University of Technology Sydney
悉尼科技大学(英语:Univerity of Technology, Sydney,简称UTS)位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的市中心,是一所以商、法、科技为主的重点综合性大学。
悉尼科技大学 (Univerity of Technology, Sydney)
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学2008年被澳洲联邦政府评为教学与学生表现最佳大学,并且依据学生的学习反馈和学习成果,学校在全部四个学习领域都获得了A1评级。2008年平均87%的UTS毕业生可以找到全职工作,本科毕业生就业率达到85%,研究生就业率高达89%。UTS商学院通过了美国国际精英商学院联合会认证(AACSB International),2008年商科毕业生的就业率达到86%
1843年创校,时为悉尼机械学院(Sydney Mechanic' School of Art),是澳大利亚最早的机械类院校
1878年升格为悉尼技术院(Sydney Technical College)
1969年悉尼技术学院的一部分独立成为新南威尔士州科技学院(New South Wale Intitute of Technology)
1974年新南威尔士州科技学院(New South Wale Intitute of Technology)开始开设研究生课程,并开始使用悉尼市区的塔楼(tower building)
1987年新南威尔士州科技学院(New South Wale Intitute of Technology)在整合了悉尼技术学院其他一些院系后正式更名为悉尼科技大学(Univerity of Technology, Sydney)
1988年正式以悉尼科技大学(Univerity of Technology, Sydney)的名字对外招生,并在悉尼市中心的城市校区(city campu)进行主要教学活动
1990年合并了位于悉尼市郊的歌宁基尔Kuring-gai地区的促进教育学院(College of Advanced Education),建立了新的歌宁基尔校区(Kuring-gai)
2004年悉尼科技大学(UTS),进入到由泰晤士报评选的世界大学评比榜百强以内(one hundred in the pretigiou "World Univerity Ranking" by The Time),荣登世界百强名校之列
2007年被澳大利亚联邦政府(中央)选为"五所最佳教学和学习的大学"中的一所; 并于同年在校园内举办诺贝尔百年世界巡展悉尼.
悉尼科技大学是一所年轻而又现代的大学,这里组建有各种规模的研究组织,众多科研人员频繁而又积极地活跃于各种研究活动中,显示了学校日益强大的研究实力,同时也促进了当地及国家的经济发展与科技进步。尽管学校的历史并不长,但它一直致力于“通过实践创新推动变革,并找到切实可行的办法来解决当前国际国内问题”。学校的Strategic Invetment Area(SIAS)就反映了其研究战略方向完全符合国家和国际需求和利益。
l Strategic Invetment Area
l Science and technology
l Health
l Environmental utainability
l Creative and civil ocietie
l Buine[1]
大学还被联邦政府高等教育质量保证委员会独立地评为澳大利亚第一类大学。自 1998年以来,悉尼科技大学60%以上专业录取分数在老牌的悉尼大学之上。在由毕业生评估的最轻松完成教育经历指标上与墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学、悉尼大学等六所大学并列第一位,从另一面反映了其最高标准的教育质量。
悉尼科技大学是唯一一所位于悉尼市中心的大学。主校区园位于在悉尼市的中心,毗邻中央火车站和唐人街,步行走路即可到达悉尼歌剧院和悉尼海港大桥。大部分课程均在此教授。 Kuring-gai 和 St Leonard 校区园离主校区园坐大学班车大概 20~30 分钟。
悉尼科技大学有the Blake Library(City Campu)和the George Muir Library(Kuring-gai Campu)两所校园图书馆,收藏了大量图书、期刊、学位论文等信息资源,为全校师生教学、研究提供便利的信息服务。图书馆馆藏由印刷资料和电子资源两部分组成,共有超过74万册图书、期刊和视听资料收藏在两个校园图书馆,另有2.5万份电子期刊和3.5万本电子图书。图书馆目录信息与数据库资源24小时全天候对师生开放,可以在世界各地随时登陆图书馆网站查找所需的文献,并直接查看网络全文电子资源。对于图书馆没有收藏的所需资源,可以在网上提交预约申请。
2011年QS全球大学会计及金融学科排名(QS World Univerity Ranking by ubject Accounting&Finace , 2011):UTS排在前100名;
2010年QS全球大学排名(QS World Univerity Ranking 2010):UTS排在第257位;
世界最优秀200所大学(The World' top 200 univeritie): UTS排在第86位;
世界最顶尖的100所艺术和社科类大学(The world' top art and humanitie univeritie):UTS排第29位;
世界最顶尖100所科技大学(The world' top 100 technology univeritie):UTS排在第70位;
世界最顶尖的100所生物医学类大学(Top 100 biomedicine univeritie):UTS排第86位;
来源:The Time Higher by QS(QS是全球最权威的教育和职业排名机构)
新南威尔士州的总理Hon. Morri Iemma是UTS法学院的毕业生;
新南威尔士州首席大护士Mary Chiarella是护理与卫生学院的教授;
UTS设计并建造了两个Ka-band卫星轨道空间站,并由联邦科学部长,Hon Peter McGauran议员在UTS亲自揭幕,该项目获得了主要的工程奖;
UTS的IT学院获得澳大利亚研究理事会(Autralia Rearch Council)最多的IT科研经费,该学会是澳大利亚最权威的科研基金资助机构;
UTS IT学院的机器人足球队赢得2004年国际机器人足球公开赛的冠军;
UTS媒体艺术与制作专业的毕业生Torry Krawitz的电影短片在著名的嘎纳电影节放映;
大众传播与国际文化专业学生Amelia Quodling因其学术成就获得Goethe奖项,该奖项是由德国政府专门颁发给对德国文化学习与研究具有杰出成绩的人;
家居设计讲师Jon Goulder获得澳大利亚最具权威与价值的国家设计大奖;
UTS提供英语培训课程给予希望改善口语、书写、和学术英语技巧的学生。UTS在澳大利亚向学生提供最广泛系列的英语课程,也提供 予澳大利亚及国际学生商业、咨询科技、通讯、设计、建筑经济、数学、科学和工程等学科的基础学习和文凭课程。在商业、设计、建筑及建造、教育、工程、人文和社会科学、法律、咨询技术、护理、助产学及卫生和科学等学系,共提供了100多个大学生课程和200多个研究生课程。
两年制双学位课程,获得工程和管理领域的双赢,工程硕士/工程管理双硕士(两年制); 工程管理/工商管理双硕士(两年制);与其他普通课程不同的是,工程学院有两个学位课程提供为期6个月的在行业内实习,实习期间,学生作为见习工程师与专业的工程师一同工作。该实习项目 使学生获得工程业界的第一手经验和宝贵的实践应用知识。
是澳大利亚最大的商学院,目前绝大多数的商科专业都取消了工作经验要求,如工商管理硕士(无需工作经验); 工商管理硕士(专业会计方向,该专业获CPA认可); 市场营销硕士、国际市场营销硕士、事件管理硕士; 体育管理硕士; 旅游管理硕士等,其中体育管理硕士课程已引入中国,与清华大学合作。
开设有被誉为“国际英语教师资格认证---TESOL(对外英语教学)” 的硕士课程。 tower building
悉尼科技大学是澳大利亚科技大学联盟(Group of Autralian Technology Network)的成员。
皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT Univerity),科廷科技大学(CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY) ,昆士兰科技大学(Queenland Univerity of Technology),南澳大利亚大学(Univerity of South Autralila)
研究生课程:国内大学本科毕业,并获得国家教育部认可的学士学位;雅思成绩须达到总分6.5, 写作6分.具体课程申请要求请查看UTS Potgraduate Fee Schedule 2011.
至少已经完成国内本科一年级或完成INSEARCH文凭; 雅思成绩须达到总分6.5, 写作6分. 具体课程申请要求请查看 UTS Undergraduate Fee Schedule 2011
秋季开学: 每年3月(注: 部分课程一年中只有秋季开学, 详细情况请查看(UTS Ug/Pg Fee Schedule 2011)
春季开学: 每年8月
商学院 Faculty of Buine
建筑与设计学院 Faculty of Deign, Architecture and Building
教育学院 Faculty of Education
工程学院 Faculty of Engineering
人文学院 Faculty of Humanitie and Social Science
资讯科技学院 Faculty of Information Technology
法学院 Faculty of Law
护理学院 Faculty of Nuring, Midwifery and Health
理学院 Faculty of Science
MBA(LWE)和MBA(Profeional Accounting)不需工作经验
大部分课程: IELTS:总分 6.5, 写作6.0
教育类课程: IELTS:总分6.5-7.0 ,写作6.0
秋季开学:3月 春季开学:7月
Inearch UTS
UTS 的中英文双语教学的MBA(MI)自开设以来深受国际与澳大利亚教育界瞩目与肯定,是澳大利亚目前最具规模和影响力的MBA课程之一。为配合学生的学习要求,课程提供多重选择性:学生入学时可选择修读工商管理硕士、研究生文凭和研究生证书;其中硕士班的学生更可在财务与国际商业的领域内选择副主修。大部分科目皆在晚间及周末上课。工商管理硕士Mater of Buine Adminitration (MandarinInternational) /MBA (MI)、工商管理研究生文凭Graduate Diploma in BuineAdminitration (Mandarin International) /GDBA (MI)和工商管理研究生证书GraduateCertificate in Buine Adminitration (Mandarin International) / GDBA(MI)毕业生将获得悉尼科技大学颁发与英文MBA、GDBA和GCBA毕业生相同头衔的学历资格(不附加MI或 MandarinInternational)。
UTS继成功开设MBA(MI)中文国际工商管理硕士课程后,又于2000年1月开设了中、英文双语教学的国际法律与法学硕士课程。具有任何专业学士学位的人士可申请国际法律硕士Mater of Legal Studie (MandarinInternational)/MLS(MI)。具备澳大利亚或中国大学法学学士学位之人可申请国际法学硕士Mater of Law(Mandarin International)/LLM(MI)。此二课程皆为一年制。MSL(MI)与LLM(MI)的毕业生将获得悉尼科技大学颁发与英文授课毕业生相同学衔的硕士学位。即MSL或LLM。以上两种课程的中国籍毕业生有可能申请中国注册律师资格。
上海大学悉尼工商学院,SILC(Sydney Intitute of Language and Commerce)始于1994年,国内最早成立的公立中外合作商学院,是上海大学直属学院,是全国211工程重点建设高校的中外合作商学院,合作外方为澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(Univerity of Technology, Sydney),为悉尼科技大学海外最大合作院校。
Master of Strategic Communication (Extension) ()
Graduate Diploma in Finance (金融)
Graduate Diploma in Creative and Cultural Industries Management (创意与文化产业管理)
Graduate Certificate in Management (管理)
Graduate Certificate in Project Management (项目管理)
Master of Behavioural Economics ()
Graduate Certificate in Tourism Management (旅游管理)
Graduate Diploma in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management (非盈利社会企业管理)
Bachelor of Accounting (会计)
Master of Business Analytics ()
Bachelor of Proerpty Economics (企业经济学学士)
Graduate Certificate in Financial Analysis (金融分析)
Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship (创业工商管理)
Graduate Certificate in Finance (金融)
Master of Creative and Cultural Industries Management (创意文化产业管理)
Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Graduate Diploma in Property Development (不动产开发)
Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (产权经济学与国际研究艺术)
Graduate Certificate in Accounting and Finance ()
Master of Mathematics and Quantitative Finance ()
UTS Foundation Studies(Standard) (本科预科(标准))
Master of Event Management (Extension) ()
master of supply chain management (master of supply chain management)
Graduate Diploma in Financial Analysis (金融分析)
Graduate Diploma in Sport Management (运动管理)
Graduate Diploma in Strategic Supply Chain Management (战略供应链管理)
Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management (旅游管理)
Graduate Diploma in Event Management (活动管理)
Master of Real Estate Investment (不动产投资)
Bachelor of Property Economics (产权经济学)
Graduate Certificate in Strategic Supply Chain Management (战略供应链管理)
Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business (生物科技与商业)
Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (商业与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business (科学与商业)
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business (医学科学与商业)
Master of Marketing (市场营销)
Master of Sport Management (运动管理)
Diploma Programs Business (商务方向国际大一)
UTS Foundation Studies(Extended) (本科预科(扩展))
bachelor of commerce (bachelor of commerce)
Master of Business Analystics (Master of Business Analystics)
Graduate Certificate in Marketing (市场营销)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (工商管理)
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management (健康服务管理)
Graduate Diploma in Management (管理)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (工商管理)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws (经济学和法律)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (工程(荣誉)与商务)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business (工程(荣誉)与商务)
Master of Management (管理)
Master of Health Services Management and Planning (健康服务管理与规划)
Master of Financial Analysis (金融分析)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Master of Health Services Management (健康服务管理)
Master of Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws (商业与法律)
Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (管理与文学-国际关系)
Master of Finance (金融)
Master of Project Management (项目管理)
Bachelor of Management (管理)
Master of Management (Extension) (管理(扩展))
Master of Quantitative Finance ()
diploma in business (商业文凭)
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management (战略供应链管理)
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (商业与信息科技科学)
Master of Marketing (Extension) (市场营销(扩展))
Master of Tourism Management (旅游管理)
Master of Finance (Extension) (金融(扩展))
Diploma of Business (商科)
Diploma in business (extended) ()
Master of Human Resource Management (Extension) (人力资源管理(扩展))
Master of Professional Accounting (Extension) (专业会计(扩展))
Doctor of Philosophy ()
Graduate Certificate in Business Immersion and Career Transition ()
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) ()
Bachelor of Property Economics (Honours) (产权经济学(荣誉))
Bachelor of Economics (经济学)
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (商业与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (商业与国际研究艺术)
Master of Property Development (房地产开发)
Master of Event Management (活动管理)
Master of Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management (非盈利社会企业管理)
Bachelor of Business (商业)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Property Development and Project Management (房地产规划与项目管理)
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management (Extension) ()
Diploma Programs Engineering (工程方向国际大一)
Diploma of Engineering ()
Master of Information Systems ()
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Studies (工程研究)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (工程(荣誉)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science (工程(荣誉)与医学科学)
Master of Environmental Engineering Management (环境工程管理)
Graduate Certificate in Science (科学)
Graduate Diploma in Good Manufacturing Practice (良好制造实践)
Graduate Certificate in Good Manufacturing Practice (良好制造实践)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science (工程(荣誉)与科学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (工程(荣誉)与科学)
Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration (工程管理与工商管理)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering (工程)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (工程管理)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (工程(荣誉)与创造性智慧与创新)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (工程(荣誉))
Bachelor of Engineering Science (工程科学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-ICTE major,network security engineering sub-major (工程(荣誉)-ICTE,网络安全工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-civil engineering major,construction specialisation (工程(荣誉)-土木工程,建造分支)
Bachelor of Construction Project Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (建设项目管理与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-ICTE major,telecommunication eng sub-major (工程(荣誉)-ICTE)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-ICTE major,software engineering sub-major (工程(荣誉)-ICTE)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (工程(荣誉))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-biomedical engineering major (工程(荣誉)-医学工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-ICTE major,computer system sub major (工程(荣誉)-ICTE,计算机系统)
Bachelor of Engineering Studies ()
Bachelor of Information Systems ()
Master of Professional Engineering (项目工程)
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering Management (环境工程管理)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-mechatronic engineering major (工程(荣誉)-机电一体化)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-civil engineering major,structures specialisation (工程(荣誉)-土木工程,结构分支)
Master of Good Manufacturing Practice (良好制造实践)
Master of Information Technology (Advanced) (信息科技)
Master of Engineering Management (工程管理)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-civil engineering major (工程(荣誉)土木工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-electrical engineering major (工程(荣誉)-电子工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-mechanical engineering major (工程(荣誉)-机械工程)
Master of Information Technology (Extension) (信息科技(扩展))
Master of Engineering (Extension) (工程(扩展))
Master of Engineering (工程)
Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management (工程与工程管理)
Master of Information Technology (信息科技)
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws (工程与法律)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (工程(荣誉)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice (工程(荣誉)与医学科学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-environmental engineering major (工程(荣誉)-环境工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-innovation major,electrical engineering specialisation (工程(荣誉)-创新,电子工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-mechanical and mechatronic engineering major (工程(荣誉)-机械工程与机电一体化)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-civil and environmental engineering major (工程(荣誉)-土木与环境工程)
Master of Engineering (Advanced) (工程(高级))
Graduate Certificate in Technology Practice (技术实践研究生证书)
Master of Property Development and Planning (房地产开发与规划硕士)
Diploma Programs Design & Architecture (设计与建筑方向国际大一)
Graduate Diploma in Planning (规划)
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (园林建筑)
Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (建筑与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Construction Project Management (建设项目管理)
Master of Architecture (建筑)
Master of Planning (规划)
Bachelor of Design in Architecture (建筑设计)
Master of Landscape Architecture (景观建筑)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics and TESOL (应用语言学与对外英语教学)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics and TESOL (应用语言学与对外英语教学)
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Honours) (艺术与教育(荣誉))
Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (文学与教育)
Master of Applied Linguistics and TESOL (应用语言学与对外英语教学)
Master of Education (Learning and Leadership) (教育 (学习与领导关系))
Master of Teaching in Secondary Education (中学教育教学)
Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (教育与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies (文学-教育研究)
Master of Cybersecurity ()
Diploma Programs Communication (通信方向国际大一)
Bachelor of Computing Science (计算机科学学士)
Diploma Programs Information Technology (信息技术方向国际大一)
Master of Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Bachelor of Information Technology (信息科技)
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (信息科技)
Bachelor of Cybersecurity ()
Graduate Certificate in Internetworking (互联网)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology (信息科技科学(荣誉))
Bachelor of Science in Games Development (游戏开发科学)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (信息科技与国际研究艺术)
Graduate Diploma in Digital Information Management (信息管理)
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Studies (信息科技研究)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice (信息科技)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (信息科技)
Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension) (互联网科学(扩展))
Master of Digital Information Management (信息管理)
Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence ()
Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours) (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence ()
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Laws (信息科技科学与法律)
Master of Science in Internetworking (互联网科学)
Master of Interaction Design ()
Graduate Diploma in Design (设计)
Bachelor of Design in Product Design ()
Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (动漫设计与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design (综合产品设计)
Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (室内空间设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (室内设计与空间设计与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (时尚及纺织品设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (综合产品设计与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Design in Animation Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (动漫设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture ()
Master of Interaction Design (Extension) ()
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (设计时尚与纺织与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Design in Animation (动漫设计)
Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (音乐与声音设计,文学-国际关系)
Master of Animation and Visualisation (动画与可视化)
Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (综合产品设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design (室内空间设计)
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles (时尚与纺织品设计)
Bachelor of Music and Sound Design (音乐与声音设计)
Master of Design (设计)
Diploma of Design & Architecture ()
Graduate Certificate in Communication (传播学)
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) ()
Master of Advanced Journalism ()
Bachelor of Animation Production (动画制作)
Graduate Diploma in Journalism (新闻学)
Graduate Certificate in Media Arts and Production (媒体艺术与产品)
Graduate Diploma in Communication Management (沟通管理)
Graduate Diploma in Integrated Communication (综合沟通)
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(社会与政治科学)与法律)
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) (沟通(创意写作))
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (沟通(创意写作)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) (沟通(社会与政治科学))
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (沟通(公共通信)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (沟通(新闻学)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(新闻学)与法律)
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(公共沟通)与法律)
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (视觉传达设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (沟通(媒体艺术与产品)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(媒体艺术与产品)与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(创意写作)与法律)
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication (视觉传达)
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(社会与政治科学)与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (沟通(数字与社会媒体)与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(数字与社会媒体)与创意智力与创新)
Master of Media Practice and Industry ()
Graduate Diploma in Media Arts and Production (媒体艺术与产品)
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (视觉传达与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) (沟通(公共交流))
Master of Arts in Communication Management (沟通管理艺术)
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) (沟通(媒体艺术与产品))
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) (沟通(数字与社会媒体))
Master of Media Arts and Production (媒体艺术与产品)
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(数字与社会媒体)与法律)
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) (沟通(新闻学))
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(新闻学)与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws (沟通(媒体艺术与产品)与法律)
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (传播(社会与政治科学)与国际研究)
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(公共通信)与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (沟通(创意写作)与创意智力及创新)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (体育与运动管理与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (体育与运动科学及国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Photography and Situated Media (摄影与媒体设计)
Bachelor of Sound and Music Design (声音与音乐设计)
Bachelor of Sound and Music Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (声音与音乐设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Design in Photography (设计-摄影)
Bachelor of Design in Photography Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (设计-摄影,文学-国际关系)
Bachelor of Design in Photography and Situated Media Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (摄影与媒体设计与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (信息科技科学与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (体育与运动科学与创意智力与创新)
Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing (创意写作)
Master of TESOL and Applied Linguistics (Extension) (Master of TESOL and Applied Linguistics (Extension))
Master of TESOL and Applied Linguistics (TESOL和应用语言学)
Bachelor of communication (Journalism ) (Bachelor of communication (Journalism ))
Master of Arts in Creative Writing (创意写作)
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (科学与创意智力与创新)
Diploma Programs Science (理学方向国际大一)
bachelor of psychology ()
Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (数学与计算与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (科学与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
Bachelor of Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics (生物医学物理)
Bachelor of Science in Analytics (分析科学)
Bachelor of Biomedical Physics Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (生物医学物理与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Forensic Science (鉴识科学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (生物技术)
Bachelor of Science (科学)
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (医学化学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (医学科学)
Bachelor of Forensic Science in Applied Chemistry (应用化学法医科学)
Bachelor of Technology and Innovation (技术与创新)
diploma of science ()
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (法律与创意智力与创新)
Master of Science (Honours) (科学(荣誉))
Master of Science (Extension) (科学(扩展))
Master of Data Science and Innovation (数据科学与创新)
Master of Science (科学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing (数学与计算)
Bachelor of Science in Analytics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (分析科学与国际研究艺术)
Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (传统中医健康科学)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (高级科学)
Bachelor of Environmental Biology (环境生物学)
Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (高级科学与创意智力及创新)
Master of Physiotherapy (理疗硕士)
Graduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing (高级护理)
Graduate Certificate in Health Policy (健康政策)
Graduate Diploma in Public Health (公共健康)
Graduate Diploma in Health Policy (健康政策)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management (体育与运动管理)
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (护理与国际研究艺术)
Master of Public Health (公共健康)
Master of Public Health (Advanced) (公共健康(高级))
Graduate Diploma in Primary Health Care (初级保健护理)
Master of Primary Health Care (初级保健护理)
Master of Orthoptics (视轴矫正法)
Master of Health Policy (Extension) (健康政策(扩展))
Master of Pharmacy (International) (药学(国际))
Bachelor of Nursing (护理)
bachelor of public health ()
Master of Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
Bachelor of Health Science (健康科学)
Master of Primary Health Care (Advanced) (初级保健护理(高级))
Master of Health Policy (健康政策)
Master of Pharmacy (药学)
Master of Strategic Communication ()
Master of Medical Biotechnology ()
Graduate Diploma in Public Relations (公共关系)
Diploma of Communication (传媒)
Bachelor of Sustainability and Environment ()
Bachelor of Business of Arts in International Studies (国际研究)
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (法律和文学-国际研究)
Master of Local Government (本地治理)
Master of Science (Mathematical and Statistical Modelling major) ()
Bachelor of Global Studies (全球研究)
aster of Science (Mathematical and Statistical Modelling major) ()
Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (护理与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (医学科学与国际研究艺术)
Master of Speech Pathology ()
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (医学化学与创意智力与创新)
Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (传统中医健康科学与国际研究艺术)
Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies (法律研究)
Graduate Diploma in Australian Law (澳大利亚法律)
Graduate Certificate in Australian Law (澳大利亚法律)
Bachelor of Laws (法律)
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws (科学与法律)
Master of Laws (法律)
Juris Doctor (法律)
Master of Legal Studies (法律研究)
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws (鉴识科学与法律)
Master of Dispute Resolution (纠纷调解)
Master of International Commercial and Business Law ()
Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution (纠纷调解)
Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice (专业法律实践)
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws (医学科学与法律)
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