Flinders University
弗林德斯大学(The Flinder Univerity)建于1966年,以1802年探索南澳海岸的英国航海家Matthew Flinder命名,是澳大利亚的一所现代化的大学,充满活力与进取精神,拥有“学生的大学”之美誉。作为英联邦大学协会的成员,其授予的学位国际公认。学校以“创新,杰出和公平”为宗旨,将传统的价值观和改革创新的理念融合在一起,提供当今社会需要的课程。弗林德斯在研究和实验发展所投入的经费,连续多年在澳大利亚位居前列。
2、该大学在医学研究上的成就主要表现在于相关的医疗机构建立了合作关系,这样就会给学校的研究成果带来实践的机会以及商业上的利益。还可以与一些知名国家机构共同参与一些高水平的研究项目。 特色设施:学校共有四座图书馆,为学生提供宽敞的阅读和学习场所。同时,还为所有学生提供微型胶片、视听资料、微型计算机及各方面的光盘数据库等资源设施。学生可免费通过专用终端接国际互联网使用借阅设施和收发电子邮件。校学生会为大家提供各种服务,学校还提供各种各样的生活娱乐设施,设备齐全的健身房及许多一流的运动场地。
1、著名政治参议员John Faulkner.
2、国家时报编辑 Brian Toohey
3、政治家和环保主义者Bob Brown
4、澳大利亚广播公司主席Donald McDonald AC 学校荣誉弗林德斯大学在物理研究方面非常知名,尤其是在原子、分子、等离子学以及核物理学领域取得了杰出的贡献。同时在分子的合成,分子动力学,物理有机学等高端研究领域方面,弗林德斯大学的专家也享誉盛名。弗林德斯大学的气象专家建成了世界先进的大气测量施。同时该校的海洋学家设计并启动了全国潮汐中心,该中心现在设在气象局。
2、弗林德斯大学的Faith Trent教授自1997年就开始担任教育,人文,法律以及技术学院的院长,同时1992-1996年曾为促进高校教学国家委员会委员,现在Trent教授是南澳高等教育多元文化委员会的委员。
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (会计和金融学)
Bachelor of Banking and Finance (银行和金融学士)
Bachelor of Business (商科)
Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) (工商管理(人力资源管理))
Master of Business Administration (International Business) (工商管理(国际商务))
Master of Business Administration (Marketing) (工商管理(市场营销))
Master of Business Administration Future Business (工商管理-未来业务)
Graduate Diploma in Health Administration (卫生管理)
Master of Health Administration (卫生管理)
Bachelor of Business (Management) ()
Bachelor of Accounting (会计学)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (商业(市场营销))
Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) (商业(体育管理))
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration Industry Focused (工商管理-行业聚焦)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering Management (工程管理)
Master of Engineering Management (工程管理)
Bachelor of Business (International Business) ()
Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (环境管理与可持续发展硕士)
Bachelor of Business (International Business) (商业(国际商业))
Bachelor of Commerce (商业)
Bachelor of Finance and Business Economics (金融和商业经济学)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) 1 year (商业)
Master of Business Administration (Healthcare Management) (工商管理(医疗保健管理))
Master of Business Administration Industry Focused (工商管理-行业聚焦)
Master in Business Administration (Social Impact) (工商管理(社会影响))
Master of Accounting and Marketing (会计和营销)
Master of Business (Research) (商业硕士(研究))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) 1 year (创意艺术)
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) (商业(人力资源管理))
Bachelor of Business (Management) (商业(管理))
Bachelor of Business Economics (商业经济学)
Bachelor of Finance (金融学)
Master of Business Administration (Business Analytics) (工商管理(商业分析))
Master of Business Administration (Finance) (工商管理(金融))
Master of Accounting (会计)
Graduate Diploma in Research Methods (College of Business, Government and Law) (研究方法)
Pre-Masters Business Program (商务预科课程)
Diploma of Commerce (国际大一-商科方向)
Master of Business(Health) (商务(健康))
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (商务(市场营销))
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) (商业(会计/金融))
Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership) (商业(高级领导))
Graduate Diploma in Research Methods (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work) (研究方法)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Graduate Diploma in Research Methods (College of Medicine and Public Health) (研究方法)
Diploma in Business ()
Master of Accounting (Master of Accounting)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Business(International Business) (商务(国际商务))
Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership) (商务(高级领导))
Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) (商业(金融))
Master of Accounting and Marketing ()
Master of Business (商务)
Bachelor of Business (Business Economics) (商务(商业经济学))
Bachelor of Commerce (Sustainability) (商业(可持续性))
Master of Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
Bachelor of International Tourism (国际旅游)
Master of Applied Business Analytics (应用商业分析)
Master of Business Administration Future Business (工商管理-未来商业)
Master of Business Administration Industry Focused (工商管理-行业重点)
Graduate Certificate in Social Impact (社会影响)
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) (工程(生物医学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) (工程(土木))
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)/ Master of Engineering Management (工程学士(土木工程)(荣誉)/工程管理硕士)
Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) (Honours) (工程(环境))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - General Entry (工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) (工程(机械))
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Biomedical) (工程(机械)/工程(生物医学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)/ Master of Engineering Management (工程(机械)/工程管理)
Master of Engineering (Civil) (工程(土木))
Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (工程(电气和电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Maritime) (Honours) (工程(海事))
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) (工程(机器人学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (工程学士(机器人)(荣誉)/工程硕士(电气和电子))
Master of Engineering (Mechanical) (工程(机械))
Master of Engineering Science (Civil) (工程科学(土木))
Master of Engineering Management ()
Master of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Biomedical) (工程(生物医学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Mechanical) (工程学士(电气和电子)(荣誉),工程硕士(机械))
Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Civil) (工程学士(环境)(荣誉),工程硕士(土木工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours) (工程(软件))
Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical) (工程科学(生物医学))
Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical) (工程科学(机械))
Bachelor of Design and Technology (设计与技术)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours) (工程(电气和电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)/Master of Engineering Management (工程学士(电气和电子)(荣誉)/工程管理硕士)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Design) (工程技术(先进制造和数字设计))
Bachelor of Engineering Science (工程科学)
Master of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic) (工程科学(电气和电子))
Diploma of Science (国际大一-科学方向)
Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical) (工程科学硕士(生物医学))
Master of Engineering Science (工程科学)
Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (电气与电子工程)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science (工程科学)
Master of Engineering (Materials) (工程(材料))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours) (工程(电气))
Master of Engineering (Electronics) (工程(电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Honours) (工程(电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) (Honours) (工程(计算机系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) / Master of Engineering (Electronics) (工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours) (工程(造船))
Master of Engineering (Biomedical) (工程(生物医学))
Bachelor of Education ()
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary) (文学学士,教学硕士(中学))
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Health and Physical Education) (教育学(中学健康和体育教育))
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (教育(中学))
Master of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health in Education (教育中的幸福和积极的心理健康)
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) (文学学士,教学硕士(小学R-7年级))
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Health Sciences (教育(中学)和健康科学)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth - 8) (幼儿教育(出生-8岁))
Bachelor of Inclusive and Specialised Education (Early Childhood) (包容性和专业性教育(幼儿教育))
Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity (运动、健康与体育锻炼)
Bachelor of Education (Honours) 1 year (教育学(荣誉))
Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity (Honours) 1 year (运动、健康和体育活动(荣誉))
Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice-1.5 years (认知心理学和教育实践)
Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice (认知心理学和教育实践)
Master of Education-1.5 years (教育)
Master of Leadership in Education-1.5 years (教育领导力)
Master of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health in Education-1.5 years (教育中的幸福和积极的心理健康)
Graduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (英语教学硕士文凭(TESOL))
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (教育(小学))
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (文学学士,教学硕士(幼儿教育))
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (残疾和发展教育)
Bachelor of Inclusive and Specialised Education (Secondary) (全纳教育和特殊教育(中学))
Master of Education (教育)
Master of Leadership in Education (教育领导力)
Master of Teaching (Primary) - Accelerated (教学(小学))
Master of Teaching (Secondary) - Accelerated (教学(中学))
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学(TESOL))
Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学(TESOL))
Bachelor of Inclusive and Specialised Education (Primary) (全纳教育和特殊教育(小学))
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education-1.5 years (全纳教育和特殊教育)
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education (全纳教育和特殊教育)
Master of Teaching (Primary) (教学(小学))
Master of Teaching (Secondary) (教学(中学))
Graduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学(TESOL))
Graduate Certificate in Education (教育)
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (对外英语教学)
Master of Education - Basic Entry Level (教育-基础入学级别)
Master of Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice) - Basic Entry Level (教育(认知心理学))
Master of Teaching English as a Second Language (对外英语教学)
Master of Psychology(Clinical) (心理学(临床))
Graduate Certificate in Education (Special Education) (教育(特殊教育))
Master of Education (Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment) (教育(教育研究、诊断与评估))
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Birth - 8) (幼儿教育学士(出生-8岁))
Master of Education (Leadership and Management) (教育(领导与管理))
Master of Education (Special Education) (教育(特殊教育))
Master of Teaching (Primary R - 7) (教学(小学))
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (残疾与发展教育)
Master of Teaching (Birth to 5) (教学(出生至 5 岁))
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (教学(幼儿教育))
Graduate Certificate in Leading Mental Health and Wellbeing (Workplace and Community) (领导心理健康和福祉(工作场所和社区))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Game Development) (Honours) (信息技术(游戏开发))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (信息技术)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Machine Learning) (Honours) (信息技术(机器学习))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (信息技术(网络和网络安全系统))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours) (信息技术(网络与网络安全系统))
Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (计算机科学)
Graduate Diploma in Data Science (数据科学)
Master of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (信息技术(网络和网络安全系统))
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)/Master of Science (Mathematics) (计算机科学(荣誉)学士/科学(数学)硕士)
Bachelor of Information Technology (信息科技)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Business and Information Systems) (信息技术(商业和信息系统))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Business and Information Systems) (Honours) (信息技术(商业和信息系统))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) 1 year (信息技术)
Bachelor of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (计算机科学(人工智能))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Data Analytics) (信息技术(数据分析))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Forensics) (信息技术(数字取证))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Machine Learning) (信息技术(机器学习))
Master of Data Science (数据科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours) (计算机科学(人工智能))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Data Analytics) (Honours) (信息技术(数据分析))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Forensics) (Honours) (信息技术(数字取证))
Master of Geospatial Information Science (地质信息系统)
Bachelor of Information Technology (信息技术)
Pre Masters Information Technology Program (信息技术)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Game Development) (信息技术(游戏开发))
Master of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (计算机科学(人工智能))
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (信息科技)
Master of Science (Computer Science) (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (信息技术(数字媒体))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (信息科技)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (Honours) (信息技术(数字媒体))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (信息科技(网络与网络安全))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours) (信息科技(网络与网络安全))
Master of Information Technology (信息科技)
Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation (设计与科技创新)
Bachelor of Design and Technology (Honours) 1 year (设计与技术)
Graduate Certificate in Virtual Production (虚拟生产)
Master of Virtual Production (1 year) (虚拟生产)
Master of Media and Communication-1 years (媒体和通信)
Graduate Diploma in Screen and Media Production (影视与媒体制作)
Graduate Diploma in Media and Communication (媒体和通信)
Master of Screen and Media Production (Basic level entry) (银幕与媒体制作硕士(基础水平入门))
Master of Screen and Media Production (Advanced level entry) (银幕与媒体制作硕士(高级阶段入学))
Master of Virtual Production (虚拟生产)
Bachelor of Media and Communication (媒体和传播学)
Graduate Certificate in Media and Communication (媒体与传播)
Master of Media and Communication (媒体和通信)
Master of Media and Communication-1.5 years (媒体和通信)
Graduate Diploma in Virtual Production (虚拟生产)
Graduate Certificate in Screen and Media Production (影视与媒体制作)
Master of Screen and Media Production (屏幕与媒体制作)
Master of Digital Communications (数字通信)
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Interactive Design) (创意产业(互动设计))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Music) (创意产业(音乐))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Theatre and Performance) (创意产业(戏剧和表演))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Writing and Publishing) (创意产业(写作与出版))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design) (VET pathway) (创意艺术(服装设计)(职教途径))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) (创意艺术(创意写作))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) (创意文学(戏剧))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Game Production) (创意艺术(游戏制作))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) (创意艺术(屏幕))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) (创意艺术(视觉效果和娱乐设计))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Festivals and Arts Production) (创意产业(节庆和艺术制作))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) (VET pathway) (创意艺术(时装)(职教途径))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Digital Media) (创意产业(数字媒体))
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Film and Television) (创意产业(电影和电视))
Master of Arts by Research in Creative and Performing Arts (创作和表演艺术研究)
Bachelor of Media Arts (媒体艺术)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) ()
Master of Virtual Production (2 years) (虚拟制作)
Graduate Diploma in Virtual Production (虚拟制作)
Graduate Certificate in Visual Effects (Lighting & Environments) (视觉效果(灯光与环境))
Master of Virtual Production (1 year) (虚拟制作)
Graduate Certificate in Virtual Production (虚拟制作)
Graduate Certificate in Visual Effects (3D Assets) (视觉效果(3D))
Graduate Certificate in Visual Effects (Animation) (视觉效果(动画))
Bachelor of Arts-English (文学-英语)
Bachelor of Arts-French (文学-法语)
Bachelor of Arts-Geography and environmental studies (文学-地理和环境研究)
Bachelor of Arts-History (文学-历史学)
Bachelor of Arts and Science (文学和科学)
Bachelor of Arts (文学)
Bachelor of Arts-Law and society (文学-法律与社会)
Bachelor of Arts-Medieval and Early Modern Studies (文学-中世纪和早期现代研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Modern Greek (文学-现代希腊语)
Bachelor of Arts-Philosophy (文学-哲学)
Bachelor of Arts-Sociology (文学-社会学)
Bachelor of Arts-Spanish (文学-西班牙语)
Bachelor of Arts-Visual arts (文学-视觉艺术)
Bachelor of Arts-Women's and gender studies (文学-妇女和性别研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Professional Futures) (文学(专业前景))
Master of Arts (Women's and Gender Studies) (文学(妇女和性别研究))
Bachelor of Arts-Applied linguistics (文学-应用语言学)
Bachelor of Arts-Archaeology (文学-考古学)
Bachelor of Arts-Criminology (文学-犯罪学)
Bachelor of Arts-Indonesian (文学-印度尼西亚语)
Bachelor of Arts-Italian (文学-意大利语)
Bachelor of Arts-Politics (文学-政治学)
Bachelor of Arts-Psychology (文学-心理学)
Bachelor of Arts-Creative writing (文学-创意写作)
Bachelor of Arts-Drama (文学-戏剧)
Bachelor of Arts-Indigenous and Australian studies (文学-土著和澳大利亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Innovation and enterprise (文学-创新和企业)
Bachelor of Arts-International relations (文学-国际关系)
Bachelor of Arts-Screen and media (文学-屏幕和媒体)
Bachelor of Languages (语言)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year (文学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Criminology (文学-犯罪学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Indigenous and Australian studies (文学-土著和澳大利亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Creative writing (文学-创意写作)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Screen and media (文学-屏幕和媒体)
Foundation Program (Standard) (预科课程(标准))
Foundation Program (Extended) (预科课程(延长))
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)- Psychology major only (心理学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-English (文学-英语)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-French (文学-法语)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Italian (文学-意大利语)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Modern Greek (文学-现代希腊语)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Spanish (文学-西班牙语)
Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies (神学研究)
Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies (神学研究)
Master of Arts by Research in History and Archaeology (历史和考古学研究文学硕士)
Master of Arts by Research in Language, Literature and Culture (语言、文学和文化研究)
Master of Theological Studies (神学研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Applied linguistics (文学-应用语言学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Archaeology (文学-考古学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Geography and environmental studies (文学-地理和环境研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Women’s and gender studies (文学-妇女和性别研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Drama (文学-戏剧)
Master of Arts by Research in Social Sciences (社会科学研究)
Master of Disability Policy and Practice (残疾政策与实践)
Graduate Certificate in Archaeology (考古学)
Master of Arts (International Relations) (文学(国际关系))
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management (Basic level entry) (考古与遗产管理)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-History (文学-历史学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Innovation and enterprise (文学-创新和企业)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-International relations (文学-国际关系)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Law and society (文学-法律和社会)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Philosophy (文学-哲学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Politics (文学-政治学)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 year-Sociology (文学-社会学)
Graduate Diploma in International Relations (国际关系)
Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management (考古与遗产管理)
Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies (残疾研究)
Master of Arts (Women's Studies) (文学(妇女研究))
Master of Language Studies (语言研究)
Bachelor of Theology (神学)
Graduate Certificate in Development Administration (发展管理)
Graduate Certificate in International Development (国际发展)
Graduate Certificate in International Relations (国际关系)
Master of International Development (国际发展)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) (创意文学(创意写作))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) (创意文学(数字媒体))
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) (创意文学(影视))
Bachelor of Archaeology (考古学)
English for Academic Purposes (学术英语)
Bachelor of Science-Aquatic biology (理学-水生生物学)
Bachelor of Science-Biochemistry and molecular biology (理学-生物化学和分子生物学)
Bachelor of Science-Chemistry (理学-化学)
Bachelor of Science-Cognitive science (理学-认知科学)
Bachelor of Science-Statistics (理学-统计学)
Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation) (理学(动物多样性换与保护))
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (理学(生物技术))
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (理学(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Computer science (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Ecology and evolutionary biology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-生态学和进化生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Environmental hydrology and water resources (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-环境水文学和水资源)
Bachelor of Science (Plant Science) (理科(植物科学))
Master of Sustainable Development (可持续发展)
Master of Science (Water Resources Management) (理学(水资源管理))
Bachelor of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science-Animal biology (理学-动物生物学)
Bachelor of Science-Environmental management (理学-环境管理)
Bachelor of Science-Geography (理学-地理学)
Bachelor of Science-Mathematics (理学-数学)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) (理学(动物行为学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour) (理学(动物行为学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity and Conservation) (理学(动物多样性换与保护))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers) (理科(高成就者的强化课程))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Microbiology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-微生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Ocean and climate sciences (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-海洋和气候科学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Physics (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-物理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Plant biology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-植物生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Statistics (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-统计学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Biological Sciences (理学-生物科学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Chemical and Physical Sciences (理学-化学和物理科学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Environment (理学-环境)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (数学研究)
Bachelor of Science-Computer science (理学-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Science-Environmental hydrology and water resources (理学-环境水文学和水资源)
Bachelor of Science-Microbiology (理学-微生物学)
Bachelor of Science-Physics (理学-物理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Animal biology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-动物生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Aquatic biology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-水生生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Chemistry (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-化学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Geography (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-地理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology) (理学(海洋生物))
Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) (理学(海洋生物))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year (理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Biotechnology (理学-生物技术)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Mathematics and Statistics (理学-数学和统计学)
Graduate Diploma in Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产养殖))
Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology) (理学(地下水水文))
Graduate Diploma in Science (Groundwater Hydrology) (理学(地下水水文))
Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development (可持续发展)
MSC Master of Science - Research (理学-研究)
Bachelor of Science (Chemical Sciences) (理学(化学科学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology) (理学(生物科技))
Bachelor of Science (Physics) (理学(物理学))
Master of Science (Physics) (理学(物理))
Master of Science (Environmental Science) (理学(环境科学))
Bachelor of Environment (环境)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) (数学研究)
Master of Science (Mathematics) (理学(数学))
Bachelor of Science-Ecology and evolutionary biology (理学-生态学和进化生物学)
Bachelor of Science-Ocean and climate sciences (理学-海洋和气候科学)
Bachelor of Science-Plant biology (理学-植物生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Biochemistry and molecular biology (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-生物化学和分子生物学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Cognitive science (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-认知科学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Environmental management (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-环境管理)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers)-Mathematics (理科(高成就者的强化课程)-数学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science) (理科(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences) (理学(化学科学))
Master of Biotechnology (生物技术)
Master of Science (Biology) (理学(生物学))
Graduate Diploma in Clean Technology (清洁技术)
Graduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems (地质信息系统)
Graduate Diploma in Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产学))
Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems (地质信息系统)
Graduate Certificate in Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产学))
Graduate Certificate in Science (Groundwater Hydrology) (理学(地下水水文))
Bachelor of Science (Life Sciences) (理科(生命科学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) 1 year-Computer Science (理学-计算机科学)
Master of Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产养殖))
Graduate Certificate in Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产养殖))
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Development (可持续发展)
Graduate Diploma in Science (Water Resources Management) (理学(水资源管理))
Master of Maritime Archaeology (海洋考古)
Master of Science (Aquaculture) (理学(水产学))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) - an enhanced program for high achievers (理学(强化课程))
Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) (理学(海洋生物与水产))
Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) (理学(纳米科技))
Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science) (理学(法医与分析))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Palaeontology) (理学(古生物学))
Graduate Diploma in Geospatial Information Systems (地理空间信息系统)
Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Information Systems (地理空间信息系统)
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management (环境管理)
Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology (纳米科技)
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (营养学与饮食学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physics) (理科(物理学))
Bachelor of Science (Palaeontology) (理学(古生物学))
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (营养学与饮食学)
Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) (护士(预注册))
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (生物技术)
Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology (海上考古)
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management (环境管理)
Graduate Certificate in Science (Water Resources Management) (理学(水资源管理))
Master of Environmental Management (环境管理)
Bachelor of Speech Pathology (言语病理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) (海洋(纳米科技))
Master of Science (Chemistry) (理学(化学))
Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (环境管理与可持续发展)
Master of Geospatial Information Systems (地理空间信息系统)
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (生物技术)
Master of Nanotechnology (纳米科技)
Master of Biotechnology Studies (生物技术研究)
Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems (应用地理学信息系统)
Bachelor of Science (Clean Technology) (理学(清洁能源技术))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Clean Technology) (理学(清洁能源技术))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Science) (理学(法医与分析))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) (理学(海洋生物与水产))
Master of Environmental Health (环境卫生)
Master of Forensic Science (Biology) (法医科学(生物))
Master of Forensic Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) (法证科学(法证和分析化学))
Bachelor of Human Nutrition (人类营养学)
Master of Clinical Education (Research) (临床教育(研究))
Graduate Certificate in Disability Practice (残障实践)
Master of Disability Practice and Leadership (1.5 years) (残疾人实践与领导力)
Masters of Disability Practice and Leadership (Developmental Education) (残疾实践与领导力(发展教育))
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care (姑息治疗)
Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care (姑息治疗)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Accelerated) (医学科学)
Bachelor of Paramedic Science (护理科学)
Bachelor of Public Health (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Neuroscience (医学科学-神经科学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Cancer biology (医学科学-癌症生物学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Cardiovascular research (医学科学-心血管研究)
Associate Degree in Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine) (医学副学士学位(检验医学))
Bachelor of Health Sciences (健康科学)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Physiology and Neuroscience) (健康科学(生理学和神经科学))
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Psychology) (健康科学(心理学))
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) 1 year (健康科学)
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (临床运动生理学)
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation (临床康复)
Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (2 years) (临床康复)
Graduate Certificate in Disability Practice and Leadership (残疾实践和领导力)
Bachelor of Disability and Community Inclusion (残疾和社区融入)
Bachelor of Exercise Science (运动科学)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Digital Health) (健康科学(数字健康))
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science) / Master of Optometry (健康科学(视觉科学)学士/验光硕士)
Bachelor of Health Sciences / Master of Physiotherapy (健康科学学士/物理治疗硕士)
Master of Disability Practice and Leadership (残疾人实践与领导力)
Master of Palliative Care (姑息治疗)
Master of Speech Pathology (言语病理学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (医学科学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year (医学科学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Mircobiology (医学科学-微生物学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Genetics (医学科学-遗传学)
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours) (行为科学)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Nursing(Pre - Registration) (护理学)
Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry) (心理学研究)
Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (心理学)
Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care in Developing Countries (初级卫生保健(发展中国家))
Bachelor of Exercise Science / Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (运动科学学士/临床运动生理学硕士)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Therapy Studies) (健康科学(治疗学))
Bachelor of Health Sciences / Master of Occupational Therapy (健康科学学士/职业治疗硕士)
Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (Research) (临床康复(研究))
Master of Physiotherapy (物理疗法)
Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine (临床科学学士,医学博士)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Biochemistry (医学科学-生物化学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Biotechnology (医学科学-生物技术)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Molecular biology (医学科学-分子生物学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Precision Dosing (医学科学-精确用药)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (心理科学)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (心理科学)
Master of Counselling (Behavioural Health) (辅导(行为健康))
Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion (健康促进)
Master of Public Health-1.5 years (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Nurshing - Graduate Entry (护理学)
Graduate Certificate in Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling (失败、悲痛与创伤咨询)
Master of Health and International Development (健康与国际发展)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 1 year-Opthalmology (医学科学-眼科学)
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (心理学)
Graduate Diploma in Counselling (Behavioural Health) (辅导(行为健康))
Graduate Certificate in Counselling (Behavioural Health) (辅导(行为健康))
Master of Professional Psychology (专业心理学)
Graduate Diploma in Health Administration (健康管理)
Flinders University Academy, Pre-masters Health Program ()
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (信息技术)
Master of Science (Health Administration) (理学(健康管理))
Master of Health Administration (1.5 years) (卫生管理)
Master of Audiology (听力学)
Master of Occupational Therapy (职业疗法)
Master of Health Administration (健康管理)
Nursing (Acute Care) (护理(急症护理))
Bachelor of Nursing (Post-registration) (护理本科(已注册))
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) (行为科学(心理学))
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (心理学(临床))
Master of Disability Practice and Leadership (2 years) (残疾人实践与领导力)
Master of Nursing (护理学)
Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science (国际关系和政治学)
Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science (Honours) (国际关系和政治学(荣誉))
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year-Human evolution (考古学-人类进化)
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year-Ancient studies (考古学-古代研究)
Master of Public Administration (公共管理)
Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Analysis (性别主流化政策和分析)
Master of Maritime Archaeology (海上考古学)
Bachelor of Geospatial Information Systems (地理空间信息系统)
Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual (社会和个体)
Master of International Relations (国际关系)
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Administration (公共管理)
Bachelor of Tourism and Events (旅游与活动)
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year (考古学)
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year-Maritime and underwater archaeology (考古学-海洋和水下考古学)
Master of Maritime Archaeology (1.5 years) (海上考古学)
Master of Social Work (Graduate Entry) (社会工作)
Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science (Honours) 1 year (国际关系和政治学)
Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (公共管理)
Master of Public Policy (公共政策)
Bachelor of Government and Public Management (治理与公共管理)
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (公共政策)
Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (认知行为治疗)
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year-Indigenous archaeology (考古学-土著考古学)
Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) 1 year-Cultural heritage management (考古学-文化遗产管理)
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management (Basic level entry)-1.5 years (考古与遗产管理)
Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology (海上考古学)
Bachelor of Exercise Science ()
Bachelor of Social Work (社会工作)
Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management (考古学与遗产管理)
Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (公共管理)
Master of Public Administration (Management) (公共管理)
Master of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (认知行为治疗)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Special Education) / Bachelor of Disability Studies (教育(幼儿教育与特殊教育)和残疾研究)
Bachelor of Law and Society (法与社会)
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy (公共政策)
Doctor of Philosophy (心理学博士)
Master of Public Administration (Policy) (公共管理)
Bachelor of Criminology (犯罪学)
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Administration (公共政策与行政管理)
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management (2 years) (考古学与遗产管理)
Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Analysis (性别主流化政策与分析)
Master of Maritime Archaeology (2 years) (海上考古学)
Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual (社会与个人)
Master of Social Work (社会工作)
Bachelor of Education (Primary R - 7)/ Bachelor of Arts (教育(小学)和文学)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Languages (教育(中学)和语言)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Special Education (教育(中学与特殊教育)和残疾研究)
Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management (1.5 years) (考古学与遗产管理)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine) (医学(检验医学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Primary Health Care) (护理学(初级卫生保健))
Bachelor of Midwifery (Preregistration) (助产士(注册前))
Master of Health and Clinical Research (健康和临床研究)
Master of Applied Gerontology (应用老年医学)
Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate entry) ()
Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Acute Care) (护理学(急症护理))
Graduate Diploma in Applied Gerontology (应用老年医学)
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery (助产)
Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care in Aged Care (姑息治疗(老年人))
Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (临床康复)
Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) (护理学(注册前))
Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate entry) (护理学)
Master of Nursing (Acute Care) (护理学(急症护理))
Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care) (护理学(初级卫生保健))
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Rehabilitation (临床康复)
Master of Midwifery (助产)
Master of Palliative Care in Aged Care (姑息治疗(老年人))
Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-Registration) (护理(预注册))
Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) (犯罪学)
Bachelor of Criminology (Innovation) (犯罪学(创新))
Bachelor of Laws (法学)
Master of Laws (Research) (法律硕士(研究))
Bachelor of Criminology (Cybersecurity) (犯罪学(网络安全))
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (法学与法律实践)
Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) 1 year (犯罪学)
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) (法学和法律实践)
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) (法学与法律实践)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Special Education) / Disability Studies (教育(幼儿教育与特殊教育)和残疾研究)
Bachelor of Education (Primary R - 7), Bachelor of Arts (教育(小学)和文学)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)/Bachelor of Arts (教育(幼儿教育)和文学)
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