology(IT for business) (信息技术(商业信息技术))
Master of Business Information Systems(Archives and recordkeeping) (商业信息系统(档案与记录保管))
Bachelor of Applied Data Science ()
Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Information Technology ()
Bachelor of Information Technology(Digital Humanities) (信息技术(数字人文))
Bachelor of Information Technology (信息技术)
Bachelor of Visual Arts,Bachelor of Information Technology (视觉艺术和信息技术)
Bachelor of Communication Design,Bachelor of Information Technology (通信设计和信息技术)
Bachelor of Industrial Design,Bachelor of Information Technology (工业设计和信息技术)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Business analytics) (信息技术(商业分析学))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Business information systems) (信息技术(商业信息系统))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Multimedia Development) (信息技术(多媒体开发))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Software development) (信息技术(软件开发))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Software Engineering) (信息技术(软件工程))
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Information Technology (文学和信息技术)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Computer Science) (信息技术(计算机科学))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Information and Society) (信息技术(信息与社会))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Mobile Apps Development) (信息技术(手机应用开发))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Web Development) (信息技术(网页开发))
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) ()
Master of Business Information Systems(Business information systems studies) (商业信息系统(商业信息系统研究))
Master of Data Science (数据科学)
Master of Networks and Security (网络与安全)
Master of Information Technology (信息技术)
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Information Technology ()
Bachelor of Information Technology(Interactive media) (信息技术(交互式媒体))
Master of Business Information Systems(Library and Information Science) (商业信息系统(图书情报学))
Diploma of Information Technology (信息技术文凭课程)
Master of Cybersecurity ()
Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Science ()
Master of Computer Science (Master of Computer Science)
Master of Design (设计)
Master of Design(Advanced studies in design) (设计(高级研究))
Bachelor of design ()
Bachelor of Spatial Design (空间设计)
Master of Design(Collaborative design) (设计(协同设计))
Master of Design(Interaction Design) (设计(交互设计))
Master of Design(Multimedia Design) (设计(多媒体设计))
Bachelor of Communication Design (传媒设计)
Bachelor of Industrial Design (工业设计)
Bachelor of Collaborative Design ()
Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Media Communication ()
Bachelor of Arts(International relations) (文学学士(国际关系))
Bachelor of Arts(Journalism) (文学(新闻))
Bachelor of Arts(Literary studies) (文学(文学研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Behavioural studies) (文学学士(行为研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Communications and media studies) (文学学士(通信与媒体研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Psychology) (文学学士(心理学))
Bachelor of Arts(Linguistics) (文学(语言学))
Master of Journalism (新闻)
International Relations and Journalism(Advanced international relations) ()
Master of International Relations(Political Volence and Counter-Terrorism), Master of Journalism (国际关系(政治暴力与反恐主义)和新闻)
Master of International Relations, Master of Journalism(General Studies in International Relations) (国际关系(通识学习)和新闻)
Bachelor of Digital Media and Communication(MALAYSIA Campus) ()
Master of Marketing and Digital Communications (市场与电子传媒硕士)
Bachelor of Arts(Human geography) (文学(人文地理学))
Bachelor of Arts(Politics) (文学学士(政治))
Bachelor of Arts(Sociology) (文学学士(社会学))
Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology) (文学(人类学))
Bachelor of Arts(Criminology) (文学学士(犯罪学))
Bachelor of Arts(Film and screen studies) (文学(电影与影视研究))
Diploma of Arts (大一文凭课程-文科)
Master of International Relations and Journalism (Governance and security) ()
Journalism (Double Masters with University of Warwick) ()
Master of Communications and Media Studies (传媒与媒体研究)
Graduate Certificate of Communications and Media Studies (Graduate Certificate of Communications and Media Studies)
Master of International Relations(International Diplomacy and Trade), Master of Journalism (国际关系(国际外交与贸易)和新闻)
Master of International Relations, Master of Journalism(Journalism) (国际关系和新闻(新闻))
Master of International Relations and Journalism (国际关系(管治与安全)和新闻)
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music(Ethnomusicology and Musicology) (文学和音乐(民族音乐学和音乐学))
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music(Music Composition) (文学和音乐(音乐作曲))
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music(Music Performance) (文学和音乐(音乐表演))
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Visual Arts (文学和视觉艺术)
Bachelor of Fine Art (美术)
Bachelor of Music(Creative Music Technology) (音乐(创意音乐技术))
Bachelor of Arts and Fine Art (艺术与美术)
Arts Doctorate/PhD (艺术)
Bachelor of Global Studies(Cultural competence) (全球研究(文化竞争力))
Bachelor of Art History and Curating (艺术史与策展)
bachelor of music ()
Music(Bachelor Degree) - Composition and Music Technology ()
PhD in Art, Design and Architecture ()
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music(Creative Music Technology) (文学和音乐(创意音乐技术))
Bachelor of Arts (文学)
Bachelor of Global Studies(Global Cultural Literacies) (全球研究(全球文化素养))
Bachelor of Laws (Honours),Bachelor of Global Studies(International Studies) (法学和全球研究(国际研究))
Bachelor of Arts,Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (文学和法律)
Bachelor of Arts(Global Asia) (文学(亚洲))
Bachelor of Arts(History) (文学(历史))
Bachelor of Arts(Holocaust and genocide studies) (文学(大屠杀和种族灭绝研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Human rights) (文学(人权))
Bachelor of Arts(Theatre and performance) (文学(戏剧和表演))
Bachelor of Arts(Ukrainian studies) (文学(乌克兰研究))
Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management (国际可持续性旅游管理)
Master of Applied Linguistics(General Applied Linguistics) (应用语言学(一般应用语言学))
Master of Applied Linguistics(Teaching World Englishes for International Communication) (应用语言学(国际交流英语教学))
Master of International Relations(Governance and Security) (国际关系(管治与安全))
Master of International Relations(International Diplomacy and Trade) (国际关系(国际外交与贸易))
Bachelor of Arts(Archaeology and ancient history) (文学(考古学和古代历史))
Bachelor of Arts(Chinese studies) (文学(中文研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Indonesian studies) (文学(印尼研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Islamic studies) (文学(伊斯兰研究))
Bachelor of Art(Religious studies) (文学(宗教研究))
Master of International Relations(General Studies in International Relations) (国际关系(通识学习))
Bachelor of Global Studies(International Studies) (全球研究(国际研究))
Bachelor of Global Studies(International Relations) (全球研究(国际关系))
Introductory Academic Program (介绍性的学术课程)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours),Bachelor of Global Studies(Global Cultural Literacies) (法学和全球研究(全球文化素养))
Cultural and Creative Industries (文化与创新工业)
Bachelor of Arts(Bioethics) (文学(生物伦理学))
Bachelor of Arts(Gender studies) (文学(性别研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Indigenous cultures and histories) (文学(土著文化和历史))
Bachelor of Arts(International studies) (文学(国际学研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Japanese studies) (文学(日本研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Musical theatre) (文学(音乐剧))
Bachelor of Arts(Philosophy) (文学(哲学))
Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies (口译与笔译研究)
Master of Education. (Master of Education.)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts)
Master of International Relations(Political Violence and Counter-Terrorism) (国际关系(政治暴力与反恐主义))
Master of Cultural and Creative Industries ()
Bachelor of Arts(Jewish studies) (文学( 犹太研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Korean studies) (文学(韩国研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Music) (文学(音乐))
Master of International Development Practice (国际发展实践)
Master of Tourism (旅游)
Master of Mathematics ()
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Chemistry) (高级理学-全球挑战(化学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Computational science) (高级理学-全球挑战(计算科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Developmental biology (高级理学-全球挑战(发育生物学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Earth science) (高级理学-全球挑战(地球科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Physiology) (高级理学-全球挑战(生理学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Plant sciences) (高级理学-全球挑战(植物学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Psychology) (高级理学-全球挑战(心理学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Pure mathematics) (高级理学-全球挑战(纯数学))
Bachelor of Science(Environmental science) (理学(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science(Financial and insurance mathematics) (理学(金融与保险数学))
Bachelor of Science(Genetics and genomics) (理学(遗传学与基因组学))
Bachelor of Science(Geographical science) (理学(地理科学))
Bachelor of Science(Zoology) (理学(动物学))
Master of Environment and Sustainability ()
Master of Geographical Information Science and Technology ()
Master of Bioethics (生物伦理学)
Master of Environment and Sustainability(Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management) (环境与可持续性(企业环境与可持续管理))
Master of Environment and Sustainability(Environment and Governance) (环境与可持续性(环境与管治))
Bachelor of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Mathematical and Computational Sciences) (高级理学-全球挑战(数学与计算科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Physical and Chemical Sciences) (高级理学-全球挑战(物理与化学科学))
Bachelor of Science(Biomedical and Behavioural Sciences) (理学(生物医学与行为科学))
Master of Biotechnology (生物技术)
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Astrophysics) (天体物理学(天体物理学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Biochemistry) (高级理学-全球挑战(生化学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Ecology and conservation biology) (高级理学-全球挑战(生态保护生物学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Financial and insurance mathematics) (高级理学-全球挑战(金融与保险数学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Microbiology) (高级理学-全球挑战( 微生物学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Pharmacology) (高级理学-全球挑战(药理学))
Bachelor of Science(Applied mathematics) (理学(应用数学))
Bachelor of Science(Atmospheric science) (理学(大气科学))
Bachelor of Science(Developmental biology) (理学(发育生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Earth science) (理学(地球科学))
Bachelor of Science(Ecology and conservation biology) (理学(生态与保护生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Human pathology) (理学(人体病理学))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematical statistics) (理学(数理统计))
Bachelor of Science(Plant sciences) (理学(植物科学))
Bachelor of Science(Pure mathematics) (理学(理论数学))
Master of Environment and Sustainability(Environmental Security) (环境与可持续性(环境安全))
Master of Environment and Sustainability(Leadership for Sustainable Development) (环境与可持续性(可持续发展领导力))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Biological and Life Sciences) (高级理学-全球难题(生物与生命科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Earth and Environmental Sciences) (高级理学-全球挑战(地球与环境科学))
Bachelor of Science(Biological and Life Sciences) (理学(生物与生命科学))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematical and Computational Sciences) (理学(数学与计算科学))
Master of Financial Mathematics (金融数学)
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Applied mathematics) (高级理学-全球挑战(应用数学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Atmospheric science) (高级理学-全球挑战(空间科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Environmental science) (高级理学-全球挑战(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Genetics and genomics) (高级理学-全球挑战(遗传学与基因组学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Molecular biology) (高级理学-全球挑战(分子生物学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Physics) (高级理学-全球挑战(物理))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Zoology) (高级理学-全球挑战(动物学))
Bachelor of Science(Astrophysics) (理学(天体物理学))
Bachelor of Science(Immunology) (理学(免疫学))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematics) (理学(数学))
Bachelor of Science(Physiology) (理学(生理学))
Bachelor of Science(Psychology) (理学(心理学))
Master of Environment and Sustainability(International Development and Environment) (环境与可持续性(国际发展与环境))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Biomedical and Behavioural Sciences) (高级理学-全球挑战(生物医学与行为科学))
Bachelor of Science(Earth and Environmental Sciences) (理学(地球与环境科学))
Graduate certificate Project Management (项目管理)
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Geographical science) (高级理学-全球挑战(地理科学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Human pathology) (高级理学-全球挑战(人体病理学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Immunology) (高级理学-全球挑战(免疫学))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Mathematical statistics) (高级理学-全球挑战(数理统计))
Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours)(Mathematics) (高级理学-全球挑战(数学))
Bachelor of Science(Biochemistry) (理学(生物化学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational science) (理学(计算科学))
Bachelor of Science(Microbiology) (理学(微生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Molecular biology) (理学(分子生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Pharmacology) (理学(药理学))
Bachelor of Science(Physics) (理学(物理))
Master of Health Data Analytics (健康数据分析)
Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelor of Nursing (野生动物和护理)
Bachelor of Science(Physical and Chemical Sciences) (理学(物理与化学科学))
Bachelor of Public Health (公共健康)
Master of Advanced Nursing(Nurse practitioner) (高级护理(从业护士))
Master of Advanced Nursing(Nursing education) (高级护理(护理教育))
Master of Biomedical and Health Science (生物医学与健康科学)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
Master of Advanced Nursing(Nursing Leadership and Management) (高级护理(护理领导力与管理))
Master of Dietetics (饮食学)
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management (卫生服务管理)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (社会工作(资格))
Master of Occupational Therapy Practice (职业疗法实践)
Master of food science and agribusiness ()
Bachelor of Nutrition Science (营养科学)
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) ()
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (职业疗法)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) (物理疗法)
Master of Health Management (卫生服务管理)
Master of Occupational and Environmental Health (职业与环境卫生)
Master of Nursing Practice (护理实践)
Master of Genome Analytics (基因组分析硕士)
Master of Advanced Nursing(Intensive care nursing) (高级护理(重症监护护理))
Master of Advanced Nursing(Mental Health Nursing) (高级护理(精神健康护理))
Graduate Diploma in Occupational and Environmental Health (职业与环境卫生)
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice - Advanced Clinical Midwifery Practice (高级健康护理 - 高级临床助产实践)
Master of Advanced Nursing (高级护理)
Master of Advanced Nursing(Emergency nursing) (高级护理(紧急护理))
Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences (生殖科学)
Bachelor of Nursing (护理)
Bachelor of Nutrition (Honours) (营养学)
International Relations (Double Masters with Shanghai Jiao Tong University) (国际关系(和上海交通大学合开的双学位))
Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis (应用行为分析)
Master of Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (绿色化学和可持续技术)
Doctor of Philosophy-Arts (哲学博士-艺术)
master of counselling (咨询)
Master of Applied Linguistics (应用语言)
Bachelor of Laws and Global Studies(Cultural competence) (法学和全球研究( 文化竞争力))
Bachelor of Laws and Global Studies(Human rights) (法学和全球研究(人权))
Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences (MALAYSIA Campus) ()
Master of Science ()
Master of International Relations (国际关系)
Bachelor of Criminology (犯罪学)
Bachelor of Global Studies (全球研究)
Master of Public Policy ()
Master of International Relations(Advanced international relations) ()
Bachelor of Global Studies(Human rights) (全球研究(人权))
Bachelor of Psychology ()
Bachelor of International Relations ()
Master of International Relations(Gender, peace and security) ()
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics ()
Master of Public Policy (公共政策)
Bachelor of Health Sciences ()
Master of social work ()
Master of Clinical Research ()
Medical Science and Medicine (Medical Science and Medicine)
bachelor of nursing. (bachelor of nursing.)
Bachelor of Paramedicine (护理学)
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced medical imaging practice) (高级健康护理(高级医学影像实践))
Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced (Honours) (高级生物医学科学)
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science(Drug Discovery Biology) (药物科学(药物探索生物学))
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science(Formulation science) (药物科学(配方科学))
Doctor of Physiotherapy ()
Master of Professional Psychology (专业心理学)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy)
Master of Advanced Nursing-Disaster nursing (高级护理-灾难护理)
Pharmacy Bachelor degree/Master degree (药学)
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced occupational therapy practice) (高级健康护理(高级职业治疗实践))
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science(Medicinal Chemistry) (药物科学(药物化学))
Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine ()
Master of Pharmaceutical Science ()
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) (药学)
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced paediatric physiotherapy practice) (高级健康护理(高级儿科理疗实践))
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced paramedic practice) (先进的护理人员实践(高级护理实践))
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced primary health care practice) (高级健康护理(先进初级卫生保健实践))
Master of Advanced Health Care Practice(Advanced radiation therapy practice) (高级健康护理(高级放射治疗实践))
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics ()
Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) (放射照相与医学影像)
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours)(Drug Discovery Biology) (高级药物科学(药物探索生物学))
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours)(Formulation Science) (高级药物科学(配方科学))
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours)(Medicinal Chemistry) (高级药物科学(药物化学))
Bachelor of Paramedical ()
Master of Dispute Resolution (争端解决)
Master of Government Law and Regulatory Practice (治理法与监管实践)
Master of Intellectual Property and Communications Law (知识产权与通信法)
Master of Human Rights Law (人权法)
Master of Laws in (Health law and community) (法学(卫生法和社区))
Master of Laws in (Labour and employment law) (法律(劳工及雇佣法))
Master of Laws in (Law studies) (法学(法律研究))
Master of Laws in (Technology and innovation) (法学(技术与创新))
Master of Commercial Law (商业法)
Graduate Diploma in Law (法律)
Master of Laws in Commercial Law (法学(商业法))
Master of Laws (法学)
Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) (法学(法律博士))
Master of Laws in Criminal law and forensics (法学(刑法和法医学))
Juris Doctor ()
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (法学)
Master of Laws (LLM)-Commercial and corporate law ()
Master of Law and International Development (法律与国际发展)
Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution (法学(争端解决))
Master of Workplace and Employment Law (工作场所与环境法)
Master of Laws in Workplace and Employment Law (法学(工作场所与环境法))
Legal Studies-Commercial and Corporate Law (法学研究-商业与公司法)
Master of Laws in (Global society and human rights) (法学(全球社会与人权))
Master of Laws in (Transnational economic regulation) (法学(跨国经济监管))
Master of Laws in Government Law and Regulatory Practice (法学(治理法与监管实践))
Master of Laws in Human Rights (法学(人权法))
Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Communications Law (法学(知识产权与通信法))
Master of Laws in International and Comparative Law (法学(国际与比较法))
Master of Laws in International Development Law (法学(国际发展法))
Master of Legal Studies ()
Science and Arts ()
Lyons College
UNSW College(Formerly UNSW Global Pty Limited)
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