The University of Queensland
昆士兰大学(Univerity of Queenland)(昆大)是昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,始建于1910年,是澳大利亚最大最有声望的大学之一,也是昆士兰洲成立最早的大学。昆大是被誉为“澳大利亚常青藤名校”的Group of Eight联盟(澳洲八大名校联盟)成员之一,同时也是世界21大学联盟(UNIVERSITAS 21)成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前三名,在学博士生的人数最多。2009年TIMES最新世界排名41, 2010年美国《美国新闻和世界报道》(USNWR),和英国QS最新世界排名43。
昆士兰大学位于澳大利亚东部的海滨城市布里斯班,以拥有强大的教学和科研力量而受到国际的赞誉。它颁发的学历资格证书获得全世界的公认,社会对这所大学的毕业生具有极大的需求量。在2010年,该校共有34845名全日制学生,包括26968名攻读本科的学生,7877名研究生(包括硕士和博士)。昆士兰大学有五十多年接收国际学生的经验,使国际学生在这里感受到的是友好、体贴和周到,目前有来自全球超过135个国家和地区的8000多名国际留学生。学在昆士兰大学, 您就可以融入一个有活力的、国际化的学习环境。随着学校的不断发展和教学内容的不断丰富,拥有三个校区(圣鲁西亚校区St Lucia、伊普斯里其校区Ipwich和加顿校区Gatton)的昆士兰大学甚至可以根据学生的个人需求,帮助学生制订个人化的课程安排,使学生在这所国际化的大学里拥有一段有价值而愉快的人生经历。 昆士兰大学现有6300多名员工,其中从事教学和研究的教职工2600多人,他们很多是世界公认的各领域的精英。昆士兰大学的教研人员赢得澳大利亚大学教育奖(AUTT)的数量在澳大利亚大学中数量最多,体现了昆士兰大学教职工的水平。
校徽是以金色盾为底 昆士兰大学校徽
;纹章为象征骑士精神与南十字星座的蔚蓝十字勋章,由昆士兰州旗上的“马耳他十字”演变而来;以及代表学识的书。校徽下方的拉丁文格言则是校训:Scientia ac Labore(拉丁文,意思为:By mean of knowledge and hard work;中文译:倚靠学识暨勤勉)。
昆士兰议会为了庆祝昆士兰州脱离新南威尔士州五十周年,通过了创建一所大学-昆士兰大学的议案。于是在此议案的影响下,昆士兰大学创建于1909年12月10日创建。1911年昆士兰大学开始录取了83个学生并开始授课,授课地点主要是昆士兰总督府。由于第一次世界大战的影响,昆士兰大学的基础建设和其他建设都受到了不同程度的影响。但是在第一次世界大战结束之后,入学的学生猛增,所以是的校方开始扩大学校基础建设。1927年 Dr Jame O&rquo;Neil Mayne 和他的妹妹 建设中的Forgan Smith Building Mary Emila Mayne共同给昆士兰大学捐赠了大概价值50,000英镑给昆士兰大学,通过布里斯班市政厅购买了275英亩的土地,从此创建了昆士兰大学的主校区,St Lucia 校区。但是由于缺乏财政支援,一直到了1938年,学校才有了比较大规模的发展。St Lucia 校区的主要建筑是 Forgan Smith Building, 是命名于当时昆士兰州州长,在他的支持下,于1938年开建,于1939年竣工。在第二次世界大战期间,Forgan Smith Building 一度成为被军队所征用,成为军队指挥所。 1990年澳大利亚开始意识到高等教育的重要性,创建了昆士兰农业学院,创建了昆士兰大学Gatton校区。
文学院(Faculty of Art)
英文、媒体研究及人文艺术史学系(School of Englih, Media Studie and Art Hitory) 历史、哲学、宗教及古典文学学系(School of Hitory, Philoophy, Religion and Claic)
语言及比较文化研究学系(School of Language and Comparative Cultural Studie) 音乐学系(School of Muic)
商学、经济学及法学院(Faculty of Buine, Economic & Law)
昆士兰商学院(UQ Buine School)
经济学系(School of Economic)
法律学系(TC Beirne School of Law)
观光旅游学系(School of Tourim)
自然科学院(Faculty of Science)
生物学系(School of Biological Science)
生物医学系(School of Biomedical Science)
化学及太空分子生物学系(School of Chemitry and Molecular Biocience)
数学及物理学系(School of Mathematic and Phyic)
地理、城市规划及环境管理学系(School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management)
地球科学系(School of Earth Science)
工程学、建筑学及资讯科技学院(Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology)
建筑学系(School of Architecture)
化学工程学系(School of Chemical Engineering)
土木工程学系(School of Civil Engineering)
资讯科技及电机工程学系(School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering)
机械及矿业工程学系(School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering)
健康科学院(Faculty of Health Science)
牙医学系(School of Dentitry)
健康及复健科学系(School of Health & Rehabilitation Science)
人类行为研究系(School of Human Movement Studie)
医学系(School of Medicine)
护理及助产术学系(School of Nuring and Midwifery)
配制药学系(School of Pharmacy)
公众健康学系(School of Population Health)
天然资源、农学及兽医学院(Faculty of Natural Reource, Agriculture & Veterinary Science)
动物研究学系(School of Animal Studie)
土地、农作及食物科学系(School of Land, Crop and Food Science)
综合系统(自然与农业系统管理)学系(School of Integrative Sytem)
兽医科学系(School of Veterinary Science)
社会学及行为科学院(Faculty of Social & Behavioural Science)
教育学系(School of Education)
新闻学及通讯学系(School of Journalim and Communication)
政治学及国际研究学系(School of Political Science and International Studie)
心理学系(School of Pychology)
社会科学系(School of Social Science)
社会工作及人类服务学系(School of Social Work and Human Service)
分子生物科学研究所 Intitute for Molecular Biocience (IMB)
澳大利亚生物工程及纳米科技研究所 Autralian Intitute for Bioengineering & Nanotechnology (AIBN)
永续发展矿业研究所 Sutainable Mineral Intitute (SMI)
昆士兰脑神经科学研究所 Queenland Brain Intitute (QBI)
社会科学研究所 Intitute for Social Science Reearch (ISSR)
癌症、免疫及代谢医疗研究所 Diamantina Intitute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine
专业进修暨国际英语文教师培训学院 Intitute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ)
昆士兰大学位居澳大利亚的八大名校前列,连续多年被亚洲周刊评为亚太地区最好的大学之一。在2001年的“优秀大学指南”中,昆士兰大学再次荣获昆士兰州第 一。昆士兰大学商学院是澳洲仅六所获得AACSB认证的商学院之一,在澳大利亚政府对各大学就教学、研究、校园服务三项指标进行的质量评比中名列前茅。昆士兰大学提供的学位获得“澳大利亚资格认证体制”的认可。 昆士兰大学拥有昆士兰州最大的图书馆,内有240余万册藏书和丰富的多媒体信息资源。 学校提供400多种专业5500多种本科与研究生课程。 每位昆士兰大学的学生都可以免费使用互联网。
生物和临床医学 Biomedical and Clinical Health Science,
应用生物学 BioTechnology,
工程学 Engineering,
生物学 Biological Science,
环境科学 Environmental Science,
化学 Chemical Science , 物理 Phyical Science
经济学 Economic,
法学 Law & Legal Studie,
历史及考古学 Hitory & Archaeology,
应用科学(工程和环境方向)Technology (engineering & environment),
数学Mathematical Science, 哲学和宗教研究 Philoophy & Religiou Studie,
语言和文化研究Language Communication & Culture,
建筑环境与设计Built Environment & Deign,
心理学 Pychology & Cognitive Science,
人类社会研究 Studie in Human Society,
医疗与健康科学(公共健康方向)Medical & Health Science (Public and Allied Health),
商业 Commerce, 管理学 Management , 服务和旅游 Tourim & Service.
昆士兰大学共有四处校区,St Lucia,Ipwich,Gatton和Herton,总面积为到1464公顷。学校建筑面积达47万平方米,拥有1955间教室和实验室。
UQ另有Ipwich校区,Gatton校区以及Herton共三个分校区。在North Stradbroke岛亦有充足的科学研究设备。UQ在昆士兰州各地设有40多所专业科学中心、教学及研究学院,包括北昆士兰地震观测站和大堡礁的一个海洋研究站、分散在昆士兰州各地的医学院和牙医学院、海事研究站、实验矿场、兽医学、农场及地震侦测站。昆士兰大学尊重各种宗教信仰,穆斯林和基督教学生住处附近多有教堂、穆斯林祈祷室及其它宗教信仰设施。
Undergraduate Scholarhip
Potgraduate Courework Scholarhip
Higher Degree Reearch
Autralian Government Scholarhip
UQ faculty and chool cholarhip for international tudent
Autralian Government cholarhip for international tudent
Area of tudy cholarhip for international undergraduate tudent
Other cholarhip opportunitie including home government cholarhip and multinational aid organization
昆士兰大学是传统的体育强校,除了完善的体育设施外,布里斯班河更为昆士兰大学赛艇队提供了绝佳的练习场地。昆士兰大学拥有各式项目的体育校队,其中在英式橄榄球方面,更为澳大利亚培育出多位杰出的队长和选手,例如:John Eale和John Roe。多年来,昆士兰大学的校友代表澳大利亚参加多次的世界性的运动竞赛,包括奥运会、联邦运动会、台湾宜兰杯国际名校划船邀请赛等,为国家和学校争光许多。例如:Natalie Cook、Nancy Lyon、Paul Narracott和David Theile。
据吉尼斯世界纪录,沥青滴漏实验(Pitch drop experiment)是全球持续时间最长的实验,这个实验在昆士兰大学于1927年开始进行。时至今日,这个实验仍在进行中。而漏斗内的沥青也足够使这个实验再进行多百年。
昆士兰大学草创初期(1909年)的章程,是以英国红砖大学之一的伯明翰大学章程为范本。设立于1900年的伯明翰大学,是当时全球最新设立的现代化大学,也是英国在二十世纪第一所获得皇家特许状(Royal Charter)的大学。
昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Buine School)在2010年中旬与美国哈佛大学商学院(HBS)出版社签署合作协议。UQ商学院师生,自此享有与哈佛商学院师生完全相同教材的完整使用权。同时在双方互惠的情况下,哈佛也将从昆士兰商学院搜集教材,供哈佛商学出版社(HBP)运用。昆士兰大学是澳大利亚第一所,也是唯一一所与哈佛签署该项协议的大学。
英语学习。若申请人未达到以上的雅思成绩,可申请在大学的对外英语及职业培训学院(Intitute of Continuing & TESOL Education)注册上课。该学院的课程包括:一般英语、学术英语、英语交流技能高级课程、国际商务英语、以及大学预备英语等。
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce (计算机科学/商学)
BACHELORS OF Economics / Arts (经济学/文学)
BACHELORS OF Economics / Laws (Honours) (经济学/法学)
BACHELOR OF Economics (Honours)( Econometrics) (经济学( 计量经济学))
Bachelor of Economics(Quantitative Analysis) (经济学(定量分析))
BACHELORS OF Economics / Science (经济学/理学)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Business Management (工程/商务管理)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Economics (工程/经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management (计算机科学/商务管理)
BACHELOR OF Commerce (Honours) (商学)
BACHELOR OF Economics (Honours) (Economics) (经济学(经济学))
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Commerce (工程/商学)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Commerce (数学/商学)
BACHELOR OF Economics (经济学)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Economics (数学/经济学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Finance (高级商务-金融学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (高级商务-创新与创业)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Marketing (高级商务-市场营销)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)-Finance (高级金融与经济学-金融学)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Business Management (数学/商务管理)
BACHELOR OF Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (旅游、酒店与会展管理)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Arts (商学/文学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Business Research Methods (商业研究)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Business Administration (工商管理)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Human Resources (高级商务-人力资源)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-International Business (高级商务-国际商务)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours) (高级金融与经济学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)-Economics (高级金融与经济学-经济学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science (农业经济学/农业科学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science-Agronomy (农业经济学/农业科学-农学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science-Horticulture (农业经济学/农业科学-园艺学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Economics (文学士-经济学)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Business Information Systems (商务管理-商业信息系统)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Marketing (商务管理-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Human Resources (商务管理/传播-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-International Business (商务管理/传播-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Information Environments (商务管理 /设计-信息环境)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-International Business (商务管理 /设计-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Business Information Systems (商务管理/经济学-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Economics and Public Policy (商务管理/经济学-经济学与公共政策)
Bachelors of Business Management (商业管理)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Accounting (高级商务-会计)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Business Analytics (高级商务-商业分析)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours)-Business Information Systems (高级商务-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science-Animal Science (农业经济学/农业科学-动物科学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Wildlife Science (农业经济学/野生动物科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Human Resources (商务管理/经济学-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Marketing (商务管理/经济学-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/信息技术-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/信息技术-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Business Information Systems (商务管理/新闻学-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/新闻学-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Human Resources (商务管理/法学-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-International Business (商务管理/法学-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-领导与管理科学)
BACHELOR OF Business Management (商务管理)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Business Economics (商务管理-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/传播-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/传播-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Business Information Systems (商务管理 /设计-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Human Resources (商务管理 /设计-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理 /设计-创新与创业)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Human Resources (商务管理-人力资源)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理-创新与创业)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-International Business (商务管理-国际商务)
BACHELOR OF Business Management-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Marketing (商务管理/传播-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Public Relations (商务管理/传播-公共关系)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Anthropology (商务管理 /设计-人类学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Environment and Society (商务管理 /设计-环境与社会)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/经济学-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-International and Financial Economics (商务管理/经济学-国际与金融经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-International Business (商务管理/经济学-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/经济学-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Business Information Systems (商务管理/信息技术-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Tourism and Event Management (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-旅游与活动管理)
BACHELOR OF Commerce-Business Information Systems (商业-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Laws (Honours)-Business Analytics (商学/法学-商业分析)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Laws (Honours)-Finance (商学/法学-金融学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-International Business (计算机科学/商务管理-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Machine Learning (计算机科学/商务管理-机器学习)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Accounting (计算机科学/商学-会计)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Finance (计算机科学/商学-金融)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Programming Languages (计算机科学/商学-编程语言)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Marketing (商务管理/信息技术-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Software Design (商务管理/信息技术-软件设计)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Software Information Systems (商务管理/信息技术-软件信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-User Experience Design (商务管理/信息技术-用户体验设计)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/新闻学-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Marketing (商务管理/新闻学-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Business Economics (商务管理/法学-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Economics of Strategy and Behaviour (商务管理/经济学-战略与行为经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics-Quantitative Analysis (商务管理/经济学-定量分析)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Human Resources (商务管理/信息技术-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-International Business (商务管理/信息技术-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Human Resources (商务管理/新闻学-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-International Business (商务管理/新闻学-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Business Information Systems (商务管理/法学-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/法学-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Business Economics (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics (计算机科学/经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Data Science (计算机科学/经济学-数据科学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Programming Languages (计算机科学/经济学-编程语言)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/经济学-科学计算)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Business Economics (商务管理/传播-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Business Information Systems (商务管理/传播-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication-Digital Media (商务管理/传播-数字媒体)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Buildings and Environments (商务管理 /设计-建筑与环境)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Business Economics (商务管理 /设计-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理 /设计-领导与管理科学)
BACHELOR OF Commerce-Accounting (商业-会计)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Business Economics (计算机科学/商务管理-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Human Resources (计算机科学/商务管理-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (计算机科学/商务管理-创新与创业)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Economics and Public Policy (计算机科学/经济学-经济学与公共政策)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Economics of Strategy and Behaviour (计算机科学/经济学-战略与行为经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-International and Financial Economics (计算机科学/经济学- 国际与金融经济学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Machine Learning (计算机科学/经济学-机器学习)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-International Business (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-国际商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Marketing (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-市场营销)
BACHELOR OF Commerce-Business Analytics (商业-商业分析)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Laws (Honours)-Accounting (商学/法学-会计)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Laws (Honours)-Business Information Systems (商学/法学-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Data Science (计算机科学/商务管理-数据科学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Leadership and Management Science (计算机科学/商务管理-领导力与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Marketing (计算机科学/商务管理-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Machine Learning (计算机科学/商学-机器学习)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/商学-科学计算)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Marketing (商务管理 /设计-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design-Media and Digital Cultures (商务管理 /设计-媒体与数字文化)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Education (Secondary)-Business Economics (商务管理/教育(中学)-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology-Business Economics (商务管理/信息技术-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism-Business Economics (商务管理/新闻学-商业经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Leadership and Management Science (商务管理/法学-领导与管理科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours)-Marketing (商务管理/法学-市场营销)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Business Information Systems (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-商业信息系统)
BACHELOR OF Economics-Economics of Strategy and Behaviour (经济学-战略与行为经济学)
BACHELOR OF Economics-Quantitative Analysis (经济学-定量分析)
BACHELOR OF Economics (Honours) (经济学)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement & Nutrition Sci / Tourism, Hospitality & Event Mgmt (人体运动与营养科学/旅游、酒店与会展管理)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement & Nutrition Sci / Tourism, Hospitality & Event Mgmt-Hotel and Hospitality Management (人体运动与营养科学/旅游、酒店与会展管理-酒店与接待管理)
BACHELOR OF Economics-Economics and Public Policy (经济学-经济学与公共政策)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Hotel and Hospitality Management (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-酒店与接待管理)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Human Resources (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-人力资源)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理-创新与创业)
BACHELOR OF Commerce-Finance (商业-金融学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Business Information Systems (计算机科学/商务管理-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Cyber Security (计算机科学/商务管理-网络安全)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Programming Languages (计算机科学/商务管理-编程语言)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Business Management-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/商务管理-科学计算)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Business Analytics (计算机科学/商学-商业分析)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Cyber Security (计算机科学/经济学-网络安全)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Economics-Quantitative Analysis (计算机科学/经济学-定量分析)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Business Information Systems (计算机科学/商学-商业信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Cyber Security (计算机科学/商学-网络安全)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Commerce-Data Science (计算机科学/商学-数据科学)
BACHELOR OF Economics (Honours)-Econometrics (经济学-计量经济学)
MASTER OF Business Psychology (商业心理学)
MASTER OF Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与创新)
Master of Business (Master of Business)
Master of Commerce(Information Systems) (商业(信息系统))
BACHELOR OF Economics-International and Financial Economics (经济学-国际与金融经济学)
BACHELOR OF Economics (Honours)-Economics (经济学-经济学)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement & Nutrition Sci / Tourism, Hospitality & Event Mgmt-Tourism and Event Management (人体运动与营养科学/旅游、酒店与会展管理-旅游与活动管理)
MASTER OF Agribusiness (农业经济)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Agribusiness (农业经济)
MASTER OF Business Psychology(2-year) (商业心理学)
MASTER OF Commerce (商学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Financial Mathematics (金融数学)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences / Business Management (人体运动与营养科学/商业管理)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (工商管理)
MASTER OF Commerce(2 Years) (商学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Economic Studies (经济研究)
MASTER OF Economics(1.5 Years) (经济学)
MASTER OF Economics and Public Policy(2 Years) (经济与公共政策)
MASTER OF Global Management(St Lucia) (全球管理)
MASTER OF Health Economics(1.5 Years) (健康经济学)
MASTER OF Health Economics(2 Years) (健康经济学)
Extended Foundation Program ()
Express Program (本科预科快速课程)
Master of Engineering Science Urban Water Engineering ()
Bachelor of Arts-Journalism and Communication ()
Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness (农业经济)
MASTER OF Development Economics (发展经济学)
MASTER OF Development Economics(2 Years) (发展经济学)
MASTER OF Economics and Public Policy (经济学与公共政策)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与创新)
MASTER OF Agribusiness(2-year) (农业经济)
MASTERS OF International Commercial Law / Commerce (国际商法/商学)
MASTER OF International Economics and Finance (国际经济学与金融)
MASTER OF Tourism, Hotel and Event Management(2 Years) (旅游、酒店与会展管理)
MASTER OF International Economics and Finance(1.5 Years) (国际经济与金融)
MASTERS OF International Economics and Finance / Commerce (国际经济与金融/商学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Business Administration (工商管理)
MASTER OF Business Administration (工商管理)
MASTER OF Economics(2-year) (经济学)
MASTER OF Global Management (全球管理)
Standard Program (本科预科标准课程)
Extended Program (本科预科扩展课程)
MASTER OF Business (商学)
MASTER OF Economics (经济学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Finance and Investment Management (金融与投资管理)
MASTER OF Finance and Investment Management (金融与投资管理)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Science (商务管理/理学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (商务管理/旅游、酒店及会展管理)
BACHELOR OF Commerce (商学)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Economics (经济学博士)
MASTER OF Leadership and Innovation (领导与创新)
Bachelor of Business Management(Advertising) (工商管理(广告))
Bachelor of Business Management(Business Economics) (工商管理(商业经济学))
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) (商业(会计))
Bachelor of Economics(Business and Industry) (经济学(商务与产业))
Bachelor of Economics(International Trade and Finance) (经济学(国际交易与金融))
Bachelors of Commerce /Information Technology (商业和信息技术)
Bachelors of Commerce/Science (商业和理学)
Bachelors of Economics/Arts (经济和文学)
Bachelors of Economics/Science (经济和科学)
BACHELOR OF Agribusiness(Gatton) (农业经济)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science(Gatton) (农业经济学/农业科学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Agricultural Science(St Lucia) (农业经济学/农业科学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Commerce (商务管理/商学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Communication (商务管理/传播)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Information Technology (商务管理/信息技术)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Laws (Honours) (商务管理/法学)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Economics (商学/经济学)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Science (商学/理学)
Foundation Program-Accelerated (预科课程-速成)
Associate Degree in Business (AssocDBus) (商务)
Bachelor of Business Management(Business Information Systems) (商务管理(商业信息系统))
Bachelor of Business Management(International Business) (商务管理(国际商务))
Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership (执行领导)
MASTER OF Agribusiness(2 years) (农业经济(两年制))
Master of Applied Econometrics (2 Years) (应用计量经济学)
MASTERS OF Development Economics / Economics and Public Policy (发展经济学/经济与公共政策)
bachelor of commerce business management ()
Master of Philosophy (研究型硕士)
Masters of International Economics and Finance/Commerce (Masters of International Economics and Finance/Commerce)
Graduate Diploma in Business Research Methods (Graduate Diploma in Business Research Methods)
Doctor of Philosophy ()
Master of Economics. (Master of Economics.)
Master of Business(International Business) (商务(国际商务))
MASTER OF Advanced Economics (高级经济学)
MASTER OF Business(2 Years) (商学)
Master of Commerce(Professional Accounting) (商业(专业会计))
Master of Tourism Leadership(Tourism Development) (旅游领导力(旅游业发展))
Master of Tourism Leadership(Tourism Marketing) (旅游领导力(旅游市场营销))
Master of Tourism Leadership(Visitor Management) (旅游领导力(游客管理))
Bachelor of Economics(Natural Resources and Environment) (经济学(自然资源与环境))
Bachelor of Economics(Quantitative Methods) (经济学(定量方法))
Bachelors of Business Management/Science (商务管理和理学)
Bachelors of Commerce/Economics (商业和经济学)
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours)(Plant Science) (农业科学(植物科学))
BACHELOR OF Agribusiness(St Lucia) (农业经济)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Equine Science(Gatton) (农业经济学/马术科学)
MASTER OF Global Management(External) (全球管理)
MASTER OF Leadership in Service Innovation (服务创新领导力)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (旅游、酒店与会展管理)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Business (Honours) (高级商务)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Design (商务管理 /设计)
Master of Finance Mathematics ()
MASTER OF Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (旅游、酒店与会展管理)
Master of Business(Marketing) (商务(市场营销))
Master of Tourism Leadership(Service Management) (旅游领导力(服务管理))
Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management(Hotel management) (旅游、酒店与会展管理(酒店管理))
BACHELORS OF Arts / Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (文学/旅游、酒店和活动管理)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Arts (商务管理/文学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Journalism (商务管理/新闻学)
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Laws (Honours) (商学/法学)
Accelerated Foundation Program ()
MASTER OF Business Analytics (商业分析)
Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)(Finance) (高级金融与经济学(金融))
Bachelor of Business Management(Human Resources) (商务管理(人力资源))
Bachelor of Business Management(Marketing) (商务管理(市场营销))
Bachelor of Business Management(Sustainability) (商务管理(可持续性))
Bachelor of Commerce(Finance) (商业(金融))
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management(Event Management) (国际酒店与旅游管理(会展管理))
Bachelors of Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management (文学和国际酒店与旅游管理)
Bachelors of Business Management/Journalism (商业管理和新闻)
Bachelors of Commerce/Arts (商业和文学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Economics (商务管理/经济学)
BACHELORS OF Business Management / Education (Secondary) (商务管理/教育(中学))
BACHELORS OF Commerce / Information Technology (商学/信息技术)
BACHELOR OF Business Management (Honours) (商务管理)
Bachelor of Economics (International and Financial Economics) (经济学学士(国际与金融经济学))
Standard Foundation Program ()
Bachelor of Business Management(Real Estate and Development) (商务管理(不动产与发展))
Bachelor of Commerce(Business Information Systems) (商业(商业信息系统))
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management(Hospitality Management) (国际酒店与旅游管理(酒店管理))
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management(Tourism Management) (国际酒店与旅游管理(旅游管理))
Bachelors of Business Management /Education (Secondary) (商务管理和教育(中学))
Bachelors of Business Management/Arts (商务管理和文学)
Bachelors of Business Management/Commerce (商业管理和商业)
Bachelors of Business Management/Information Technology (商业管理和信息技术)
Bachelors of Business Management/International Hotel and Tourism Management (商务管理和国际酒店与旅游管理)
Bachelors of Business Management/Laws (Honours) (商务管理和法学)
Master of Property Studies (房地产研究)
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours)(Animal Science) (农业科学(动物科学))
Bachelors of Commerce/Laws (Honours) (商业和法学)
Bachelors of Economics/Laws (Honours) (经济学和法学)
Master of Business(Social Impact and Sustainability) (商务(社会影响与可持续性))
Master of Commerce(Applied Finance) (商业(应用金融))
Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management(Travel & Tourism Management) (旅游、酒店与会展管理(旅游与旅游管理))
Master of Agribusiness (农业经济)
Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation (商业化)
Master of Applied Econometrics (应用计量经济学)
Master of Business(Advertising) (商务(广告))
Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation ()
Masters of International Economics and Finance/Commerce ()
Master of Business(marketing) ()
Master of Business(Human Resource Management) (商务(人力资源管理))
Master of Business(Innovation and Entrepreneurship) (商务(创新与创业精神))
Master of Business(Leadership) (商务(领导力))
Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management(Event Management) (旅游、酒店与会展管理(会展管理))
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (国际酒店和旅游管理)
Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) (会计)
Foundation Program (预科课程)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Biotechnology (工程/生物技术)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Design (工程/设计)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Science (工程/理学)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Arts (工程/文学)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science (工程/计算机科学)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Information Technology (工程/信息技术)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) (工程)
BACHELORS OF Engineering (Honours) / Mathematics (工程/数学)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering (工程(本硕连读))
MASTER OF Civil Engineering (Professional) (土木工程)
MASTER OF Urban Water Engineering (Professional) (城市水工程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Mechatronic Engineering (工程-机电)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学与冶金)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Civil and Environmental Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-土木与环境)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Electrical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-电气工程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Mechanical and Materials Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-机械与材料)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学与生物医学)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Civil Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-土木工程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Electrical and Biomedical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-电气与生物医学)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Electrical and Computer Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-电气与计算机)
BACHELOR OF Regional and Town Planning (区域和城市规划)
BACHELOR OF Regional and Town Planning (Honours) (区域与城市规划)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Chemical Engineering (工程-化学)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Civil Engineering (工程-土木)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Electrical Engineering (工程-电气)
Master of Engineering Science(Systems Engineering) (工程科学(系统工程))
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Mechanical Engineering (工程-机械)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours)-Software Engineering (工程-软件)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical and Materials Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学与材料)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学工程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-机械与航空航天)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Mechanical Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-机械)
MASTER OF Electrical Engineering (Professional) (电气工程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学与生物过程)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Chemical and Environmental Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-化学与环境)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Mechatronic Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-机电)
BACHELOR OF Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering-Software Engineering (工程(本硕连读)-软件)
MASTER OF Engineering (工程)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Engineering Science (工程科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Sustainable Energy (可持续能源)
Bachelor of Engineering (工学学士)
MASTER OF Engineering Science (工程科学)
MASTER OF Engineering Science (Management) (工程科学(管理))
MASTER OF Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (Professional) (材料与制造工程硕士(专业))
MASTER OF Mechanical Engineering (Professional) (机械工程(专业))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental Engineering) (工程(土木与环境工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(土木工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) (工程(机械与材料工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining and Geotechnical Engineering) (工程(采矿与岩土工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(采矿工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(化学工程))
master of Engineering Science(Management)(chemical engineering) ()
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Sustainable Energy (可持续能源)
MASTER OF Sustainable Energy (可持续能源)
Master of Engineering-Uban Water ()
Master of Engineering-Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (材料工程)
Master of Engineering Science(Software Engineering) (工程科学(软件工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Materials Engineering) (工程(化学与材料工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering) (工程(化学与冶金工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(机械工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(软件工程))
Master of Mechanical Engineering(professional) (机械工程(专业))
Master of Engineering Science (Management) (Civil Engineering) ()
Master of Electrical Engineering (Professional) (电气工程)
MASTER OF Urban Development and Design (城市发展与设计)
Master of Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Master of Engineering (ME)(Electrical Engineering) (工程(电气工程))
Master of Engineering (ME)(Software Engineering) (工程(软件工程))
Master of Engineering Science (Management) (Software Engineering) (工程科学(管理)(软件工程))
Master of Engineering Science (Management)(Electrical Engineering) (工程科学(管理)(电气工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Geotechnical Engineering) (工程(土木与岩土工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) (工程(机械与航空工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Biological Engineering) (工程(化学与生物工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Environmental Engineering) (工程(化学与环境工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Biomedical Engineering) (工程(电气与生物工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Computer Engineering) (工程(电气与计算机工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical Engineering / Extended Major) (工程(电气工程))
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Science (工程和理学)
Master of Engineering (ME)(Mechanical Engineering) (工程(机械工程))
Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc) (工程科学(系统工程))
MASTER OF Software Engineering (Professional) (软件工程(专业))
master of civil engineering(professional) (土木工程)
Master of Engineering(Civil Engineering) (工程(土木工程))
Master of Engineering (ME)(Chemical Engineering) (工程(化学工程))
Master of Engineering Science (Management)(Undeclared) (工程科学(管理)(未定))
Master of Engineering Science(Electrical Engineering) (工程科学(电气工程))
Master of Chemical Engineering(Professional) (化学工程)
MASTER OF Sustainable Energy (Management) (可持续能源(管理))
MASTER OF Urban and Regional Planning (城市与区域规划)
Master of Engineering Science (Management)-Mechanical Engineering ()
Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical Engineering) (工程科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Urban and Regional Planning(External) (城市与区域规划)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Urban and Regional Planning(St Lucia) (城市与区域规划)
BACHELOR OF Architectural Design (建筑设计)
MASTER OF Architecture (建筑)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Urban and Regional Planning(External) (城市与区域规划)
MASTER OF Urban and Regional Planning( St Lucia) (城市与区域规划)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Urban Development and Design (城市发展与设计)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Urban and Regional Planning( St Lucia) (城市与区域规划)
MASTER OF Urban and Regional Planning(External) (城市与区域规划)
BACHELOR OF Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours) (健康、运动与体育教育)
BACHELOR OF Education (Primary) (教育(小学))
BACHELOR OF Education (Secondary) (教育(中学))
BACHELOR OF Education (Primary) (Honours) (教育(小学))
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Education (Secondary) (数学/教育学(中学))
BACHELORS OF Science / Education (Secondary) (理学/教育学(中学))
BACHELORS OF Music (Honours) / Education (Secondary) (音乐/教育学(中学))
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Chinese Translation and Interpreting (文学/教育(中学)-中文笔译和口译)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Economics (文学/教育(中学)-经济学)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Japanese (文学/教育(中学)-日语)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Japanese Advanced (文学/教育(中学)-日语高级班)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Mathematics (文学/教育(中学)-数学)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Drama (文学/教育(中学)-戏剧)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-English (文学/教育(中学)-英语)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-German (文学/教育(中学)-德语)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Legal Education Studies (文学/教育(中学)-法律教育研究)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Media and Digital Cultures (文学/教育(中学)-媒体与数字文化)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Ancient History/History (文学/教育(中学)-古代史/历史)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Film and Television Studies (文学/教育(中学)-电影与电视研究)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-French (文学/教育(中学)-法语)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-French Advanced (文学/教育(中学)-法语高级课程)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Geography (文学/教育(中学)-地理学)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Chinese (文学/教育(中学)-中文)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Music (文学/教育(中学)-音乐)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Popular Music and Technology (文学/教育(中学)-流行音乐与技术)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Psychology (文学/教育(中学)-心理学)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary)-Spanish (文学/教育(中学)-西班牙语)
MASTER OF Educational Studies(1.5-Year) (教育研究)
MASTER OF Educational Studies (教育研究)
MASTER OF Educational Studies(2-year) (教育研究)
MASTER OF Educational Studies(1 Year) (教育研究)
MASTER OF Educational Studies(2 Years) (教育研究)
Bachelor of Arts/Education (Secondary) ()
Master of Educational Studies-Behaviour Management (教育学硕士)
MASTER OF Teaching (Primary) (教学(小学))
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Educational Studies (教育研究)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Education (Secondary) (文学/教育(中学))
Bachelors of Science/Education (Secondary) (理学和教育(中学))
Bachelors of Arts/Education (Secondary) (文学和教育(中学))
MASTER OF Teaching (Secondary) (教学(中学))
Master of Educational Studies(Curriculum Field of Study) (教育研究(课程领域研究))
Master of Educational Studies(Leadership) (教育研究(领导力))
Master of Educational Studies(Supporting Diverse Learners) (教育研究(多样性学习者支持))
Master of Educational Studies(Guidance and Counselling) (教育研究(指导与咨询))
Master of Educational Studie ()
IES Foundation Year-Express Program ()
Master of Educational Studies(Behaviour Management) (教育研究(行为管理))
Master of Educational Studies(Career Development) (教育研究(事业发展))
Master of Educational Studies(Curriculum) (教育研究(课程研究))
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Arts (计算机科学/文学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读))
BACHELORS OF Information Technology / Arts (信息技术/文学)
BACHELORS OF Information Technology / Science (信息技术/理学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science (计算机科学)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours) (计算机科学/法学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读))
BACHELOR OF Information Technology (信息技术)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Science (计算机科学/理学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science (Honours) (计算机科学)
BACHELOR OF Information Technology (Honours) (信息技术)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Computer Science (数学/计算机科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Computer Science (计算机科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Cyber Security (网络安全)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Information Technology (信息技术)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours)-Data Science (计算机科学/法学-数据科学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security-Cyber Security (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读)-网络安全)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security-Machine Learning (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读)-机器学习)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science-Data Science (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读)-数据科学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science-Programming Languages (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读)-编程语言)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours)-Programming Languages (计算机科学/法学-编程语言)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours)-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/法学-科学计算)
BACHELOR OF Information Technology-Software Information Systems (信息技术-软件信息系统)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours)-Cyber Security (计算机科学/法学-网络安全)
BACHELORS OF Computer Science / Laws (Honours)-Machine Learning (计算机科学/法学-机器学习)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security-Data Science (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读)-数据科学)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science-Machine Learning (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读)-机器学习)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读)-科学计算)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security-Programming Languages (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读)-编程语言)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Cyber Security-Scientific Computing (计算机科学/网络安全(本硕连读)-科学计算)
BACHELOR OF Computer Science / Master of Data Science-Cyber Security (计算机科学/数据科学(本硕连读)-网络安全)
MASTER OF Cyber Security(2-year) (网络安全)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Information Technology (信息技术)
BACHELOR OF Information Technology-Software Design (信息技术-软件设计)
MASTER OF Cyber Security (网络安全)
MASTER OF Information Technology (信息技术)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Computer Science (计算机科学)
MASTER OF Computer Science (Management) (计算机科学(管理))
BACHELOR OF Information Technology-User Experience Design (信息技术-用户体验设计)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Software Information Systems) (信息技术(软件信息系统))
Bachelor of Information Technology(User Experience Design) (信息技术(用户体验设计))
Master of Computer Science with Articulation ()
MASTER OF Computer Science(1.5 Years) (计算机科学)
MASTER OF Data Science(2 Years) (数据科学)
MASTER OF Computer Science (计算机科学)
MASTER OF Cyber Security(2 Years) (网络安全)
Master of Information Technology (Management) (信息技术(管理))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Software Design) (信息技术(软件设计))
Bachelors of Information Technology/Arts (信息技术和文学)
Bachelor of Science(Computer Science / Extended Major) (理学(计算机科学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Information Technology(Computer Systems and Networks) (信息技术(计算机系统与网络))
Bachelors of Information Technology/Science (信息技术和理学)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Enterprise Information Systems) (信息技术(企业信息系统))
Master of Computer Science(Management) (计算机科学(管理))
Master of Software Engineering (Professional) (软件工程硕士(专业))
BACHELOR OF Design (设计)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Interaction Design (交互设计)
BACHELOR OF Design-Environment and Society (设计-环境与社会)
BACHELOR OF Design-Innovation and Entrepreneurship (设计-创新与创业精神)
BACHELOR OF Design-Anthropology (设计-人类学)
BACHELOR OF Design-Buildings and Environments (设计-建筑与环境)
BACHELOR OF Design-Information Environments (设计-信息环境)
BACHELOR OF Design-Media and Digital Cultures (设计-媒体与数字文化)
MASTER OF Interaction Design (交互设计)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Interaction Design (交互设计)
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (国际酒店与旅游管理学士)
BACHELOR OF Journalism (Honours) (新闻学)
BACHELOR OF Communication (Honours) (传播学)
BACHELOR OF Journalism (新闻)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Media and Digital Cultures (文学士-媒体与数字文化)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Film and Television Studies (文学士-电影与电视研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Journalism and Mass Communication (文学士-新闻与大众传播)
BACHELOR OF Communication-Digital Media (传播学-数字媒体)
BACHELOR OF Communication-Public Relations (传播学-公共关系)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences / Journalism (人体运动与营养科学/新闻学)
BACHELORS OF Journalism / Arts (新闻学/文学)
BACHELORS OF Journalism / Laws (Honours) (新闻学/法学)
BACHELORS OF Communication / Arts (传播学/文学)
BACHELORS OF Communication / Journalism-Digital Media (传播学/新闻学-数字媒体)
BACHELORS OF Communication / Journalism-Public Relations (传播学/新闻学-公共关系)
MASTER OF Communication(2 Years) (传播学)
BACHELORS OF Science / Journalism (理学/新闻学)
Bachelor of Communication(Digital Media) (传播(数字媒体))
Master of Communication(Communication for Social Change) (传播(社会变革传播))
MASTER OF Communication (传播学)
master of Occupational Therapy Studies1 (master of Occupational Therapy Studies)
Bachelor of Communication(Digital Media)-20170630154747-1 (传播(数字媒体)-20170630154747-1)
Bachelor of Communication(Public Relations) (传播(公共关系))
BACHELOR OF Communication (传播学)
BACHELORS OF Communication / Journalism (传播学/新闻学)
Master of Communication-Strategic Communication ()
Bachelors of Communication/ Journalism (传播和新闻)
Bachelors of Communication/Arts (传播和文学)
Bachelors of Journalism/Laws (Honours) (新闻和法学)
Master of Communication(Public Relations and Professional Communication) (传播(公共关系与职业传播))
Graduate Certificate in Communication (传播学)
BACHELORS OF Music (Honours) / Arts (音乐/文学)
BACHELOR OF Music (Honours) (音乐)
BACHELORS OF Music (Honours) / Science (音乐/理学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Art History (文学士-艺术史)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Drama (文学士-戏剧)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Music (文学士-音乐)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Popular Music and Technology (文学士-流行音乐与技术)
BACHELORS OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences / Arts (人体运动与营养科学/艺术)
master of music. ()
MASTER OF Music (音乐)
Graduate Diploma in Music (音乐)
MASTER OF Music(1.5-year) (音乐)
IES Foundation Year-Standard Program (本科预科-标准项目)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Arts (数学/文学)
BACHELOR OF Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (政治、哲学和经济学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Governance and Public Policy (治理与公共政策)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Art History (高级人文学-艺术史)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)- Western Civilisation (Extended Major) (高级人文学-西方文明(扩展专业))
BACHELORS OF Science / Arts (理学/文学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Arts in Translation and Interpreting (笔译和口译)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Ancient History (高级人文学-古代史)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Drama (高级人文学-戏剧)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Studies in Religion (高级人文学-宗教研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts-English (文学士-英语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-English as an International Language (文学士-英语作为国际语言)
BACHELOR OF Arts-English Literature (文学士-英语文学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Chinese Translation and Interpreting (文学士-中文笔译与口译)
BACHELOR OF Arts-History (文学士-历史)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Linguistics (文学士-语言学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Writing (文学士-写作)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Indonesian (文学士-印度尼西亚语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Italian (文学士-意大利语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Spanish (文学士-西班牙语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Art History (文学-艺术史)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Classical Languages (文学-古典语言)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-English Literature (文学-英国文学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-German (文学-德语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Anthropology (文学-人类学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Archaeology (文学-考古学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Chinese (文学-中文)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-French (文学-法语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-International Relations (文学-国际关系)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Music (文学-音乐)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Peace and Conflict Studies (文学-和平与冲突研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Studies in Religion (文学-宗教研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts-French (文学士-法语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-French Advanced (文学士-法语高级课程)
BACHELOR OF Arts-German (文学士-德语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Philosophy (文学士-哲学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Professional Writing and Communication (文学士-专业写作与交流)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Japanese (文学-日语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Journalism and Mass Communication (文学-新闻与大众传播)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Korean (文学-韩语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Linguistics (文学-语言学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Psychology (文学-心理学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Public Policy (文学-公共政策)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Russian (文学-俄语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Sociology (文学-社会学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Spanish (文学-西班牙语)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-English Literature (高级人文学-英国文学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-History (高级人文学-历史)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Music (高级人文学-音乐)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours)-Philosophy (高级人文学-哲学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Chinese (文学士-中文)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Japanese (文学士-日语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Indonesian (文学-印度尼西亚语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Political Science (文学-政治学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Ancient History (文学-古代历史)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Japanese Advanced (文学士-高级日语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Korean (文学士-韩语)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Latin (文学士-拉丁语)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours) (文学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Communication and Cultural Studies (文学-传播与文化研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Criminology (文学-犯罪学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Drama (文学-戏剧)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Economics (文学-经济学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Geography (文学-地理)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-History (文学-历史)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Mathematics (文学-数学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Philosophy (文学-哲学)
BACHELOR OF Arts (Honours)-Sports Studies (文学-体育研究)
MASTER OF Arts in Translation and Interpreting (笔译和口译)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics(2 Years) (应用语言学)
MASTER OF Governance and Public Policy(1 Year) (治理与公共政策)
Master of Counselling (咨询硕士)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Development Practice (发展实践)
MASTER OF Development Practice(2 Years) (发展实践)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics(1.5-year) (应用语言学)
MASTER OF International Relations(2 Year) (国际关系)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN International Relations (国际关系)
MASTER OF International Relations(1 Year) (国际关系)
MASTER OF Writing, Editing and Publishing(1.5 Years) (写作、编辑和出版)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Humanities (Honours) (高级人文学)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics(2-year) (应用语言学)
Master of Philosophy(Herston) (哲学硕士)
Master of Philosophy(St Lucia) (哲学硕士)
BACHELORS OF Arts / Laws (Honours) (文学/法学)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics(1.5 Years) (应用语言学)
MASTER OF Development Practice (发展实践)
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management)
MASTER OF Applied Linguistics(1 Year) (应用语言学)
Bachelor of Science(Soil and Plant Bioscience / Extended Major) (理学(土壤与植物生物科学/扩展专业))
Master of Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation (文学(日语翻译与口译))
Bachelors of Science/Arts (理学和文学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Writing, Editing and Publishing (写作、编辑和出版)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Governance and Public Policy (治理与公共政策)
MASTER OF Governance and Public Policy(1.5 Years) (治理与公共政策)
MASTER OF Museum Studies (博物馆研究)
Master of Philosophy(Gatton) (哲学硕士)
Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (文学(中文翻译与口译))
IES Foundation Year-Extended Program ()
Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture (BSAgr)(Horticulture) (可持续农业(园艺学))
Graduate Diploma in Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation (文学(日语口译与翻译))
Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies (博物馆研究)
Graduate Certificate in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (文学(中文翻译与口译))
BACHELORS OF Arts / Social Science (文学/社会科学)
Master of Applied Linguistics(Applied Linguistics) (应用语言学(应用语言学))
Master of Applied Linguistics(TESOL Studies) (应用语言学(对外英语教学研究))
Master of Counselling (咨询)
Master of Writing, Editing and Publishing(Creative Writing) (写作、编辑与出版(创意写作))
MASTER OF Writing, Editing and Publishing (写作、编辑与出版)
Bachelors of Science/Journalism (理学和新闻)
Bachelor of Science(Archaeological Science / Extended Major) (理学(考古科学/扩展专业))
Bachelors of Arts/Social Science (文学和社会科学)
Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture (BSAgr)(Agronomy) (可持续农业(农艺学))
Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture (BSAgr)(Livestock and Poultry Science) (可持续性农业(家畜与家禽学))
Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
Master of Heritage Management (遗产管理)
Master of Leadership in Global Development (全球发展领导)
Master of Writing, Editing and Publishing(Professional Writing) (写作、编辑与出版(专业写作))
BACHELOR OF Environmental Science (环境科学)
BACHELOR OF Environmental Science (Honours) (环境科学)
BACHELOR OF Equine Science (马术科学)
BACHELOR OF Dental Science (Honours)(Herston) (牙医科学)
BACHELOR OF Environmental Management (Honours) (环境管理)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics (Honours) (数学)
BACHELOR OF Pharmacy (Honours) (药学)
BACHELORS OF Science / Laws (Honours) (理学/法学)
BACHELOR OF Dental Science (Honours)(St Lucia) (牙医科学)
BACHELOR OF Equine Science (Honours) (马术科学)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics (数学)
BACHELOR OF Psychological Science (Honours) (心理科学)
BACHELOR OF Science (理学)
BACHELOR OF Wildlife Science (野生动物科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Health Sciences(Pharmacy Aust Cntr Excellence) (环境健康科学(澳大利亚卓越药学中心))
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Management(St Lucia) (环境管理(圣卢西亚))
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Magnetic Resonance Technology(St Lucia) (磁共振技术)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Molecular Biology (分子生物学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Bioinformatics (高级理学-生物信息学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Cell Biology (高级理学-细胞生物学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Food Technology (高级理学-食品技术)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Genetics (高级理学-遗传学)
BACHELORS OF Mathematics / Science (数学/理学)
BACHELOR OF Science (Honours)( St Lucia) (理学)
BACHELOR OF Science (Honours) - Gatton (理学)
BACHELOR OF Veterinary Science (Honours) (兽医科学)
BACHELOR OF Veterinary Technology (Honours) (兽医技术)
BACHELOR OF Wildlife Science (Honours) (野生动物科学)
BACHELOR OF Science (Honours)(Herston) (理学)
BACHELOR OF Veterinary Technology (兽医技术)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Management(External) (环境管理)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Biotechnology (生物技术)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Health Sciences(St Lucia) (环境健康科学(圣卢西亚))
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Geographic Information Science(External) (地理信息科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Health Sciences(Herston) (环境健康科学(赫斯顿))
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Magnetic Resonance Technology(External) (磁共振技术)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Biomedical Science (高级理学-生物医学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Chemistry (高级理学-化学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Food Science and Nutrition (高级理学-食品科学与营养学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Geographical Science (高级理学-地理科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Microbiology (高级理学-微生物学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Health Sciences(Gatton) (环境健康科学(加顿))
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Geographic Information Science( St Lucia) (地理信息科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours) (高级理学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Archaeological Science (高级理学-考古科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Coastal and Ocean Science (高级理学-海岸与海洋科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Computer Science (高级理学-计算机科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Earth Science (高级理学-地球科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Ecology and Conservation Biology (高级理学-生态学与保护生物学)
BACHELOR OF Agricultural Science-Agronomy-Animal Science (农业科学-动物科学)
BACHELOR OF Agricultural Science-Horticulture (农业科学-园艺学)
BACHELOR OF Agricultural Science (农业科学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Marine Biology (高级理学-海洋生物学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Physics (高级理学-物理学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Statistics (高级理学-统计学)
BACHELOR OF Agricultural Science-Agronomy (农业科学-农艺学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Plant Science (高级理学-植物科学)
BACHELOR OF Agribusiness (农业综合企业)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Mathematics (文学士-数学)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology-Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology (生物技术-合成生物学与工业生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Geography (文学士-地理学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Quantitative Biology (量化生物学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (高级理学-生物化学与分子生物学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Mathematics (高级理学-数学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Psychology (高级理学-心理学)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Public Health (高级理学-公共卫生)
BACHELOR OF Advanced Science (Honours)-Zoology (高级理学-动物学)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology-Medical Biotechnology (生物技术-医学生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours)-Agricultural Biotechnology (生物技术-农业生物)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours)-Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology (生物技术-合成生物学和工业生物)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology-Agricultural Biotechnology (生物技术-农业生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology-Chemical and Nano Biotechnology (生物技术-化学与纳米生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology-Molecular and Microbial Biotechnology (生物技术-分子和微生物生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours)-Chemical and Nano Biotechnology (生物技术-化学和纳米生物)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours)-Medical Biotechnology (生物技术-医学生物)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours)-Molecular and Microbial Biotechnology (生物技术-分子和微生物生物技术)
BACHELOR OF Nursing (Honours) (护理)
BACHELOR OF Science-Applied Mathematics (理学-应用数学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Computer Science (理学-计算机科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Earth Science (理学-地球科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Ecology and Conservation Biology (理学-生态学与保护生物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Food Science and Nutrition (理学-食品科学与营养学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Food Technology (理学-食品技术)
BACHELOR OF Science-Microbiology, Infection and Immunity (Extended Major) (理学-微生物学、感染与免疫(扩展专业))
BACHELOR OF Science (Honours) (理学)
MASTER OF Agricultural Science(2-year) (农业科学)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics-Mathematical Physics (数学-数学物理)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics-Statistics (数学-统计学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Biomedical Science (理学-生物医学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Chemistry (理学-化学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Geographical Science (理学-地理科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Mathematics (理学-数学)
MASTER OF Animal Science(2-year) (动物科学)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics Research Extensive (生物信息学研究)
MASTER OF Biotechnology (生物技术)
MASTER OF Clinical Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology (临床神经心理学和临床心理学)
MASTER OF Conservation Science (保护科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Environmental Health Sciences(External) (环境健康科学)
MASTER OF Environmental Management (环境管理)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology Research Extensive (分子生物学扩展研究)
MASTER OF Agricultural Science(two years) (农业科学(两年制))
Graduate Certificate in Animal Science (动物科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Physics (理学-物理学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Psychology (理学-心理学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Agricultural Science (农业科学)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Biotechnology (生物技术)
MASTER OF Biotechnology(1.5-year) (生物技术)
MASTER OF Conservation Biology (保护生物学)
MASTER OF Environmental Health Sciences(St Lucia) (环境健康科学(圣卢西亚))
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science (地理信息科学)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics-Applied Mathematics (数学-应用数学)
MASTER OF Animal Science(2 Years) (动物科学)
Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
MASTER OF Data Science (数据科学)
MASTER OF Environmental Health Sciences(Pharmacy Aust Cntr Excellence) (环境健康科学(澳大利亚卓越药学中心))
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Environmental Management(External) (环境管理)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Environmental Management(St Lucia) (环境管理(圣卢西亚))
MASTER OF Environmental Management(1.5 Years,External) (环境管理)
MASTER OF Food Science and Technology(1.5 Years) (食品科学与技术)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Geographic Information Science(External) (地理信息科学)
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science(2 Years,External) (地理信息技术)
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science(2 Years,St Lucia) (地理信息技术)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology(2-year) (分子生物学)
Master of Agricultural Science (农业科学)
MASTER OF Biotechnology(1 Year) (生物技术)
MASTER OF Business Psychology(2 Years) (商业心理学)
MASTER OF Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics-Data Analytics and Operations Research (数学-数据分析与运筹学)
BACHELOR OF Mathematics-Pure Mathematics (数学-纯数学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Bioinformatics (理学-生物信息学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Cell Biology (理学-细胞生物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Coastal and Ocean Science (理学-海岸与海洋科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Genetics (理学-遗传学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Marine Biology (理学-海洋生物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Plant Science (理学-植物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Public Health (理学-公共卫生)
MASTER OF Animal Science (动物科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Archaeological Science (理学-考古科学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (理学-生物化学与分子生物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Microbiology (理学-微生物学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Statistics (理学-统计学)
BACHELOR OF Science-Zoology (理学-动物学)
MASTER OF Agricultural Science (农业科学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Agricultural Science (农业科学)
MASTER OF Bioengineering (Professional) (生物工程学(专业))
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
Master of Bioinformatics(1.5-year) (生物信息学)
MASTER OF Magnetic Resonance Technology(St Lucia) (磁共振技术)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology(1.5 Years) (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology Research Extensive(1.5 Years) (分子生物学扩展研究)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology Research Extensive(2 Years) (分子生物学扩展研究)
MASTERS OF Occupational Hygiene / Occupational Health and Safety Science (职业卫生/职业健康与安全科学)
MASTER OF Physiotherapy Studies (物理疗法研究)
MASTER OF Quantitative Biology(1 year) (量化生物学)
MASTER OF Quantum Technology (量子技术)
MASTER OF Science(2 Years) (理学)
MASTER OF Environmental Health Sciences(Herston) (环境健康科学(赫斯顿))
MASTER OF Food Science and Technology(2 Years) (食品科学与技术)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Geographic Information Science(St Lucia) (地理信息科学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology(2 Years) (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Molecular Imaging Technology(External) (分子成像技术)
MASTER OF Occupational Health and Safety Science (职业健康与安全科学)
MASTER OF Organisational Psychology (组织心理学)
MASTER OF Psychology (心理学)
MASTER OF Quantitative Biology(1.5 year) (量化生物学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
MASTER OF Chemical Engineering (Professional) (化学工程(专业))
MASTER OF Environmental Management(2-year) (环境管理)
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science(2-year) (地理信息科学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology(1.5-year) (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics(2-year) (生物信息学)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics Research Extensive(2-year) (生物信息学研究)
MASTER OF Biotechnology(2-Year) (生物技术)
MASTER OF Biotechnology Research Extensive (生物技术研究)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Conservation Biology (保护生物学)
MASTER OF Environmental Health Sciences(Gatton) (环境健康科学(加顿))
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Geographic Information Science (地理信息科学)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Geographic Information Science (地理信息科学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Molecular Biology (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology Research Extensive(2-year) (分子生物学扩展研究)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Wildlife Science(Gatton) (农业经济学/野生动物科学)
BACHELORS OF Biomedical Science / Science (生物医学科学/理学)
BACHELOR OF Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours) (临床运动生理学(荣誉))
master of Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
Bachelor of Economics(Economics and Public Policy) (经济学(定量方法))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Bioinformatics and Innovation Management) (生物技术(生物信息学与创新管理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Bioprocess Technology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(生物工艺与创新管理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Bioprocess Technology) (生物技术(生物工艺))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Chemical Biotechnology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(化学生物技术与创新管理))
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Equine Science(St Lucia) (农业经济学/马术科学)
BACHELORS OF Agribusiness / Wildlife Science(St Lucia) (农业经济学/野生动物科学)
BACHELOR OF Biomedical Science (Honours) (生物医学科学)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (生物技术)
Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) (生物技术硕士(高级))
Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Science (农业科学)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics(1 Year) (生物信息学)
MASTER OF Biotechnology(1.5 Years) (生物技术)
MASTER OF Biotechnology Research Extensive(1.5 Years) (生物技术研究)
MASTER OF Environmental Management(1.5 Years,St Lucia) (环境管理)
MASTER OF Environmental Management(2 Years,External) (环境管理)
MASTER OF Bioinformatics Research Extensive(1.5 Years) (生物信息学研究)
MASTER OF Dietetics Studies (饮食学研究)
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Chemical Biotechnology) (生物技术(化学生物技术))
Bachelor of Science (Gatton)(Animal and Veterinary Bioscience / Extended Major) (理学(动物与兽医生物科学))
Bachelor of Science(Chemical Sciences) (理学(化学科学))
Bachelor of Science(Chemistry) (理学(化学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Biomedical Science) (理学(计算机科学与生物医学科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Chemistry) (理学(计算机科学与化学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Zoology) (理学(计算科学与动物学))
Bachelor of Science(Ecology) (理学(生态学))
Bachelor of Science(Psychology / Extended Major) (理学(心理学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Science(Statistics) (理学(统计学))
Bachelor of Science(Zoology) (理学(动物学))
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Physics) (高级理学(物理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Drug Design and Development) (生物技术(药物设计与开发))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Nanotechnology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(纳米技术与创新管理))
MASTER OF Financial Mathematics(2 Years) (金融数学)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Food Science and Technology (食品科学与技术)
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science(1.5 Years,St Lucia) (地理信息科学)
MASTER OF Geographic Information Science(1.5 Years,External) (地理信息技术)
MASTER OF Magnetic Resonance Technology(External) (磁共振技术)
MASTER OF Molecular Imaging Technology(St Lucia) (分子成像技术)
BACHELOR OF Agricultural Science (Honours) (农业科学)
MASTER OF Environmental Health Sciences(External) (环境健康科学(埃克斯特纳))
MASTER OF Environmental Management(2 Years,St Lucia) (环境管理)
MASTER OF Financial Mathematics(1.5 Years) (金融数学)
MASTER OF Molecular Biology(1 Years) (分子生物学)
MASTER OF Science(1.5 Years) (理学)
BACHELOR OF Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
Master of Environmental Management(Resource and Environmental Economics) (环境管理(资源与环境经济学))
Master of Environmental Management(Sustainable Development) (环境管理(可持续性发展))
Master of Mineral Resources(Exploration Geology) (矿物资源(勘探地质学))
Master of Science(Physics) (理学(物理))
Master of Science(Statistics) (理学(统计学))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Plant Biotechnology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(植物生物技术与创新管理))
Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours)(Natural Systems and Wildlife) (环境管理(自然系统与野生动植物))
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)(Natural Resource Science) (环境科学(自然资源科学))
Bachelor of Science(Bioinformatics) (理学(生物信息学))
Bachelor of Science(Biophysics) (理学(生物物理学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Computer Science) (理学(计算科学与计算机科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Genetics) (理学(计算科学与遗传学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Geographical Sciences) (理学(计算科学与地理科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Marine Science) (理学(计算科学与海洋科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Psychology) (理学(计算科学与心理学))
Bachelor of Science(Food Science and Nutrition) (理学(食品科学与营养学))
Bachelor of Science(Marine Science) (理学(海洋科学))
Bachelor of Science(Microbiology) (理学(微生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Plant Science) (理学(植物科学))
Graduate Certificate in Mineral Resources (矿产资源)
BACHELOR OF Biotechnology (Honours) (生物技术)
Master of Agricultural Science(Agronomy) (农业科学(农学))
Master of Conservation Biology (保护生物学)
Master of Environmental Management(Conservation and Natural Resource Management) (环境管理(保护与自然资源管理))
Master of Environmental Management(Conservation Biology) (环境管理(保护生物学))
Master of Science(Mathematics) (理学(数学))
Bachelors of Science/Laws (Honours) (理学和法学)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Mathematics) (高级理学(数学))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Bioinformatics) (生物技术(生物信息学))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Drug Design & Development & Innovation Management) (生物技术(药物设计及开发与创新管理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Nanotechnology) (生物技术(纳米技术))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Plant Biotechnology) (生物技术(植物生物技术))
Bachelor of Science(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (理学(生物化学与分子生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science / Extended Major (理学(生物医学科学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Ecology) (理学(计算科学与生态学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Geological Sciences) (理学(计算科学与地质科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science, Biochemistry and Molecular) (理学(计算科学、生物化学与分子))
Bachelor of Science(Food Science / Extended Major) (理学(食品科学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Biology) (高级理学(生物学))
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Chemistry) (高级理学(化学))
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Geographical Sciences) (高级理学(地理科学))
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)(Geological Sciences) (高级理学(地质科学))
MASTER OF Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science(Mathematics / Extended Major) (理学(数学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Science(Physics / Extended Major) (理学(物理/扩展专业))
Master of Sustainable Energy (可持续能源)
Master of Agricultural Science(Horticulture) (农业科学(园艺学))
Master of Environmental Management(Environmental Management in Mining) (环境管理(采矿环境管理))
Master of Mineral Resources(Exploration Geophysics) (矿物资源(勘探地球物理学))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Microbial Biotechnology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(微生物生物技术与创新管理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Microbial Biotechnology) (生物技术(微生物生物技术))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Molecular Biotechnology and Innovation Management) (生物技术(分子生物技术与创新管理))
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)(Molecular Biotechnology) (生物技术(分子生物技术))
Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours)(Sustainable Development) (环境管理(可持续性发展))
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)(Earth Resources) (环境科学(地球资源))
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)(Ecology and Conservation) (环境科学(生态学与保护))
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)(Environmental Toxicology) (环境科学(环境毒理学))
Bachelor of Food Technology (Honours) (食品技术)
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Mathematics) (理学(计算科学与数学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Microbiology) (理学(计算科学与微生物学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Physics) (理学(计算科学与物理))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Plant Science) (理学(计算科学与植物科学))
Bachelor of Science(Computational Science and Statistics) (理学(计算科学与统计学))
Bachelor of Science(Genetics) (理学(遗传学))
Bachelor of Science(Geographical Sciences) (理学(地理科学))
Bachelor of Science(Geological Sciences / Extended Major) (理学(地质科学/扩展专业))
Bachelor of Science(Marine Biology) (理学(海洋生物学))
Graduate Diploma in Mineral Resources (矿产资源)
Graduate Certificate in Science (理学)
MASTER OF Molecular Imaging Technology (分子成像技术)
Master of Agricultural Science(Plant Protection) (农业科学(植物保护))
Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning ()
MASTER OF Science(2-year) (理学)
BACHELOR OF Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (运动与营养科学)
BACHELOR OF Exercise and Sport Sciences (Honours) (运动与锻炼科学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences(Herston) (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences( St Lucia) (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences (Honours)( St Lucia) (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences (Honours)(Herston) (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (Honours) (运动与营养科学)
BACHELOR OF Occupational Therapy (Honours) (职业疗法)
BACHELORS OF Nursing / Midwifery (护理/助产)
BACHELOR OF Physiotherapy (Honours) (物理疗法)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Public Health(Herston) (公共卫生)
GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN Public Health(External) (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Midwifery (助产)
BACHELOR OF Midwifery (Honours) (助产)
BACHELOR OF Nursing (护理)
BACHELOR OF Occupational Health and Safety Science (Honours) (职业健康与安全科学)
BACHELOR OF Speech Pathology (Honours) (言语病理学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Sports Studies (文学士-体育研究)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Psychology (文学士-心理学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences-Nutrition (健康科学-营养学)
BACHELOR OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences-Sporting Cultures (人体运动与营养科学-体育文化)
BACHELOR OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (Honours) (人体运动与营养科学)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences-Clinical Health (健康科学-临床保健)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences-Public Health (健康科学-公共卫生)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences (Honours) (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences-Nutrition Sciences (人体运动与营养科学-营养科学)
BACHELOR OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences-Sports Coaching (人体运动与营养科学-体育教练)
BACHELOR OF Human Services (Honours) (人类服务)
BACHELOR OF Health Sciences (健康科学)
BACHELOR OF Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (人体运动与营养科学)
MASTER OF Nursing Studies (护理研究)
Master of Pharmaceutical Industry Practice (医药行业实践)
MASTER OF Occupational Therapy Studies (职业疗法研究)
MASTER OF Speech Pathology Studies (言语病理学)
BACHELOR OF Arts-Studies in Religion (文学士-宗教研究)
MASTER OF Food Science and Technology Research Extensive (食品科学与技术研究广泛)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Environmental Management (环境管理)
MASTER OF Public Health (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) ()
MASTER OF Occupational Hygiene (职业卫生)
MASTER OF Public Health(External) (公共卫生)
MASTER OF Public Health(Herston) (公共卫生)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Sports Medicine (运动医学)
MASTER OF Mental Health (心理健康)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Public Health(External) (公共卫生)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN Public Health(Herston) (公共卫生)
MASTER OF Sports Coaching(1.5 Years) (体育教练)
MASTER OF Sports Coaching(2 Years) (体育教练)
MASTER OF Sports Medicine (运动医学)
MASTER OF Psychology-Counselling (心理学-咨询)
MASTER OF Psychology-Health (心理学-健康)
MASTER OF Psychology-Sport and Exercise (心理学-运动与锻炼)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Sciences (Honours) (锻炼与运动科学)