Australian National University
学生以研究生为主,本科生较少,学生总体规模不大,但学术气氛浓厚。学校为研究提供了大量设施,包括核磁共振观察仪、高清晰度显微镜,多功能望远镜。同时,它还在堪培拉的Mt Stromlo和新南威士州的Siding Spring设置了观察中心。
ANU于社会科学领域(Social Science)即经济学、法学、商学、教育学、政治学、文学、历史与地理学、哲学、心理学、人类学、社会工作与分析、人口统计学、语言学、大陆与民族文化学习的综合排名,稳居全澳学术研究的牛耳,位列世界前20名。在自然科学领域(Natural Science)即物理学、化学、生物学、计算机科学、药学、数学、电子与软件系统、建筑学、太空科学、地质学、地球科学、农业科学、兽医科学、食品与营养科学、海洋与植物科学、生态与环境科学等科学研究,澳大利亚国立大学亦居第一领导地位。在艺术与人文领域(Art and Humanitie)澳大利亚国家大学亦名列澳大利亚第1,世界前20名。在工程与科技领域(Engineering and Technology)澳大利亚国家大学位居澳大利亚第三,世界前三十名。在医学领域(Medicine)澳大利亚国家大学居全澳第五,世界前四十名。资料取自于英国泰晤士高等教育-世界大学排名-学界学科互评。
学校拥有大量的现代化设施,其中包括设备优良的演讲厅和实验室,全澳洲最先进的超级计算机中心(APACNationalFacility http://www.apac.edu.au/)。此外,校园里有银行、邮局和各类商店,而且还有众多提供各类口味的餐馆,其中包括一家广东人开的自助餐厅。
本校的艺术中心,如大学美术训练馆、堪培拉艺术、美术学校、图像美术馆、堪培拉Llewellgn音乐学校等组织丰富的文化活动。这里还有大约100个俱乐部和社团,包括亚洲电影协会、堪培拉海外学生咨询会,及Hare Krihna Vegetarian社团。
考古实践Archaeological practice、开发研究reearch and development、国际关系international relation、社会工作ocial work、数字艺术digital art、音乐muic、新媒体艺术new media art、设计艺术 deign art、可视艺术viual art、亚洲研究Aian tudie、安全性分析afety analyi、翻译 tranlation、保险精算actuarial、商科buine、经济学、金融、国际商务(亚洲、欧洲)、工程学、计算机科学、信息技术、法律、医疗、软件工程、调查、生物技术、光子学、心理学、资源和环境管理、通讯科学等等。
ANU于社会科学领域(Social Science)即经济学、法学、商学、教育学、政治学、文学、历史与地理学、哲学、心理学、人类学、社会工作与分析、人口统计学、语言学、大陆与民族文化学习的综合排名,稳居全澳学术研究的牛耳,位列世界前20名。
在自然科学领域(Natural Science)即物理学、化学、生物学、计算机科学、药学、数学、电子与软件系统、建筑学ˋ太空科学、地质学、地球科学、农业科学、兽医科学、食品与营养科学、海洋与植物科学、生态与环境科学等科学研究,ANU亦居No. 1 领导地位。
在艺术与人文领域 (Art and Humanitie) 澳大利亚国家大学亦名列澳大利亚第1, 世界前20名.在工程与科技领域 (Engineering and Technology) 澳大利亚国家大学位居澳大利亚第三, 世界前三十名.在医学领域 (Medicine) 澳大利亚国家大学居全澳第五, 世界前四十名.资料取自于英国泰晤士高等教育- 世界大学学排名- 学界学科互评。
ANU Express program (本科预科-快捷课程)
Bachelor of Commerce(Business Information Systems) (商业(商务信息系统))
Bachelor of Commerce(Marketing) (商务(市场营销))
Foundation Studies (本科预科)
Bachelor of Commerce(Corporate Sustainability) (商业(可持续性合作))
Bachelor of Commerce(Finance) (商业(金融))
Bachelor of Commerce(International Business) (商业(国际商务))
Bachelor of Commerce(Management) (商业(管理))
Bachelor of Finance (金融)
Bachelor of Finance, Economics and Statistics (Honours) (金融、经济与统计)
Bachelor of International Business (国际商务)
Master of International and Development Economics (国际与发展经济)
Master of Accounting (会计)
Master of Leadership (领导)
Master of Financial Management and Law ()
Bachelor of Finance (Honours) (金融学)
Graduate Certificate of Accounting (会计)
Graduate Certificate of Management (管理)
Graduate Diploma of Economics (经济学)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (工商管理(高级))
Master of International Management (Advanced) (国际管理(高级))
Master of Management (Advanced) (管理(高级))
international business (国际商务)
Graduate Diploma in applied data analytics ()
Master of Science in Quantum Technology ()
Bachelor of Computing /Bachelor of Economics ()
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) (会计)
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Honours) (精算研究)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (工商管理)
Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting (商业-会计)
Bachelor of Commerce-Corporate Sustainability (商业-可持续性合作)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)-Business Information Systems (商业-商业信息系统)
Bachelor of Economics (Honours) (经济学)
Graduate Certificate of Digital Transformation (数字化转型)
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial Statistics (金融与精算统计)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Management Core (企业与创新-管理核心)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Marketing (企业与创新-市场营销)
Master of International Management-Business Information systems (国际管理-商业信息系统)
Master of International Management-Management Core (国际管理-管理核心)
Master of International Management-Marketing (国际管理-市场营销)
Master of Management-Management Essentials (管理-管理基础)
Master of Management-Project Management (管理-项目管理)
Master of Marketing Management-Business Information systems (市场营销管理-商业信息系统)
Master of Marketing Management-Management Essentials (市场营销管理-管理基础)
Master of Project Management-Leadership (项目管理-领导力)
Master of Project Management-Marketing (项目管理-市场营销)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (政治、哲学和经济学)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) (商业)
Bachelor of International Business (Honours) (国际商务)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours in Actuarial Studies & Economics) (社会科学(精算研究与经济学荣誉))
Bachelor of Statistics (Honours) (统计学)
Flexible Double Degree - Arts, Social Sciences, Business, Science (灵活的双学位 - 文科、社会科学、商科、理科)
Graduate Certificate of Economics (经济学)
Master of Applied Accounting (应用会计)
Master of Financial Management and Law (财务管理和法律)
Bachelor of Commerce-Economic Studies (商业-经济学)
Master of Applied Accounting and Master of Financial Management (应用会计硕士和财务管理)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (企业与创新)
Master of International Management-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (国际管理-创业与创新)
Master of International Management-International Business (国际管理-国际商务)
Master of International Management-Leadership (国际管理-领导力)
Master of Marketing Management-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (市场营销管理-创业与创新)
Master of Marketing Management-International Business (市场营销管理-国际商务)
Master of Marketing Management-Leadership (市场营销管理-领导力)
Master of Applied Finance (应用金融)
Bachelor of Finance-Capital Markets (金融-资本市场)
Bachelor of Finance-Quantitative Finance (金融-定量金融)
Master of Economic Policy (经济政策)
Master of Financial Management and Law-Private Commercial Law (金融管理与法律硕士--私人商业法)
Master of International Management (国际管理)
Master of International Management-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (国际管理硕士--创业与创新)
Master of International Management-International Business (国际管理硕士--国际商务)
Master of Management-Marketing (管理学硕士--市场营销)
Master of Marketing Management-International Business (营销管理硕士--国际商务)
Master of Marketing Management-Leadership (营销管理硕士--领导力)
Master of Applied Accounting and Master of Financial Management (应用会计硕士和财务管理硕士)
Master of Business Information Systems-International Business (商业信息系统硕士--国际商务)
Master of Business Information Systems-Leadership (商业信息系统硕士--领导力)
Master of Business Information Systems-Management Essentials (商业信息系统硕士--管理精要)
Master of Business Information Systems-Marketing (商业信息系统硕士--市场营销)
Master of Financial Management (金融管理学)
Master of Financial Management and Law (财务管理与法律)
Master of Project Management-Leadership (项目管理硕士--领导力)
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial Statistics-Statistics (金融与精算统计学研究生证书--统计学)
Master of International Management-Business Information systems (国际管理硕士--商业信息系统)
Master of International Management-Leadership (国际管理硕士--领导力)
Master of International Management-Management Essentials (国际管理硕士--管理要点)
Master of International Management-Project Management (国际管理硕士--项目管理)
Master of Marketing Management (营销管理)
Master of Management-Digital Transformation (管理学硕士--数字化转型)
Master of Project Management (项目管理)
Master of Project Management-Business Information systems (项目管理硕士--商业信息系统)
Master of Project Management-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (项目管理硕士--创业与创新)
Master of Project Management-International Business (项目管理硕士--国际商务)
Master of Statistical Data Analysis (统计数据分析)
Graduate Certificate of Management-Digital Transformation (管理学研究生证书--数字化转型)
Graduate Certificate of Management-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (管理学研究生证书--创业与创新)
Graduate Certificate of Management-International Business (管理学研究生证书--国际商务)
Graduate Certificate of Management-Leadership (管理学研究生证书--领导力)
Bachelor of Accounting (会计)
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (精算研究)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours in Actuarial Studies and Economics) (社会科学(精算研究与经济学))
Bachelor of Statistics (统计学)
Master of Economics (经济学)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Advanced) (企业与创新(高级))
Master of Business Information Systems (Advanced) ()
Business ()
Bachelor of Science -Mathematics ()
Bachelor of Commerce (商业)
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) (商业(会计))
Bachelor of Economics (经济学)
Bachelor of Finance (Honours). (Bachelor of Finance (Honours).)
Master of Applied Accounting ()
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics (环境与资源经济)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Leadership (Advanced) (领导(高级))
Master of Marketing Management (Advanced) (市场营销管理(高级))
Master of Applied Accounting and Master of Financial Management ()
Bachelor of Finance, Economics and Statistics (Honours) (金融,经济与统计学)
Bachelor of Business Administration (工商管理)
Bachelor of Commerce-Finance (商业-金融学)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)-International Business (商业-国际商务)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)-Management (商业-管理学)
Bachelor of FinanceBachelor of Finance-Asian Capital Markets (金融-亚洲资本市场)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Business Information systems (企业与创新-商业信息系统)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (企业与创新-创业与创新)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-International Business (企业与创新-国际商务)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Leadership (企业与创新-领导力)
Master of Management-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (管理-创业与创新)
Master of Management-International Business (管理-国际商务)
Master of Project Management-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (项目管理-创业与创新)
Master of Project Management-International Business (项目管理-国际商务)
Master of Statistical Data Analysis ()
Bachelor of Commerce-Business Information Systems (商业-商务信息系统)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)-Marketing (商业-市场营销)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Management Essentials (企业与创新-管理基础)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Project Management (企业与创新-项目管理)
Master of International Management-Management Essentials (国际管理-管理基础)
Master of International Management-Project Management (国际管理-项目管理)
Master of Management-Digital Transformation (管理-数字化转型)
Master of Management-Marketing (管理-市场营销)
Master of Management-Leadership (管理-领导力)
Master of Marketing Management-Management Core (市场营销管理-管理核心)
Master of Marketing Management-Project Management (市场营销管理-项目管理)
Master of Project Management-Business Information systems (项目管理-商业信息系统)
Master of Project Management-Management Core (项目管理-管理核心课程)
Master of Business Information Systems (商业信息系统)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与创新)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-International Business (创业与创新硕士--国际商务)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Leadership (创业与创新硕士--领导力)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Management Essentials (创业与创新硕士--管理要点)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Marketing (创业与创新硕士--市场营销)
Master of Marketing Management-Business Information systems (市场营销管理硕士--商业信息系统)
Master of Marketing Management-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (营销管理硕士--创业与创新)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Master of Applied Economics (应用经济学)
Master of Business Information Systems-Entrepreneurship & Innovation (商业信息系统硕士--创业与创新)
Master of Business Information Systems-Project Management (商业信息系统硕士--项目管理)
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial Statistics-Actuarial Statistics (金融与精算统计学研究生证书--精算统计学)
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial Statistics-Actuarial Studies (金融与精算统计研究生证书--精算研究)
Graduate Certificate of Finance and Actuarial Statistics-Finance (金融与精算统计研究生证书--金融)
Graduate Certificate of Management (管理学)
Master of Commerce (Advanced) (商学硕士(高级))
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Business Information systems (创业与创新硕士--商业信息系统)
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation-Project Management (创业与创新硕士--项目管理)
Master of Finance (金融学)
Master of Financial Economics (金融经济学)
Master of International Management-Marketing (国际管理硕士--市场营销)
Master of Management (管理学)
Master of Management-International Business (管理学硕士--国际商务)
Master of Marketing Management-Management Essentials (营销管理硕士--管理要点)
Master of Marketing Management-Project Management (营销管理硕士--项目管理)
Master of Project Management-Marketing (项目管理硕士--市场营销)
Master of Statistics (统计学)
Graduate Certificate of Management-Business Information systems (管理学研究生证书--商业信息系统)
Graduate Certificate of Management-Project Management (管理学研究生证书--项目管理)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electronic and Communication Systems) (工程(电子与通讯系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechatronic Systems) (工程(机电系统))
Bachelor of Genetics (遗传学)
Master of Engineering in Mechatronics (机电工程)
Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision ()
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering ()
Master of Science ()
Flexible Double Engineering and Advanced Computing ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Electronic and Communication Systems (工程-电子和通信系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) (工程学(研究与开发))
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Aerospace Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-航空航天系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Aerospace Systems (工程-航空航天系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering (软件工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Environmental Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-环境系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Mechatronic Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-机电系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Nuclear Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-核能系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Renewable Energy Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-可再生能源系统)
Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (电气工程)
Master of Engineering in Robotics, Automation and Control (机器人、自动化与控制工程)
master of engineering in robotics,automation and control ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Photonic Systems) (工程(光子系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Renewable Energy Systems) (工程(可再生能源系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Sustainable Systems) (工程(可持续性系统))
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) (工程(研发))
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) (软件工程)
Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy (可再生能源)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Artificial Intelligence ()
Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and Astrophysics ()
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Material Systems) (工程(电子与材料系统))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (生物技术)
Master of Engineering in Digital Systems and Telecommunications (数字系统与电信工程)
Master of Engineering in Photonics (光学工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Environmental Systems (工程-环境系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Mechatronic Systems (工程-机电系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Nuclear Systems (工程-核能系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-Renewable Energy Systems (工程-可再生能源系统)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)-Electronic and Communication Systems (工程学(研究与开发)-电子和通信系统)
Flexible Double Degree - Engineering and Advanced Computing (Honours) (灵活双学位:工程学与高级计算机(荣誉))
Master of Engineering in Energy Systems (能源系统)
Master of Philosophy, Research School of Physics (Master of Philosophy, Research School of Physics)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible-Computational Foundations (高级计算-计算机基础)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)Flexible (高级计算(研发))
ANU Diploma of Computing (国际大一-计算机)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible (高级计算)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible-Computer Engineering (高级计算-计算机工程)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible-Human-Centric Computing (高级计算-以人为中心的计算)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible-Information-Intensive Computing (高级计算-信息密集型计算)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Flexible-Intelligent Systems (高级计算-智能系统)
Bachelor of Information Technology (信息技术)
Master of Computing(Computational Foundations) (计算(计算基础))
Master of Computing(Software Engineering) (计算(软件工程))
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)(Artificial Intelligence) ()
Bachelor of Science ( Honours) (Bachelor of Science ( Honours))
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (Honours) (应用数据分析)
Master of Applied Cybernetics (Advanced) (应用控制论(高级))
Graduate Diploma of Applied Cybernetics (应用控制论)
Master of Computing(Artificial Intelligence) (计算(人工智能))
Master of Computing(Computer Systems) (计算(计算机系统))
Master of Computing(Professional Computing) (计算(专业计算))
Master of Innovation and Professional Practice (创新与专业实践)
Master of Computing(Human Centred Design and Software Development) ()
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) (高级计算机)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)-Systems and Architecture (高级计算机-系统与架构)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering (软件工程(荣誉)工程学士)
Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours) (工程学士(研究与发展))
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (信息科技)
Graduate Certificate of Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision (机器学习和计算机视觉)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)-Human-Centred and Creative Computing (高级计算机(研究与开发)-以人为本的创意计算)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)-Machine Learning (高级计算机(研究与开发)-机器学习)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)-Systems and Architecture (高级计算机(研究与开发)-系统与架构)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)-Theoretical Computer Science (高级计算机(研究与开发)-理论计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computing (Honours) (计算机)
Graduate Diploma of Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
Master of Applied Cybernetics (应用控制论)
Master of Computing (Advanced) (计算机(高级))
Master of Computing (Advanced) (计算机硕士(高级))
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Machine Learning (计算机硕士(高级)--机器学习)
Master of Computing (计算机)
Master of Computing-Machine Learning (计算机硕士--机器学习)
Master of Computing (计算)
Master of Computing ()
Master of Computing-Artificial Intelligence (计算机硕士--人工智能)
Master of Computing-Computational Foundations (计算机硕士--计算基础)
Master of Computing-Computer Systems (计算机硕士--计算机系统)
bachelor of computing (计算机)
Master of Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
Master of Computing(Information and Human Centred Computing) (计算(信息与基于人的计算))
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours) (高级计算机(研究与开发))
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
Graduate Diploma of Computing (计算机)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)-Artificial Intelligence (高级计算机-人工智能)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)-Human-Centred and Creative Computing (高级计算机-以人为本的创意计算)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)-Machine Learning (高级计算机-机器学习)
Bachelor of Computing (计算机)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)-Theoretical Computer Science (高级计算机-理论计算机科学)
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)-Artificial Intelligence (高级计算机(研究与开发)-人工智能)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Artificial Intelligence (计算机硕士(高级)--人工智能)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Computational Foundations (计算机硕士(高级)--计算基础)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Computer Systems (计算机硕士(高级)--计算机系统)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Data Science (计算机硕士(高级)--数据科学)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Human-Centred and Creative Computing (计算机硕士(高级)--以人为本的创意计算机)
Master of Computing (Advanced)-Professional Computing (计算机硕士(高级)--专业计算机)
Master of Computing-Data Science (计算机硕士--数据科学)
Master of Computing-Professional Computing (计算机硕士--专业计算机)
Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision (机器学习与计算机视觉)
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Painting) (视觉艺术(绘画))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Printmedia and Drawing) (视觉艺术(印刷品与绘图))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Sculpture) (视觉艺术(雕刻))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Textiles) (视觉艺术(纺织))
Master of Design (Advanced) (设计(高级))
Bachelor of Design (设计)
Bachelor of Design (Honours) (设计)
Bachelor of Design Arts (设计)
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Gold and Silversmithing) (视觉艺术(金器与银器))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Ceramics) (视觉艺术(陶瓷))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Furniture) (视觉艺术(家具))
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Glass) (视觉艺术(玻璃))
Doctor of Philosophy, Research School of Humanities and the Arts ()
Bachelor of Visual Arts(Photomedia) (视觉艺术(图片流))
Master of Design (设计)
Bachelor of Music (音乐)
Master of Digital Arts (数字艺术)
Master of Visual Arts (视觉艺术)
Master of Contemporary Art Practices (当代艺术实践)
Master of Music (音乐)
Master of Music (Advanced) (音乐(高级))
Bachelor of Music (Honours) (音乐)
Bachelor of Music-performance (音乐-表演)
Bachelor of Music-composition (音乐-作曲)
Master of Contemporary Art Practices (Advanced) (当代艺术实践(高级))
Bachelor of Visual Arts (视觉艺术)
Bachelor of Music-musicology (音乐-音乐学)
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies (艺术史与策展研究)
Flexible Double Masters (灵活的双硕士)
Diploma of Music (国际大一-音乐)
Bachelor of Music(Composition, Arranging and Sound Design) (音乐(作曲、编排与声音设计))
Bachelor of Music(Music Technology) (音乐(音乐技术))
Bachelor of Music(Musicology) (音乐(乐理))
Bachelor of Music(Performance) (音乐(表演))
Bachelor of Arts(Music) (文学(音乐))
Master of Visual Arts (Advanced) (视觉艺术(高级))
Bachelor of Design ()
Master of Digital Arts (Advanced) (数字艺术(高级))
Master of Arts - Arts Administration / Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (艺术硕士 - 艺术管理 / 博物馆和遗产研究硕士)
Master of Contemporary Practices in Art and Design (Master of Contemporary Practices in Art and Design)
Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (Honours) (艺术史与策展)
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours) (视觉艺术)
Bachelor of Music-composition for film and video games (音乐-电影和视频游戏作曲)
Bachelor of Music-music technology (音乐-音乐技术)
Master of Contemporary Art Practices (Advanced) (当代艺术实践硕士(高级))
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies (Advanced) (艺术史与策展研究硕士(高级))
ANU Diploma of Liberal Studies (国际大一-人文学科)
Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship Flexible (文学史与管理)
Bachelor of Arts(Art History) (文学(文学史))
Bachelor of Arts(Asian Studies) (文学(亚洲研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Criminology) (文学(犯罪学))
Bachelor of Arts(Gender, Sexuality and Culture) (文学(性别与文化))
Bachelor of Arts(German Language and Culture) (文学(德语语言与文化))
Bachelor of Arts(Italian Language and Culture) (文学(意语与文化))
Bachelor of Arts(Mathematics) (文学(数学))
Bachelor of Arts(Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies) (文学(中东与中亚研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Pacific Studies) (文学(太平洋研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Political Science) (文学(政治研究))
Master of Strategic Studies(Advanced) (战略研究(高级))
Bachelor of Arts(Ancient Greek) (文学(古希腊语))
Bachelor of Arts(Biological Anthropology) (文学(生物人类学))
Bachelor of Arts(Chinese Language) (文学(中文语言))
Bachelor of Arts(Contemporary Europe) (文学(当代欧洲))
Bachelor of Arts(Hindi Language) (文学(印地语))
Bachelor of Arts(History) (文学(历史))
Bachelor of Arts(Human Rights) (文学(人权))
Bachelor of Arts(Indonesian Language) (文学(印尼语))
Bachelor of Arts(Persian) (文学(波斯语))
Bachelor of Arts(Urdu Language) (文学(乌尔都语))
Bachelor of Arts(Vietnamese Language) (文学(越南语))
Master of Archaeological Science (考古科学)
Master of Archaeological Science (Advanced) (考古科学(高级))
Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development (应用人类学与参与式发展)
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies(Advanced) (文学史与策展研究(高级))
Master of Biological Anthropology (生物人类学)
Master of Globalisation(Advanced) (全球化(高级))
Master of Islam in the Modern World (Advanced) (现代伊斯兰教(高级))
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced) (博物馆与遗传研究(高级))
Master of Studies (Advanced) (研究(高级))
Master of Diplomacy (外交)
Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (艺术史与策展)
Diploma of Languages (语言学)
Master of Classical Studies (古典研究)
Master of Culture Health and Medicine (文化卫生与医学)
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture (数字人文与公众文化)
Master of History(Advanced) (历史(高级))
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (中东与中亚研究)
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (Advanced) (中东与中亚研究(高级))
Master of International Relations(Advanced) (国际关系(高级))
Master of National Security Policy (国家安全政策)
Master of Strategic Studies (战略研究)
Graduate Certificate of Arts (文学)
Bachelor of Languages-French Language and Culture (语言学-法语与文化)
Bachelor of Languages-Hindi Language (语言学-印地语)
Bachelor of Languages-Persian (语言学-波斯语)
Bachelor of Languages-Spanish (语言学-西班牙语)
Master of Classical Studies (Advanced) (古典研究(高级))
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture (Advanced) (数字人文与公众文化(高级))
Bachelor of Languages-Arabic (语言学-阿拉伯语)
Bachelor of Languages-Chinese Language (语言学-中文)
Bachelor of Languages-Thai Language (语言学-泰语)
Bachelor of Languages-Vietnamese Language (语言学-越南语)
Master of History (历史)
Master of History (Advanced) (历史(高级))
Bachelor of Arts-Digital Humanities (文学-数字人文)
Bachelor of Arts-International Communication (文学-国际交流)
Bachelor of Arts-Linguistics (文学-语言学)
Master of General and Applied Linguistics (普通与应用语言学)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies-Intangible Cultural Heritage (博物馆与遗产研究硕士--非物质文化遗产)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced)-Museums and Collections (博物馆与遗产研究硕士(高级)--博物馆与藏品)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (文学士)
Master of History (历史学)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (博物馆与遗产研究)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced) (博物馆与遗产研究硕士(高级))
Diploma of Liberal Studies (文学)
Bachelor of Archaeological Practice Flexible (考古实践)
Bachelor of Arts(Ancient History) (文学(古代史))
Bachelor of Arts(Anthropology) (文学(人类学))
Bachelor of Arts(Arabic) (文学(阿拉伯语))
Bachelor of Arts(Archaeology) (文学(考古学))
Bachelor of Arts(Japanese Language) (文学(日语))
Bachelor of Arts(Korean Language) (文学(韩语))
Bachelor of Arts(Latin American Studies) (文学(拉丁美洲研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Latin) (文学(拉丁语))
Bachelor of Arts(Sanskrit Language) (文学(梵语))
Bachelor of Arts(Spanish) (文学(西语))
Bachelor of Arts(Thai Language) (文学(泰语))
Bachelor of Classical Studies (古典研究)
Bachelor of Languages (语言)
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Arts and Social Science (哲学(文学与社会科学))
Bachelor of Arts(Art Theory) (文学(文学理论))
Bachelor of Arts(Australian Indigenous Studies) (文学(澳洲土著研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Development Studies) (文学(发展研究))
Bachelor of Arts(Environmental Studies) (文学(环境研究))
Bachelor of Arts(European History) (文学(欧洲历史))
Bachelor of Arts(French Language and Culture) (文学(法语语言与文化))
Bachelor of Arts(Geography) (文学(地理))
Bachelor of Arts(International Relations) (文学(国际关系))
Bachelor of Arts(Philosophy) (文学(哲学))
Bachelor of Arts(Psychology) (文学(心理学))
Bachelor of Latin American Studies (拉丁美洲研究)
Master of Anthropology (人类学)
Master of Anthropology(Advanced) (人类学(高级))
Master of Globalisation (全球化)
Master of Translation (翻译)
Master of Translation (Advanced) (翻译(高级))
Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development(Advanced) (应用人类学与参与式发展(高级))
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies (文学史与策展研究)
Master of Arts (Advanced)(English) (文学(高级)(英语))
Master of Biological Anthropology(Advanced) (生物人类学(高级))
Master of Islam in the Modern World (当代世界伊斯兰教)
Master of Political Science (政治科学硕士)
Bachelor of Languages (with Year in Asia) (语言学(含亚洲一年))
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (考古与进化科学)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced) (考古与进化科学(高级))
Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced) (普通与应用语言学(高级))
Master of Studies (研究)
Master of Diplomacy (Advanced) (外交(高级))
Master of National Security Policy (Advanced) (国家安全政策(高级))
Master of Culture Health and Medicine (Advanced) (文化 健康与医学(高级))
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (文化,健康与医学)
Bachelor of Languages-Ancient Greek (语言学-古希腊文)
Bachelor of Languages-Italian Language and Culture (语言学-意大利语言与文化)
Bachelor of Languages-Japanese Language (语言学-日语)
Bachelor of Languages-Korean Language (语言学-韩语)
Bachelor of Arts (with Year in Asia) (艺术史(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of Languages (Honours) (语言学)
Graduate Certificate of General and Applied Linguistics (通用和应用语言学)
Bachelor of Languages (语言学)
Bachelor of Languages-German Language and Culture (语言学-德语与文化)
Bachelor of Languages-Indonesian Language (语言学-印度尼西亚语)
Bachelor of Languages-Latin (语言学-拉丁语)
Bachelor of Languages-Sanskrit Language (语言学-梵语)
Bachelor of Arts-Arabic (文学士-阿拉伯语)
Bachelor of Arts-English (文学-英语)
Bachelor of Arts-Sociology (文学-社会学)
Bachelor of Arts-Chinese Studies (文学士-中国研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Hindi Language (文学士-印地语)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced)-Cultural Heritage Management (博物馆与遗产研究硕士(高级)--文化遗产管理)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies (Advanced)-Museum Education and Heritage Interpretation (博物馆与遗产研究硕士(高级)--博物馆教育与遗产讲解)
Bachelor of Arts-Spanish (文学士-西班牙语)
Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced) (普通与应用语言学硕士(高级))
Master of History (Advanced) (历史学硕士(高级))
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies-Cultural Heritage Management (博物馆与遗产研究硕士--文化遗产管理)
Master of Museum and Heritage Studies-Museums and Collections (博物馆与遗产研究硕士--博物馆与藏品)
Bachelor of Arts (文学士)
Master of Science Communication (科学传播)
Bachelor of Medical Science (医学科学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
Bachelor of Science(Biological Anthropology) (理学(生物人类学))
Bachelor of Science(Chemistry) (理学(化学))
Bachelor of Science(Geography) (理学(地理))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematical Economics) (理学(数学经济学))
Bachelor of Science(Sustainability Science) (理学(可持续性科学))
Bachelor of Science(Water Science) (理学(水体科学))
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (心理学)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) (理学(高级))
Bachelor of Science(Earth Science) (理学(地球科学))
Bachelor of Science(Physics) (理学(物理))
Bachelor of Science(Psychology) (理学(心理学))
Bachelor of Science(Science Communication) (理学(科学传播))
Master of Demography (人口统计学)
Master of Laws in Environmental Law (法学(环境法))
Master of Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Master of Environmental Science (环境科学)
Master of Forestry (林业)
Master of Nuclear Science (核科学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours) (环境研究)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) (数学)
Master of Energy Change (能源变革)
Master of Energy Change (Advanced) (能源变革(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Nuclear Science (核科学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics (定量生物学和生物信息学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Materials Science (材料科学)
Master of Science in Nuclear Science (核科学)
Graduate Certificate of Disaster Risk Science and Sustainability (灾害风险科学与可持续发展)
Graduate Certificate of Nuclear Technology Regulation (核技术监管)
Bachelor of Science (with Year in Asia) (理学士(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (理学荣誉学士)
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science (心理荣誉学士--科学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Earth and Marine Science Honours (生物技术-地球及海洋科学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Physics of the Earth Honours (生物技术-地球物理学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Science Communication Honours (生物技术-科学传播)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Agricultural Innovation (环境与可持续性-农业创新)
Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics (天文与天体物理)
Graduate Diploma of Science (理学)
Master of Science (Advanced) in Agricultural Innovation (农业创新理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Astronomy and Astrophysics (天文学和天体物理学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences (生物科学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Precision Instrumentation and Measurement (精密仪器与测量理学)
Master of Science in Theoretical Physics (理论物理学)
Graduate Certificate of Agricultural Advocacy and Policy (农业宣传和政策)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Biodiversity Conservation (环境与可持续性-生物多样性保护)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Science Communication (环境与可持续性-科学传播)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Honours) (环境与可持续发展)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Earth and Marine Science Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-地球与海洋科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-医学研究)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Astronomy and Astrophysics Honours (环境研究-天文学与天体物理)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Biological Anthropology Honours (环境研究-生物人类学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (环境研究-化学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Environment Honours (环境研究-环境)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Biology Honours (遗传学-生物学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Mathematics Honours (遗传学-数学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Statistics Honours (遗传学-统计学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Astronomy and Astrophysics Honours (数学-天文学与天体物理)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Physics of the Earth Honours (数学-地球物理学)
Bachelor of Arts-Mathematics (文学士-数学)
Master of Environment (Advanced) (环境(高级))
Master of Forests (Advanced) (森林学(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Quantum Technology (量子技术理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
Bachelor of Science-Advanced Chemistry (理学-高级化学)
Bachelor of Science-Advanced Mathematics (理学-高等数学)
Bachelor of Science-Advanced Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics (理学-高级定量生物学和生物信息学)
Bachelor of Science-Biochemistry (理学-生物化学)
Bachelor of Science-Earth Physics (理学-地球物理学)
Bachelor of Science-Evolution and Ecology (理学-进化与生态学)
Bachelor of Science-Geophysics and Geology (理学-地球物理学和地质学)
Bachelor of Science-Plant Science (理学-植物科学)
Master of Actuarial Studies (精算学)
Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) (生物技术硕士(高级))
Master of Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Biological Anthropology Honours (生物技术-生物人类学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Biology Honours (生物技术-生物学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (生物技术-化学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Computer Science Honours (生物技术-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Statistics Honours (生物技术-统计学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Climate Science (环境与可持续性-气候科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Honours)-Earth and Marine Science Honours (环境与可持续发展-地球与海洋科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Honours)-Physics Honours (环境与可持续发展-物理)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Honours)-Physics of the Earth Honours (环境与可持续发展-地球物理)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Astronomy and Astrophysics Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-天文学与天体物理)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (环境研究-医学研究)
Master of Environment (环境学)
Master of Environmental Management and Development (环境管理与发展)
Master of Professional Psychology (专业心理学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Population Health Honours (环境研究-人口健康)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Science Communication Honours (环境研究-科学传播)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Science Honours (环境研究-科学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Computer Science Honours (遗传学-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Earth and Marine Science Honours (遗传学-地球及海洋科学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Environment Honours (遗传学-环境)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (数学-化学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Environment Honours (数学-环境)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Mathematics Honours (数学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (数学-医学研究)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Physics Honours (数学-物理学)
Master of Science in Quantum Technology (量子技术)
Bachelor of Science-Marine Science Specialisation (理学-海洋科学专业)
Bachelor of Science-Mathematical Physics (理学-数学物理学)
Bachelor of Science-Microbiology and Immunology (理学-微生物学与免疫学)
Bachelor of Science-Neuroscience and Physiology (理学-神经科学与生理学)
Master of Biotechnology (生物技术)
Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced) (地球科学硕士(高级))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Materials Science (材料科学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics (天文学和天体物理学)
Master of Science in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics (定量生物学与生物信息学)
Master of Science in Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
Master of Social Research Methods (Advanced) (社会研究方法硕士(高级))
Master of Applied Cybernetics (Advanced) (应用控制论硕士(高级))
Master of Forests (森林学)
Master of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) (数学科学硕士(高级))
Master of Neuroscience (神经科学)
Master of Neuroscience (Advanced) (神经科学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Master of Science in Earth Sciences (地球科学)
Graduate Certificate of Environmental and Resource Economics (环境与资源经济学)
Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management (环境管理)
Master of Science Communication Outreach (科学传播(高级))
Diploma of Computing (计算)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (环境与可持续性)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours) (环境与可持续性)
Bachelor of Science(Mathematical Finance) (理学(数学金融))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematical Modelling) (理学(数学建模))
Bachelor of Science(Mathematics) (理学(数学))
Bachelor of Science(Natural Resource Management) (理学(自然资源管理))
Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) (生物技术(高级))
Master of Forestry(Advanced) (林业(高级))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Biomedical Systems) (工程(生物医学系统))
Bachelor of Science(Biology) (理学(生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Computer Science) (理学(计算机科学))
Bachelor of Science(Environmental and Landscape Sciences) (理学(环境与地形科学))
Bachelor of Science(Marine Science) (理学(海洋科学))
Bachelor of Science(Statistics) (理学(统计学))
Bachelor of Science(Theoretical Physics) (理学(理论物理学))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) (生物技术)
Master of Environmental Management and Development (环境管理与开发)
Master of Biological Sciences(Advanced) (生物科学(高级))
Master of Environmental Science (Advanced) (环境科学(高级))
Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Advanced) (天文学与天体物理学(高级))
Master of Earth Sciences (Advanced) (地球科学(高级))
Master of Anthropology and Planetary Futures (Advanced) ()
Graduate Certificate of Environment (环境)
Graduate Certificate of Science (理学)
Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics (理论物理学理学硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation (农业创新理学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours) (高级环境与可持续发展)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours) (遗传学)
Master of Technology Governance (技术管理)
Master of Science (Advanced) in Precision Instrumentation and Measurement (精密仪器与测量理学硕士(高级))
Graduate Certificate of Forests (林业)
Graduate Certificate of Public Health (公共健康)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Astronomy and Astrophysics Honours (生物技术-天文学与天体物理)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Mathematics Honours (生物技术-数学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (生物技术-医学研究)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Physics Honours (生物技术-物理学荣誉)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Environmental Science (环境与可持续性-环境科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology (环境与可持续性-进化、生态与生物有机体生物学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Geography (环境与可持续性-地理学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Quantitative Environmental Modelling (环境与可持续性-定量环境建模)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Physics Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-物理)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Population Health Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-人口健康)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Science Communication Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-科学传播)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Science Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-科学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Computer Science Honours (环境研究-计算机科学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Physics Honours (遗传学-物理学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Physics of the Earth Honours (遗传学-地球物理)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Population Health Honours (遗传学-人口健康)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Science Communication Honours (遗传学-科学传播)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Environment Honours (生物技术-环境)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Population Health Honours (生物技术-人口健康)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)-Science Honours (生物技术-科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Earth Science (环境与可持续性-地球科学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Resource and Environmental Management (环境与可持续性-资源与环境管理)
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science (哲学-理学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability-Sustainability Studies (环境与可持续性-可持续发展研究)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-化学)
Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)-Mathematics Honours (高级环境与可持续发展-数学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Biology Honours (环境研究-生物学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Earth and Marine Science Honours (环境研究-地球及海洋科学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Mathematics Honours (环境研究-数学)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)-Statistics Honours (环境研究-统计学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Astronomy and Astrophysics Honours (遗传学-天文学与天体物理学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Biological Anthropology Honours (遗传学-生物人类学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (遗传学-化学)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (遗传学-医学研究)
Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)-Science Honours (遗传学-科学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Biology Honours (数学-生物学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)-Science Honours (数学-科学)
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) (医学科学)
Bachelor of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (理学)
Bachelor of Science-Astronomy and Astrophysics (理学-天文学与天体物理学)
Bachelor of Science-Biomedical Science (理学-生物医学)
Bachelor of Science-Climate Science Specialisation (理学-气候科学)
Bachelor of Science-Psychology (理学-心理学)
Master of Anthropology and Planetary Futures ()
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics (环境与资源经济学)
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics-Development Policy (环境与资源经济学硕士--发展政策)
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics-Macroeconomic Policy (环境与资源经济学硕士--宏观经济政策)
Master of Environmental and Resource Economics-Microeconomic Policy (环境与资源经济学硕士--微观经济政策)
Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics (理论物理理学硕士(高级))
Bachelor of Science-Advanced Physics (理学-高等物理学)
Bachelor of Science-Environmental Geology (理学-环境地质学)
Bachelor of Science-Genetics (理学-遗传学)
Bachelor of Science-Geochemistry and Petrology (理学-地球化学与岩石学)
Bachelor of Science-Professional Science Engagement (理学-专业科学参与)
Master of Actuarial Practice (精算实践)
doctor of philosophy ()
Master of Energy Change (Advanced) (能源变革硕士(高级))
Master of Environment (Advanced) (环境硕士(高级))
Master of Forests (Advanced) (森林硕士(高级))
Master of Science in Agricultural Innovation (农业创新)
Master of Science in Precision Instrumentation and Measurement (精密仪器与测量)
Graduate Certificate of Disaster Risk Science and Sustainability (灾害风险科学与可持续性)
Master of Public Health(Advanced) (公共卫生(高级))
Bachelor of Health Science (健康科学)
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (心理学)
Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours) (心理学)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)-Chemistry Honours (健康科学-化学)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)-Health and Medicine Honours (健康科学-健康与医学)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)-Medical Research Honours (健康科学-医学研究)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)-Science Communication Honours (健康科学-科学传播)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)-Science Honours (健康科学-科学)
Master of Neuroscience (Advanced) (神经系统科学(高级))
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (文化、健康与医学)
Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Master of Public Health (Advanced) (公共卫生硕士(高级))
Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Policy ANU - U Tokyo (公共政策硕士/公共政策硕士 ANU - 东京大学)
Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology (职业心理学研究生文凭)
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) (健康科学)
Master of Public Health (Advanced) (公共卫生(高级))
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (Advanced) (文化、健康与医学(高级))
Master of Neuroscience (神经系统科学)
Master of Culture, Health and Medicine (Advanced) (文化、健康与医学硕士(高级))
Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (中东与东亚研究)
Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies(Arabic) (中东与东亚研究(阿拉伯))
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (政治、哲学与经济)
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Chinese Language) (太平洋地区研究(中文语言))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Environmental and Landscape Sciences) (太平洋地区研究(环境与地形科学))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(French Language and Culture) (太平洋地区研究(法语与文化))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Geography) (太平洋地区研究(地理))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Spanish) (太平洋地区研究(西语))
Bachelor of Criminology (犯罪学)
Bachelor of Policy Studies (政策研究)
Bachelor of Political Science (政治科学)
Bachelor of Pacific Studies (太平洋地区研究)
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(German Language and Culture) (太平洋地区研究(德语与文化))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Hindi Language) (太平洋地区研究(印地语言))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(History) (太平洋地区研究(历史))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Indonesian Language) (太平洋地区研究(印尼语))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(International Relations) (太平洋地区研究(国际关系))
Master of Social Research (社会研究)
Master of Public Policy in Development Policy (公共政策(发展政策))
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) ()
Bachelor of Classical Studies (Honours) (古典研究)
Bachelor of International Relations (Honours) (国际关系)
Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (Honours) (中东和中亚研究)
Bachelor of International Security Studies (with Year in Asia) (国际安全研究(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)—Humanities and Social Sciences (哲学- 人文与社会科学)
Master of Social Research Methods (Advanced) (社会研究方法(高级))
Master of Applied Anthropology and Development (应用人类学与发展)
Master of Social Research Methods (社会研究方法)
Graduate Certificate of Social Research (社会研究)
Master of Regulation and Governance (监管与治理)
Graduate Certificate of Engaging the Pacific (参与太平洋)
Graduate Certificate of Pacific Development (太平洋发展)
Graduate Certificate of Political Science (政治学)
Graduate Certificate of Strategic Studies (战略研究)
Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs (Ritsumeikan) ()
Bachelor of Public Policy ()
Doctor of Philosophy, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (澳大利亚国家公众意识中心哲学)
Graduate Certificate of Demography (人口统计学)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology (考古与进化科学(高级)-生物考古学与法医人类学)
Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies (Advanced) (文学史与策展研究(高级))
Master of Political Science (Advanced) (政治学(高级))
Master of Science in Earth Sciences (Master of Science in Earth Sciences)
Bachelor of Public Policy (公共政策)
Bachelor of Archaeological Practice (Honours) (考古学实践)
Bachelor of Political Science (Honours) (政治学)
Bachelor of Public Policy (Honours) (公共政策)
Bachelor of International Security Studies (国际安全)
Master of Globalisation (Advanced) (全球化)
Bachelor of Asian Studies (亚洲研究)
Graduate Certificate of National Security Policy (国家安全政策)
Graduate Certificate of Regulation and Governance (监管与治理)
Graduate Diploma of International Affairs (国际事务)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy (国际法与外交)
Master of Public Administration (公共行政)
Master of Public Policy (公共政策)
Master of Public Policy-Foreign and Defence Policy (公共政策-外交与国防政策)
Master of Public Policy-International Policy (公共政策-国际政策)
Master of Public Policy-Policy Communication (公共政策-政策沟通)
Master of Public Policy-Public Finance and Policy (公共政策-公共财政与政策)
Master of Political Science (政治学)
Master of Political Science (Advanced) (政治学)
Graduate Certificate of Climate Policy (气候变化)
Graduate Certificate of Crime and Regulation (犯罪与监管)
Graduate Certificate of Diplomacy (外交)
Graduate Diploma of Military and Defence Studies (军事和国防)
Executive Master of Public Policy (公共政策)
Executive Master of Public Administration (公共管理)
Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours) (发展研究)
Bachelor of European Studies (Honours) (欧洲研究)
Master of Anthropology (Advanced) (人类学(高级))
Bachelor of Arts-Archaeology (文学士-考古学)
Bachelor of Arts-Asian and Pacific Culture, Media and Gender (文学士-亚太文化、媒体与性别)
Bachelor of Arts-Classical Studies (文学士-古典研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Demography (文学士-人口学)
Bachelor of Arts-Global Security (文学士-全球安全)
Bachelor of Arts-Indonesian Studies (文学士-印度尼西亚研究)
Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours) (亚洲研究)
Bachelor of Pacific Studies (Honours) (太平洋地区研究)
Graduate Certificate of Policy Design and Analysis (政策设计与分析)
Graduate Certificate of Public Management (公共管理)
Graduate Certificate of Public Policy (公共政策)
Master of Asian and Pacific Studies (亚太研究)
Master of Engaging Asia (亚洲参与)
Master of Public Policy-Economic Policy (公共政策-经济策政)
Bachelor of Arts-Korean Studies (文学士-韩国研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Persian (文学士-波斯语)
Bachelor of Arts-Political Science (文学士-政治研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Southeast Asian Studies (文学士-东南亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Vietnamese Language (文学士-越南语)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Human Evolution (考古与进化科学硕士--人类进化)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced) (考古与进化科学硕士(高级))
Master of Public Policy-Environment and Public Policy (公共政策-环境与公共政策)
Master of Public Policy-Social Policy (公共政策-社会政策)
Master of Public Policy-Social Research Methods (公共政策-社会研究方法)
Master of Political Science (Advanced) (政治学硕士(高级))
Bachelor of Arts-Anthropology (文学士-人类学)
Bachelor of Arts-Asian Studies (文学士-亚洲研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Australian Indigenous Studies (文学士-澳洲土著研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Biological Anthropology (文学士-生物人类学)
Bachelor of Arts-International Relations (文学士-国际关系)
Bachelor of Arts-Japanese Language (文学士-日语)
Bachelor of Arts-Japanese Linguistics (文学士-日语语言学)
Bachelor of Arts-Japanese Studies (文学士-日本研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (文学士-中东与中亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Psychology (文学士-心理学)
Bachelor of Arts-Sanskrit Language (文学士-梵语)
Master of Anthropology and Planetary Futures (人类学与行星未来)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology (考古和进化科学硕士(高级)--生物考古学和法医人类学)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Environmental Archaeology and Climate Change (考古与进化科学硕士(高级)--环境考古学与气候变化)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Human Evolution (考古与进化科学硕士(高级)--人类进化)
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture (数字人文与公共文化)
Master of Digital Humanities and Public Culture (Advanced) (数字人文与公共文化硕士(高级))
Master of Public Policy-Public Finance and Policy (公共政策硕士--公共财政与政策)
Master of Public Policy-Social Research Methods (公共政策硕士--社会研究方法)
Graduate Certificate of Engaging the Pacific (太平洋地区参与)
Graduate Certificate of International and Development Economics (国际与发展经济学)
Master of Heritage Tourism Management (遗产旅游管理)
Master of International and Development Economics (国际与发展经济学)
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (MECAS) (中东和中亚研究)
Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (Advanced) (中东和中亚研究硕士(高级))
Master of Pacific Development (太平洋发展)
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (和平与冲突研究)
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (Advanced) (和平与冲突研究硕士(高级))
Master of Public Policy-Environment and Public Policy (公共政策硕士--环境与公共政策)
Master of Public Policy-Foreign and Defence Policy (公共政策硕士--外交与国防政策)
Master of Public Policy-Global Development Policy (公共政策硕士--全球发展政策)
Graduate Certificate of Climate Policy (气候政策)
Graduate Certificate of Demography (人口学)
Graduate Certificate of Engaging Asia (亚洲参与)
Bachelor of Development Studies (发展研究)
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (环境研究)
Bachelor of European Studies(Contemporary Europe) (欧洲研究(当代欧洲))
Bachelor of European Studies(European History) (欧洲研究(欧洲史))
Bachelor of International Relations (国际关系)
Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies(Persian) (中东与东亚研究(波斯语))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Environmental Studies) (太平洋地区研究(环境研究))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Linguistics) (太平洋地区研究(语言学))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Philosophy) (太平洋地区研究(哲学))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Sociology) (太平洋地区研究(社会学))
Master of Military and Defence Studies (Advanced) (军事与国防研究(高级))
Master of Public Policy in International Policy (公共政策(国际政策))
Master of Public Policy in Policy Analysis (公共政策(政策分析))
Master of Public Policy in Social Policy (公共政策(社会政策))
Master of Strategic Studies (Advanced) (战略研究(高级))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Anthropology) (太平洋地区研究(人类学))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Archaeology) (太平洋地区研究(考古学))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Development Studies) (太平洋地区研究(发展研究))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Gender, Sexuality and Culture) (太平洋地区研究(性别与文化))
Bachelor of Pacific Studies(Sustainability Science) (太平洋地区研究(可持续性科学))
Master of Social Research (Advanced) (社会研究(高级))
Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) (犯罪学)
Bachelor of Development Studies (with Year in Asia) (发展研究(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of International Relations (With Year in Asia) (国际关系(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of International Security Studies (Honours) (国际安全研究)
Graduate Certificate of Studies (研究学)
Master of Applied Anthropology and Development (Advanced) (应用人类学与发展(高级))
Graduate Certificate of General and Applied Linguistics (通用语言学和应用语言学)
Master of Engaging Asia (参与亚洲硕士)
Master of Public Policy in Economic Policy (公共政策(经济政策))
Master of Science (Advanced) in Biological Sciences ()
Master of Science (Advanced) in Theoretical Physics ()
Master of Professional Psychology ()
Graduate Certificate of International Relations (国际关系)
Graduate Certificate of Military and Defence Studies (军事和国防研究)
Graduate Certificate of Science Communication (科学传播)
Bachelor of Asian Studies (with Year in Asia) (亚洲研究(含亚洲一年))
Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs (亚太事务)
Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs (Ritsumeikan) (亚太事务(立命馆))
Graduate Certificate of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (中东和中亚研究)
Graduate Certificate of Engaging Asia (参与亚洲)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Human Evolution (考古与进化科学(高级)-人类进化)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology (考古与进化科学-生物考古学与法医人类学)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Environmental Archaeology and Climate Change (考古与进化科学-环境考古学与气候变化)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Human Evolution (考古与进化科学-人类进化论)
Graduate Certificate of Crime, Risk and Resilience (犯罪、风险与复原力)
Graduate Certificate of Technology Governance (技术管理)
Master of Public Policy-Contemporary Regulation (公共政策-当代监管)
Master of Public Policy-Integrity and Anti-Corruption (公共政策-廉政与反腐败)
Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Policy ANU - U Tokyo (公共政策 ANU - 东京大学)
Bachelor of Archaeological Practice (Honours) (考古实践)
Flexible Double Masters (灵活的双硕士学位)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Primate and Human Behaviour (考古与进化科学(高级)-灵长类动物与人类行为)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (Advanced)-Environmental Archaeology and Climate Change (考古与进化科学(高级)-环境考古学与气候变化)
Master of Public Policy-Global Development Policy (公共政策-全球发展政策)
Master of Public Policy-Policy Analysis (公共政策-政策分析)
Master of Public Policy-Population Change (公共政策-人口变化)
Bachelor of Arts-Ancient Greek (文学士-古希腊语)
Bachelor of Arts-Development Studies (文学士-发展研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Economic Studies (文学士-经济研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Environmental Studies (文学士-环境研究)
Bachelor of Arts-French Language and Culture (文学士-法语语言与文化)
Bachelor of Arts-Gender, Sexuality and Culture (文学士-性别与文化)
Bachelor of Arts-History (文学士-历史)
Bachelor of Arts-Human Evolutionary Biology (文学士-人类进化生物学)
Bachelor of Arts-Human Rights (文学士-人权)
Bachelor of Arts-Indian and South Asian Studies (文学士-印度和南亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Italian Language and Culture (文学士-意大利语言与文化)
Bachelor of Arts-Middle East Politics and Security (文学士-中东政治与安全)
Bachelor of Arts-Music (文学士-音乐)
Bachelor of Arts-Northeast Asian Studies (文学士-东北亚研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Pacific Studies (文学士-太平洋研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Art History and Curatorial Studies (文学士-艺术史与策展研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Asian History (文学士-亚洲历史)
Bachelor of Arts-Chinese Language (文学士-中文)
Bachelor of Arts-Criminology (文学士-犯罪学)
Bachelor of Arts-Geography (文学士-地理)
Bachelor of Arts-German Language and Culture (文学士-德语与文化)
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology (考古和进化科学硕士--生物考古学和法医人类学)
Master of Climate Change (气候变化)
Master of International Law and Diplomacy-International Law (国际法与外交硕士-国际法)
Master of Public Administration (公共管理)
Master of Public Policy-Integrity and Anti-Corruption (公共政策硕士--廉政与反腐败)
Master of Public Policy-International Policy (公共政策硕士--国际政策)
Master of Public Policy-Policy Analysis (公共政策硕士--政策分析)
Master of Public Policy-Policy Communication (公共政策硕士--政策传播)
Master of Public Policy-Population Change (公共政策硕士--人口变化)
Master of Strategic Studies (Advanced) (战略研究硕士(高级))
Bachelor of Arts-Indonesian Language (文学士-印尼语)
Bachelor of Arts-Korean Language (文学士-韩语)
Bachelor of Arts-Latin (文学士-拉丁语)
Bachelor of Arts-Peace and Conflict Studies (文学士-和平与冲突研究)
Bachelor of Arts-Philosophy (文学士-哲学)
Bachelor of Arts-Screen Studies (文学士-屏幕研究)
Bachelor of Arts-War Studies (文学士-战争研究)
Master of Anthropology (Advanced) (人类学硕士(高级))
Master of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science-Environmental Archaeology and Climate Change (考古与进化科学硕士--环境考古与气候变化)
Master of International Relations (国际关系)
Master of Public Policy-Contemporary Regulation (公共政策硕士--当代法规)
Master of Public Policy-Economic Policy (公共政策硕士--经济政策)
Master of Public Policy-Social Policy (公共政策硕士--社会政策)
Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology (应用流行病学哲学)
Bachelor of Health Science ()
Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) (医学)
Master of Laws in International Security Law (法学(国际安全法))
Juris Doctor (法律)
Master of Laws in Government and Regulation (法学(政府与法规))
Master of Laws in International Law (法学(国际法))
Master of Laws-International Law (法律-国际法)
Graduate Certificate of New Technologies Law (新技术法)
Master of Laws-Private Commercial Law (法律-私人商业法)
Master of Laws-Public Law (法律-公法)
Master of Laws (法学)
Master of Laws-New Technologies Law (法学硕士--新技术法)
Master of Laws-Public Law (法学硕士--公法)
Master of Laws in Migration Law (移民法)
Master of Legal Practice (法律实践)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (法律)
Master of Laws in Law, Government and Development (法学(法律、治理与开发))
Master of Criminology (Advanced) (犯罪学(高级))
Graduate Certificate of Law (法律)
Flexible Double Degree - Law (Honours) (灵活的双学位 - 法律(荣誉))
Master of Laws-Human Security Law (法律-人类安全法)
Master of Laws-New Technologies Law (法律-新技术法)
Master of Laws-Human Security Law (法学硕士--人类安全法)
Master of Laws-International Law (法学硕士--国际法)
Master of Laws-Law Research (法学硕士--法学研究)
Master of Laws-Private Commercial Law (法学硕士--私人商业法)
Graduate Certificate of Law (法学)
Flexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science (Flexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science)
Times Academy
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