The University of Adelaide
阿德莱德大学成立于1874年,是澳大利亚第三历史悠久的大 学,全球排名持续位列前百分之一,南澳排名第一。同事也是澳洲“八大院校联盟”成员之一( CRICOS Provider Number 00123M) 源源不断的杰出人才队伍造就了阿德莱德大学追求卓越、开拓创新的声誉。我们有多位令我们自豪的杰出校友,包括五 位诺贝尔奖获得者和100多名罗德学者。澳大利亚第一位女总理和最高法院法官也是阿德莱德大学的毕业生。
如今,我们充满活力的文化氛围不断地吸引着全球最杰出的 人才 — 来自世界各地的学术带头人以及来自100多个国家的 国际学生。
学生们在杰出的教学团队的指导和支持下进行学习。在从事学科前沿相关研究的同时,他们充满热情地与学生一同分享他们对新知识的热爱,并鼓励学生们去追求改变世界的发现和探索。 阿德莱德大学还提供各种学生服务和机会,这样优良的培养环境以及对最高教学标准的不懈追求,使每位学生都能充分发挥自己的潜能,为世界发展做出贡献。
* 经济学人智库2018年全球宜居性指数
诺贝尔奖是一个世界性的年度奖 项,自1901年起,它表彰了来自 物理、化学、医学、文学和和平 领域的杰出成就。阿德莱德大学 拥有5位诺贝尔奖获得者,并且 长久以来致力于开创性以及具有 国际影响力的学术研究。
威廉.亨利.布拉格和威廉.劳伦斯 .布拉格爵士
通过X射线手段分析晶体 结构的研究贡献而获得诺 贝尔物理学奖。
J . 罗宾 . 沃伦博士(与另一学者合作)
对导致胃炎及胃溃疡的幽门 螺旋杆菌的发现而获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
•全澳洲第一所提倡男女平等观念的大学 (第一所接受女学生的澳大利亚大学) 首次招收女生的时间是在1881年,远早于牛津大学(1920年)和剑桥大学(1948年)
•全澳洲第一所授予理学学位的大学,第一位理学毕业生同时也是它的第一位女毕业生伊迪斯·艾米丽·道威尔(Edith Emily Dornwell)。
•全澳洲第一所设立音乐学院、音乐教授职位和音乐博士学位的大学,同时也是第一所将音乐博士学位授予一位女士(鲁比·戴卫Ruby Davy,授予时间是1918年)的大学。 大学校区
阿德莱德大学有三个校区: 城北大街(North Terrace) 校区、罗斯沃斯(Roseworthy) 校区以及怀特(Waite)校区。
城北大街(North Terrace) 校区
阿德莱德大学主校区位于城北大街,以历史悠久的建筑和活跃的氛围而著称。校区坐落在阿德莱德中心商业购物区,紧邻州立图书馆、庆典中心、南澳博物馆、南澳艺术馆、阿德莱德动物园及植物园。 阿德莱德大学健康与医学科学大楼也在步行距离以内,位于南澳健康与生物医药研究园区内。
该校区位于市中心以南8公里处,可搭乘公 共交通或怀特-城北大街校区区间班车往来通 勤。校区服务包括儿童托管中心、图书馆、 餐厅、健身房及运动设施。
罗斯沃斯(Roseworthy) 校区
罗斯沃斯校区是国际知名的旱地农业、 自然资源管理和动物产品研究中心。占 地1600公顷,南澳州唯一的兽医院就 位于该校区内。该学院有一所造价3700 万澳元的兽医诊所,学生可以在学习期 间获得临床实习经验。
该校区位于阿德莱德以北55公里,离高 勒镇(人口2.6万)10公里。可搭乘北 大街-罗斯沃斯校区区间班车往来通勤。 校区服务包括学生住宿、游泳池、图书 馆、餐厅和健身中心。
文科学部包括埃尔德音乐学院、人文学院、 社会科学学院、教育学院。
该学部包括建筑及建造环境学院、澳大利亚石油工业学院、化学工程学院、土木环境及采矿工程学院、计算机科学学院、电子电气工程学院、数学科学院、机械工程学院。 在2020年QS 世界学科排名中,矿物及采矿工程排名世界第30,土木及结构工程、化学工程也跻身全球前100。学校在人工智能、材料科学等领域的研究也走在世界最前沿。
专业学部下面包括阿德莱德商学院、 阿德莱德法学院、经济学院。
阿德莱德大学是澳大利亚首个(1902年)开设商科教育的大学,会计与金融专业在2020年QS 世界学科排名前100。商学部开设的葡萄酒商务硕士专业也为对市场营销和葡萄酒专业都感兴趣的学生,提供了一个鱼和熊掌兼得的机会。
在2020年QS 世界学科排名中,阿大的牙医与口腔排名第28,护理、临床医学均排名前100。
Foundation Studies program (本科预科课程)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (工商管理)
Degree Transfer program - Extended (学位转移课程-延长课程)
Degree Transfer program - Standard (学位转移课程-标准课程)
pre-master (硕士预科)
Graduate Diploma in Business Law (商业法)
Graduate Certificate in Commerce (商业)
Graduate Certificate in Global Food and Agricultural Business (全球食品与农业经济)
Graduate Certificate in International Business (国际商务)
Master of Health Economics and Policy (卫生经济学与政策)
Degree Transfer program - Accelerated (学位转移课程-强化课程)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Economics (应用经济学)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Project Management (应用项目管理)
Graduate Diploma in International Trade and Development (国际贸易与发展)
Graduate Diploma in Wine Business (酒类贸易)
Graduate Certificate in International Trade and Development (国际贸易与发展)
Master of Applied Project Management (应用项目管理)
Master of International Trade and Development (国际贸易与发展)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Finance (工程(机械)和金融)
Master of International Business (国际商务)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance (应用金融)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Graduate Certificate in Business Law (商业法)
Graduate Certificate in Wine Business (酒类贸易)
Master of Accounting and Marketing (会计与市场营销)
Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Economics (文学和经济学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Finance (工程(化学)和金融)
Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) (商业(国际商业))
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) (商业(市场营销))
Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与创业)
Bachelor of Business (Global) (商业)
Degree Transfer :Business – Accounting, Economics, Statistics, Commercial Law (本科预科商科方向)
Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship ()
Master of Advanced Economics ()
Bachelor of Project Management (Bachelor of Project Management)
Foundation Studies Program - Standard (本科预科课程-标准课程)
Foundation Year - Extended (本科预科课程-延长课程)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (工商管理)
Graduate Diploma in Commerce (商业)
Graduate Diploma in Global Food and Agricultural Business (全球食品与农业经济)
Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与创业)
Graduate Diploma in International Business (国际商务)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Project Management (应用项目管理)
Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与创业)
Master of Commerce (商业学硕士)
Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business (全球食品与农业经济)
Bachelor of Economics (经济学)
Bachelor of Economics (Advanced) (经济学(高级))
Bachelor of Finance (金融)
Bachelor of Finance (International) (金融(国际))
Bachelor of Business Management (商业管理本科)
Master of International Management ()
Master of Applied Economics (应用经济学)
Bachelor of Business (商科学士)
Master of Biostatistics ()
Master of Accounting (会计)
Master of Accounting and Finance - Melbourne Campus (会计与金融(墨尔本校区))
Master of Applied Finance (应用金融)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Business Analytics (商业分析)
Master of Finance - Melbourne Campus (金融硕士 - 墨尔本校区)
Master of Finance and Business Economics (金融与商业经济学)
Master of International Management (国际管理)
Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Media ()
Master of Applied Finance - Melbourne Campus (应用金融(墨尔本校区))
Master of Business Administration (International) (工商管理硕士(国际))
Master of Economics and Resource Policy (经济学与资源政策)
Master of Economics and Resource Policy-Economic Analysis (经济学与资源政策硕士--经济分析)
Master of Professional Accounting - Melbourne Campus (专业会计 - 墨尔本校区)
Master of Project Management (项目管理)
Master of Property (财产)
Master of Technology Innovation and Leadership (技术创新与领导力)
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Policy and Management (环境政策与管理)
Graduate Diploma in Wine Business (葡萄酒商业)
Executive Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (工商管理)
Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) (商业(企业金融))
Bachelor of Commerce (Management) (商业(管理))
Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Finance (经济和金融)
Bachelor of Business Management and Accounting ()
Master of Business Analytics ()
bachelor of finance and banking (bachelor of finance and banking)
Bachelor of Finance and Banking/Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (Bachelor of Finance and Banking/Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
Master of Economics and Resource Policy ()
Executive Master of Business Administration (高级工商管理)
Master of Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
Master of Economics and Resource Policy-Global Food and Agribusiness (经济学与资源政策硕士--全球食品与农业综合企业)
Master of Environmental Policy and Management (环境政策与管理)
Master of Finance (金融学)
Master of Project Management (Complex Systems) (项目管理硕士(复合系统))
Master of Wine Business (葡萄酒商业)
Master of Wine Business-1.5 years (葡萄酒商业)
Graduate Certificate in Economics and Resource Policy (经济学与资源政策)
Bachelor of Marketing ()
Master of Business Administration (International Trade and Development) (国家贸易与发展)
Master of Materials Engineering ()
Master of Accounting (New) (会计硕士)
Bachelor of Commerce (商业)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Economics (经济学博士)
Adelaide Master of business administration (Adelaide Master of business administration)
Master of Accounting - Melbourne Campus (会计(墨尔本校区))
Master of Economics and Resource Policy-International Trade (经济学与资源政策硕士--国际贸易)
Master of Finance and Business Economics-Finance (金融与商业经济学硕士--金融)
Master of Finance and Business Economics-Economics (金融与商业经济学硕士--经济学)
Master of Marketing (市场营销)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (商业分析)
Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics (商业分析)
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management (环境政策与管理)
Master of Project Management (项目管理硕士)
Bachelor of Accounting (with a specialization in Business Management) ()
Master of Technology Innovation and Leadership-1.5 years (技术创新与领导力)
Executive Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (工商管理)
Graduate Diploma in Economics and Resource Policy (经济学与资源政策)
Graduate Certificate in Wine Business (葡萄酒商业)
Bachelor of International Business (Bachelor of International Business)
DTP(degree transfer program) (学位转移计划)
Diploma of Business (大一文凭课程-商科)
Doctor of Philosophy (博士)
Master of Engineering (Mechatronic) (工程(机电))
Master of Engineering (Mining) (工程(采矿))
Master of Marine Engineering (海洋工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Aerospace) (工程(机械与航空航天))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Sports) (工程(机械与运动))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical and Sustainable Energy) (工程(机械与可持续能源))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (工程(采矿)和数学与计算机科学)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace) (工程(航空航天))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechatronic) (工程(机电))
Master of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) (工程(土木与环境))
Master of Engineering (Electronic) (工程(电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical - Minerals Processing) (工程(化学与矿物加工))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical and Pharmaceutical) (工程(化学与药学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) and Bachelor of Arts (工程(化学)和文学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Science (工程(化学)和理学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) and Bachelor of Arts (工程(机械)和文学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (工程(机械)和数学与计算机科学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Software) (工程(软件))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Chemical) (工程(化学))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) (工程(机械))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mining) (工程(采矿))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical - Sustainable Energy) (工程(化学与可持续能源))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (工程(化学)和理学(生物技术))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Science (工程(机械)和理学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) (工程(采矿))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Civil & Environmental) (工程(土木与环境))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Civil & Structural) (工程(土木与结构))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (工程(电气))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electronic) (工程(电子))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) (工程(化学))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (工程(化学)和数学与计算机科学)
Master of Data Science ()
Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering (生物制药工程)
Master of Engineering (Aerospace) (工程硕士(航空航天))
Master of Engineering (Chemical) (工程硕士(化学))
Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours) ()
Master of Maritime Engineering (海洋工程学)
Master of Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Master of Maritime Engineering-submarines (海洋工程学硕士--潜艇)
Master of Maritime Engineering-surface ships (海洋工程硕士--水面舰艇)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) ()
Master of Engineering (Civil & Structural) (工程硕士(土木与结构))
Master of Engineering (Electrical) (工程硕士(电气))
Master of Engineering (Mechatronic) (工程硕士(机电一体化))
Master of Materials Engineering (材料工程学)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electronic) (工程(电子学))
Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security (Management) (网络安全(管理))
Graduate Certificate in Materials Engineering (材料工程学)
Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Master of Construction Management ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) with Bachelor of Science (工程(采矿)和理学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) (工程(石油))
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Architectural and Structural) (工程:建筑与结构)
Master of Engineering (Electronic) (工程硕士(电子学))
Master of Engineering (Environmental) (工程硕士(环境))
Master of Engineering (Mechanical) (工程硕士(机械))
Master of Engineering (Mining) (工程硕士(采矿))
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechatronic) (工程(机电一体化))
Graduate Diploma in Maritime Engineering (海洋工程学)
Graduate Diploma in Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Environmental and Climate Solutions) (工程学士(荣誉)(环境与气候解决方案))
Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) ()
Master of Cyber Security (网络安全硕士)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Environmental) (工程(环境))
Graduate Diploma in Materials Engineering (材料工程学)
Graduate Certificate in Maritime Engineering (海洋工程学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Electronic) (工程(电子与电气))
Diploma of Engineering (大一文凭课程-工程)
Master of Machine Learning (Master of Machine Learning)
Master of Planning (Urban Design) with Master of Landscape Architecture (规划(城市设计)和景观建筑)
Master of Architecture with Master of Landscape Architecture (建筑和景观建筑)
Master of Planning (规划)
Master of Planning (Urban Design) (规划(城市设计))
Bachelor of Construction Management (建筑管理)
Master of Architecture by coursework (课程式建筑学)
Master of Landscape Architecture (景观建筑学)
Master of Construction Management (建筑管理)
Bachelor of Architectural Design (建筑设计)
Graduate Diploma in Education (教育)
Graduate Diploma in Education Studies (教育研究)
Graduate Certificate in Education (教育)
Master of Education-Educational Leadership and Wellbeing (教育硕士--教育领导力与福利)
Master of Education-Research (教育硕士--研究)
Master of Teaching (Middle and Secondary) ()
Master of Education (教育学)
Master of Education-English Language Teaching (ELT/TESOL) (教育硕士--英语教学(ELT/TESOL))
Master of Teaching (Secondary) (教学硕士(中学))
Master of Teaching(Secondary) (教学)
Graduate Certificate in Education (教育学)
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts ()
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Science ()
Bachelor of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance (数学与计算机科学和金融)
Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (计算机科学)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) (计算机科学(高级))
Master of Software Engineering (软件工程)
Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (数学与计算机科学)
Graduate Certificate in Computer Science (计算机科学)
Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (人工智能与机器学习)
Master of Cyber Security (网络安全)
Master of Computer Science (计算机科学)
Master of Computer Science-Computer Security stream (计算机科学硕士--计算机安全方向)
Master of Data Science (数据科学)
Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (人工智能与机器学习)
Master of Computing and Innovation - Melbourne Campus (计算与创新(墨尔本校区))
Master of Computing and Innovation (计算与创新)
Graduate Certificate in Data Science (数据科学)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Geosciences (应用数据分析学士学位--地球科学)
Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ()
Master of Computer Science-Data and Information Management stream (计算机科学硕士--数据和信息管理方向)
Master of Computer Science-Networks stream (计算机科学硕士--网络方向)
Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Research Pathway (人工智能与机器学习硕士--研究途径)
Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Industry Pathway (人工智能与机器学习硕士--行业途径)
Graduate Diploma in Data Science (数据科学)
Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security (网络安全)
Bachelor of Information Technology ()
Master of Arficial Intelligence and Machine Learning (智能和机器学习)
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security (网络安全)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Agriculture (应用数据分析学士学位--农业)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Physics (应用数据分析学士--物理学)
Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (人工智能与机器学习)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Bioinformatics (应用数据分析学士--生物信息学)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Economics (应用数据分析学士学位--经济学)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Environment (应用数据分析学士学位--环境)
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics-Public health (应用数据分析学士学位--公共卫生)
Diploma of Computing and IT (大一文凭课程-计算机技术)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) ()
Master of Planning (Urban Design) (规划硕士(城市设计))
Bachelor of Media (媒体)
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Arts (媒体和文学)
Master of Immersive Media Technologies (沉浸式媒体技术)
Graduate Diploma in Media (Strategic Communication) (媒体(战略传播))
Graduate Certificate in Immersive Media Technologies (沉浸式媒体技术)
Master of Media (Strategic Communication) (媒体硕士(战略传播))
Graduate Diploma in Immersive Media Technologies (沉浸式媒体技术)
Graduate Certificate in Media (Strategic Communication) (媒体(战略传播))
Master of Media (Strategic Communication) ()
Graduate Diploma in Music Performance (音乐表演)
Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Music (文学和音乐)
Bachelor of Music (音乐)
Bachelor of Music (Musicology) (音乐(音乐理论))
Master of Music (Performance and Pedagogy) (音乐(表演与教学))
Bachelor of Music (Popular Music and Creative Technologies) (音乐(流行音乐与创意技术))
Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts) (音乐(声音艺术))
Master of Music (Performance and Pedagogy) (音乐硕士(演奏与教学法))
Master of Music (Performance Studies) (音乐硕士(表演研究))
Graduate Diploma in Music (Performance and Pedagogy) (音乐(演奏与教学法))
Bachelor of International Relations ()
Bachelor of Creative Arts ()
Master of Immersive Media Technologies (沉浸式媒体技术硕士)
Graduate Diploma in Translation and Transcultural Communication (翻译与跨文化交流)
Bachelor of Arts (文学)
Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (文学(高级))
Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Science (文学和理学)
Graduate Diploma in Art History (艺术史)
Bachelor of Languages (语言)
Graduate Certificate in Art History (艺术史)
Master of Curatorial and Museum Studies (策展与博物馆学)
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (教育学士)
Graduate Diploma in Curatorial and Museum Studies (策展与博物馆学)
Master of Arts (Studies in Art History) (文学(艺术史))
Academic English Pre-Enrolment English Program 10 (学术英语入学前英语课程 10)
Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (教育学士)
Master of arts (文学硕士)
Master of Geostatistics (地质统计学)
Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (石油地质与地球物理)
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical) (生物技术(生物医学))
Master of Bioinformatics (生物信息学)
Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management (环境政策与管理)
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology) (生物技术(植物生物技术))
Master of Science (Petroleum Geoscience) (理学(石油地质))
Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) (理学(海洋生物学))
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science in High Performance Computational Physics (理学(高性能计算物理学))
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology) (生物技术(植物生物技术))
Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology (葡萄栽培与酿酒)
Master of Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology) (生物技术(植物生物技术))
Bachelor of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (理学(高级))
Master of Food and Nutrition Science (食品与营养科学)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (理学(生物技术))
Bachelor of Science (Laser Physics and Technology) (理学(激光物理与技术))
Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience) (理学(矿物地球科学))
Bachelor of Science (Space Sc & Astrophysics) (理学(航空科学与天体物理学))
Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology (葡萄栽培与酿酒)
Master of Mathematical Sciences ()
Master of Medical Radiation Physics (医学放射物理学)
Master of Viticulture and Oenology (葡萄栽培和酿酒学)
Graduate Diploma in Food and Nutrition Science (食品与营养科学)
Bachelor of Sociology (生物学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced) (数学科学(高级))
Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (食品与营养科学)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) (理学(动物科学))
Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics ()
Master of Medical Radiation Physics ()
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) (生物技术(荣誉)学士学位)
Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (生物技术硕士(生物医学))
Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)(Advanced) (生物技术硕士(生物医学)(高级))
Master of Global Food and Nutrition Science (全球食品与营养科学)
Master of Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
Graduate Diploma in Global Food and Nutrition Science (全球食品与营养科学)
Graduate Certificate in Food and Nutrition Science (食品与营养科学)
Graduate Certificate in Global Food and Nutrition Science (全球食品与营养科学)
Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences (农业科学)
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical) ()
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical) (生物技术(生物医学))
Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology (葡萄栽培和酿酒学)
Bachelor of Biotechnology ()
Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation ()
Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) (心理学(组织与人类因素))
Graduate Diploma in Health Economics (卫生经济学)
Graduate Certificate in Health Economics (卫生经济学)
Master of Psychology (Health) (心理学(健康))
Graduate Diploma in Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health (公共卫生)
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (心理学(临床))
Bachelor of Psychological Science (心理科学)
Graduate Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy (咨询与心理疗法)
Master of Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing) (护理学硕士(急诊护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Mental Health Nursing) (护理学硕士(心理健康护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Anaesthetics and Recovery Nursing) (护理学硕士(麻醉和恢复护理学))
Master of Public Health-1.5 year (公共卫生)
Master of Public Health-1 year (公共卫生)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing) (护理学(重症监护护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing) (护理学(肿瘤护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) (护理学硕士(心脏护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing) (护理学硕士(重症监护护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing) (护理学硕士(肿瘤护理学))
Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing) (护理学(急症护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing) (护理学(骨科护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology (法医牙科学)
Master of Nursing Science (护理学)
Master of Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing) (护理学硕士(急症护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing) (护理学硕士(烧伤护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing) (护理学硕士(骨科护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing) (护理学硕士(围手术期护理学))
Master of Nursing Science (Renal Nursing) (护理学硕士(肾脏护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing) (护理学(麻醉和恢复护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing) (护理学(围手术期护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (护理学)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) (护理学(心脏护理学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing) (护理学(急救护理学))
Bachelor of Oral Health ()
Master of Public Policy ()
Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (哲学,政治学和经济学)
Master of International Security (国际安全)
Master of International and Security Law (国际法和安全法)
Master of Public Policy (公共政策)
Bachelor of Criminology ()
Graduate Diploma in International Security (国际安全)
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy (公共政策)
Master of Project Management (Complex Systems) ()
Graduate Certificate in International Security (国际安全)
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (公共政策)
Master of Curatorial and Museum Studies (策展和博物馆研究)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing) (护理科学(紧急护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing) (护理科学(烧伤护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) (护理科学(心脏护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing) (护理科学(紧急护理))
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (医学和外科)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (护理科学)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing) (护理科学(麻醉与康复护理))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) (护理科学(心脏护理))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing) (护理科学(肿瘤护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing) (护理科学(急症护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Mental Health Nursing) (护理科学(心理健康护理))
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (牙科手术)
Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (健康与医学科学)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing) (护理科学(急症护理))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing) (护理科学(重病特别护理))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing) (护理科学(整形护理))
Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science (Infection Control Nursing) (护理科学(感染控制护理))
Master of Nursing Science (护理科学)
Master of Nursing Science (Anaesthetics and Recovery Nursing) (护理科学(麻醉与康复护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing) (护理科学(重症特别护理))
Bachelor of Nursing (护理)
Bachelor of Oral Health (口腔健康)
Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) (理学(兽医生物科学))
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing) (护理科学(围手术期护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing) (护理科学(肿瘤护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing) (护理科学(整形护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing) (护理科学(围手术期护理))
Master of Nursing Science (Renal Nursing) (护理科学(肾脏护理))
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (理学(生物医学科学))
Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors) (心理学硕士(组织与人为因素))
Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (咨询与心理治疗)
Master of Clinical Nursing (临床护理)
Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (咨询与心理治疗)
Master of Psychology (Clinical) (心理学硕士(临床))
Master of Psychology (Health) (心理学硕士(健康))
Graduate Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy (咨询与心理治疗)
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) ()
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (法律实践)
Master of Comparative Laws (Adelaide/Mannheim) (比较法学)
Master of Business Law (商业法)
Master of Laws-Military Law (法学硕士--军事法)
Master of Laws-Workplace Law (法学硕士--工作场所法)
Master of Laws-Law of Air and Naval Warfare (法学硕士--空战和海战法)
Master of Laws (法学)
Master of Laws-AI and the Law (法学硕士--人工智能与法律)
Master of Laws-Nuclear Law (法学硕士--核法)
Master of Laws-Counter-terrorism and National Security Law (法学硕士--反恐和国家安全法)
Master of Laws-Human Rights Law (法学硕士--人权法)
Master of Laws-Space Law (法学硕士--空间法)
Master of Laws-Cyber Conflict Law (法学硕士--网络冲突法)
Bachelor of Laws (法学)
Master of Laws-International Law (法学硕士--国际法)
Graduate Certificate in Law (法学)
Graduate Diploma in Law (法学)
Master of International and Security Law ()
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