Curtin University
科廷科技大学1967年建立,1987成立大学。现有学生2万4千多人,其中海外学生有5千多人。科廷科技大学也是澳大利亚科技大学联盟Group of Autralian Technology Network的成员之一。1986年大学新命名为现在的“Curtin”,这个名字乃取自于澳大利亚前总理约翰科廷(John Curtin)之名。
科廷科技大学有五个校区。主校园Bentley位于佩斯以南10公里,以其精致的建筑及优美的风景闻名于世。距佩斯北部20分钟路程的Fremantle校园被天然灌木丛保护区所环绕,商学院位于佩斯中央商务区内,Murek学院被风景如画的靠近诺萨姆镇的艾文河岸所围绕,包含矿业学院和职业教训及培训中心的Kalgoorlie校园位于西澳大利亚中心的黄金盛产地,马来西亚的Sarawak校园是科廷的第一所海外校园,设置了英语、预科商业管理、科技及工程等课程。多年来,科廷大学与亚太地区、大洋州地区的 25 个 教育机构建立了长期稳定的合作关系,并在新加坡、马来西亚、毛里求斯、中国大陆、香港、斯里兰卡和巴基斯坦等国家和地区设立了海外学位课程项目。 秉承高质量教学与科研的理念,科廷大学一直致力于创新、现代化的教学, 坚持最高学术标准,与大型商业、工业企业、政府以及社区建立了紧密联系。因此,科廷的毕业生不仅拥有高标准的专业技能,而且能够马上投入和适应工作环 境,对于瞬息万变的世界产生积极有利的影响。
科廷科技大学为学生提供850多种课程,这些课程的范围广泛,包括农业管理、农业、商业、贸易、电脑、教育、理工与工程、健康卫生学、人文、大众传播、矿业等。与一些重视理论研究的老牌大学不同,科廷更重视钻研实践,大力发展与商业、工业及社会等相关专业。科廷不断地将其成功的教学输送到海外很多国家特别是亚太地区国家现已在海外设有83个教学项目。 科廷图书馆及信息服务中心通过不断创新完善自身系统为学生提供最新信息,学生可24小时使用其提供的超过200个电子数据库及3000册电子期刊和杂志。
Mater of Profeional Accounting职业会计硕士:澳洲会计师公会认证课程,毕业即可获得移民职业评估60分,学制2年,学费17600澳元/年,2月、7月开学
Mater of Finance金融/International Finance国际金融/Finance Plan金融策划硕士:学制1.5/2/2年,每年学费17600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Logitic and Electronic Buine物流与电子商务硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费17600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Taxation税收硕士: 学制2年,每年学费17600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Property房地产硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费17600澳元,每年2月开学
Mater of Chemical Engineering化学工程/Petroleum Engineering石油工程硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费18600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Pharmacy:药剂学硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费19800澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Deign设计硕士:学制1年,每年学费16600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Education教育学硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费16600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Food Technology食品技术硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费19800澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Biomedical Science生物医学硕士:学制1.5年,每年学费19800澳元,2月开学
Mater of Computer Science:计算机科学硕士:学制2年,每年学费15600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Information Sytem Management信息系统管理硕士: 学制1.5年,每年学费17600澳元,2和7月开学
Mater of Internet Security Management网络安全管理: 学制1.5年,每年学费17600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Medical Imaging Science医学影像科学硕士:学制2年,每年学费18600澳元,2月、7月开学
Mater of Urban and Regional Planning城市及地区规划硕士: 学制1.5年,每年学费16600澳元,2月、7月开学
科廷以其国际教育及语言学校闻名,是西澳大利亚历史最悠久的英语中心,学校为需要帮助的学生提供英语精读课程及渐进英语课程,学生可在英语环境中得到帮助。 本科
1. 达到中国重点大学本科录取分数线。
2. 完成大学本科一年级的课程学习。
1. 雅思总分不低于6.0,且写作和口语不低于6.0,阅读和听力不低于6.0。
2. 托福纸笔考试总分不低于550。
3. 托福机考总分不低于213。
4. 托福网考总分不低于80,且各部分不低于20。
1. 雅思总分不低于6.5,且写作和口语不低于6.0,阅读和听力不低于5.5。
2. 托福纸笔考试总分不低于570。
3. 托福机考总分不低于230。
4. 托福网考总分不低于92,且各部分不低于23。
科廷还为就读硕士研究生及博士课程的学生提供海外研究生奖学金,发展中国家的学生还可享受澳 大利亚国际发展署奖学金。
科廷国际学院(CIC)是一所位于Bentley主校区的私立学院,主要任务是向学生提供升读科廷的认可学历。CIC成立的目的是提供大学预备课程以及 3个学期的速成班。CIC同时还教授升读大学的证书课程和大学文凭课程,其专业包括商科、大众传播、资讯科技、电脑、设计、工程、健康卫生学和物理科学。 CIC的学生可以使用大学内的设施,包括图书馆、餐厅、健身和康乐中心、学生辅导服务等。
科廷国际学院(Curtin International College),简称CIC授有文凭课程,可以直接升读大学的2年级。现有1千名学生,9成是国际留学生,主要来自于香港、马来西亚及新加坡等地区。
Business & Commerce Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2) (商务与商业国际大一)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance (应用金融)
Graduate Diploma in Human Resources (人力资源)
Graduate Certificate in Marketing (市场营销)
Graduate Diploma in Project Management (项目管理)
Arts and Commerce Double Degree (文学和商业)
Business Information Technology (Professional) Major (BCom) (商务信息技术)
Bachelor of Commerce (Business Law) (商学(商业法))
Bachelor of Commerce (商业)
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Commerce (法律和商业)
Bachelor of Commerce(Logistics and Supply Chain Management) (商学(物流与供应链管理))
Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Human Resource Management) (理学(心理学与人力资源管理))
Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) (Mass Communication) (公共关系(大众传媒))
Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship ()
Business & Commerce Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1) (商务与商业本科预科)
Graduate Diploma in Marketing (市场营销)
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Applied Geology and Finance Double Degree (应用地质学和金融)
Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) (经济学)
Bachelor of Commerce(Tourism and Hospitality) (商学(旅游与酒店管理))
master qualifying program (硕士资格课程)
Master of International Business and Entrepreneurship ()
Master of Engineering Management (工程管理)
Graduate Certificate in Mineral and Energy Economics (矿物与能源经济)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Graduate Certificate in Project Management (项目管理)
Graduate Diploma in Taxation (税务)
Bachelor of Commerce (Advertising) (商学(广告))
Business Information Systems (Professional) Major (BCom) (商务信息系统)
Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Commerce - BEng(Curtin), BCom(Curtin) (工程和商学)
Bachelor of Commerce(Event Management) (商学(项目管理))
Bachelor of Commerce(Finance) (商学(金融))
Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) (商学(国际商务))
Bachelor of Commerce(Public Relations) (公共关系)
master of project management (master of project management)
Graduate Certificate in Business (商务)
Graduate Certificate in Procurement (采购)
Graduate Diploma in Business (商务)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Master of Science (Mineral and Energy Economics), Master of Business Administration (理学(能源矿产经济学)和工商管理)
Graduate Certificate in Development Planning (发展规划)
Graduate Certificate in Human Resources (人力资源)
Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)
Master of Science (Mineral and Energy Economics) (理科(矿物与能源经济))
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) (商学(会计))
Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting Technologies) (商业(会计技术))
Bachelor of Commerce(Banking) (商学(银行))
Bachelor of Business Administration (工商管理)
Bachelor of Commerce(Entrepreneurship) (商学(企业))
Bachelor of Commerce(Human Resource Management) (商学(人力资源管理))
Bachelor of Commerce(Industrial Relations) (产业关系)
Bachelor of Commerce(Management) (商学(管理))
Bachelor of Commerce(Marketing) (商学(市场营销))
Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Commerce - BSc(Curtin), BCom(Curtin) (理学和商业)
Information Systems and Technology Major (MCom) (信息系统与技术)
Graduate Certificate in Information Systems and Technology (信息系统与技术)
Bachelor of Agribusiness (农业商务)
Diploma of Commerce ()
Agribusiness (农业经济)
Professional Accounting: CPA Australia Extension Major (MCom) (专业会计(主修澳洲注册会计师方向))
Supply Chain Management Major (MCom) (供应链管理)
Master of Science (Sustainable Aquaculture) (理学(可持续性水产学))
Postgraduate Preparation Program (PPP) ()
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration ()
Business Information Systems (商业信息系统)
Master of Business Administration (Global) (工商管理(全球))
Marketing Major (MCom) (市场营销)
Master of Accounting (CPA Australia Extension Studies) (会计)
Master of Information Systems and Technology (信息系统与技术)
Actuarial Science (精算科学)
Advanced Accounting CPA Australia Extension Major (Mcom) (高级会计(主修澳洲注册会计师方向))
Applied Finance Major (MCom) (应用金融)
Master of Commerce (商业)
Master of Finance (金融)
Master of Human Resources (人力资源)
Master of International Business (国际商务)
Master of Supply Chain Management (供应链管理)
Master of Professional Accounting (专业会计)
Master of Science (Actuarial and Financial Science) (理科(精算与金融科学))
Master of Commerce (商学)
Master of Commerce-Marketing (商学硕士--市场营销)
Master of Commerce-Supply Chain Management (商学硕士--供应链管理)
Master of Business Administration-Energy Transition (工商管理硕士--能源转型)
Master of Marketing (市场营销)
Professional Accounting: Accounting Foundation Stream (MCom) (专业会计:会计基础)
Master of Commerce-Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics (商业硕士--人工智能与商业分析)
Master of Commerce-Finance (商学硕士--金融)
Master of Commerce-Human Resources (商业硕士--人力资源)
Master of Commerce-International Business (商学硕士--国际商务)
Master of Business Administration-Digital Finance (工商管理硕士--数字金融)
Master of Project Management (项目管理)
Graduate Certificate in Taxation Practice (税务实践)
Graduate Certificate in Business Fundamentals (商业基础)
Master of Commerce-Sustainable Business Leadership (商学硕士--可持续商业领导力)
Master of Accounting (会计)
Master of Business Administration-Leadership (工商管理硕士--领导力)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (工商管理硕士(高级))
Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (创新与创业)
Master of Predictive Analytics-Finance and Investment Analytics (预测分析硕士--金融与投资分析)
Master of Professional Accounting-Advanced Accounting (专业会计硕士--高级会计学)
Graduate Certificate in Business Futures (商业前景)
Graduate Certificate in Predictive Analytics (预测分析)
Graduate Diploma in Predictive Analytics (预测分析)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced)-Digital Finance (工商管理硕士(高级)--数字金融)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced)-Energy Transition (工商管理硕士(高级)--能源转型)
Master of Business Administration (Advanced)-Leadership (工商管理硕士(高级)--领导力)
Master of Professional Accounting-CPA Australia (专业会计硕士--澳大利亚注册会计师)
Master of Professional Accounting-Digital Technologies and Data Management (专业会计硕士--数字技术与数据管理)
Master of Taxation (税务)
Graduate Certificate in Business (商业)
Graduate Diploma in Business (商业)
Graduate Certificate in Global Engagement (全球参与)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering (专业工程)
Graduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) (化学工程和化学)
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (工程(化学工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Extractive Metallurgy) - BEng(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (工程(化学工程)和理学(冶金))
Civil and Construction Engineering and Mining Double Degree (土木与建筑工程和矿产)
Bachelor of Science (Mining) (理学(矿产))
Graduate Diploma in Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Graduate Certificate in Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Bachelor of Surveying (勘探)
GD in Professional Engineering ()
Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum Engineering) (工程(石油工程))
Bachelor of Science (Extractive Metallurgy) (理学(冶金))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) - BEng(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (电子与通信工程和计算机科学)
Bachelor of Science (Mine and Engineering Surveying) (理学(矿产与工程勘探))
Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgical Engineering) (工程(冶金工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Engineering) (工程(矿产工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering) (电子与通信工程)
Bachelor of Science (Physics), Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering) - BSc(Curtin), BEng(Curtin) (物理和通信工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (工程(机械工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronic Engineering) (工程(机电工程))
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering) (计算机系统工程)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (工程)
Master of Professional Engineering ()
Bachelor of Mine and Engineering Surveying ()
Diploma of Engineering Units (Stage 1) (工程方向本科预科)
Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Metallurgical Engineering (冶金工程)
Diploma of Engineering Units (Stage 2) (工程方向国际大一)
Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Master of Engineering Science (Mining) (工程科学(矿产))
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Power Engineering) (工程(电力工程))
Mine and Engineering Surveying (矿产和工程勘探)
Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Master of Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Master of Engineering Science (Electrical Engineering) (工程(电气工程))
Master of Petroleum Engineering (工程科学(石油工程))
Master of Engineering Science (Metallurgy) (工程科学(冶金))
Master of Engineering Science (Petroleum Engineering) (工程科学(石油工程))
Master of Science (Industrial Engineering) (理学(工业工程))
Master of Subsea Engineering (海底工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Telecommunications and Networking Engineering (专业工程硕士--电信与网络工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Mechanical Engineering (专业工程硕士--机械工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Mining Engineering (专业工程硕士--采矿工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Software Engineering (专业工程硕士--软件工程)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Chemical Engineering (专业工程--化学工程)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Civil Engineering (专业工程--土木工程专业)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Electrical and Electronic Engineering (专业工程--电气与电子工程专业)
Master of Professional Engineering-Chemical Engineering (专业工程硕士--化学工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Civil Engineering (专业工程硕士--土木工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Emerging Power Systems Engineering (专业工程硕士--新兴电力系统工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Petroleum Engineering (专业工程硕士--石油工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Embedded Systems Engineering (专业工程硕士--嵌入式系统工程)
Master of Professional Engineering-Metallurgical Engineering (专业工程硕士--冶金工程)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Mechanical Engineering (专业工程--机械工程)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Software Engineering (专业工程--软件工程)
Master of Professional Engineering (专业工程)
Master of Science (Industrial Engineering) (理学硕士(工业工程))
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Mining Engineering (专业工程--采矿工程)
Graduate Diploma in Professional Engineering-Petroleum Engineering (专业工程--石油工程)
Diploma of Built Environment Units (Stage 2) (建筑环境方向国际大一)
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Construction Engineering) (工程(土木与结构工程))
Diploma of Built Environment Units (Stage 1) (建筑环境方向本科预科)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Interior Architecture) (应用科学(室内建筑))
Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning) (文学(城市与地区规划))
Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science) (应用科学(建筑科学))
Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management) (应用科学(建筑工程管理))
Master of Urban and Regional Planning (城市与区域规划)
Master of Architecture (建筑学)
Master of Teaching (Master of Teaching)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-Languages (Chinese and Japanese) (教育(中学)-语言)
Graduate Certificate in Education ()
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-English (教育(中学)-英语)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-Mathematics (教育(中学)-数学)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-The Arts (Design, Drama, Media Studies, Visual Arts) (教育(中学)-艺术)
Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) (教育(小学教育))
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) (教育(幼儿教育))
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-Social Sciences (Economics, Geography, History, Politics and Law) (教育(中学)-社科)
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)(Japanese) (文学(人文)(日语))
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)(Chinese) (文学(人文)(中文))
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)-Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Human Biology, Physics, ) (教育(中学)-理学)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) (教育(中学教育))
Master of TESOL ()
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education) (教育(中学))
Master of Education (教育)
Education Conversion Course (教育转变)
Master of Science (Science and Mathematics Education) (理学(理学与数学教育))
Bachelor of Educational Studies (教育研究)
Gateway English Course ()
foundation ()
Navitas English General English 2 ()
Master of Teaching-Early Childhood Education (教学硕士--幼儿教育)
Master of Teaching-Primary Education (教学硕士--小学教育)
Master of Teaching-Secondary Education (教学硕士--中等教育)
Master of Teaching (教学)
Master of Education (教育学)
Master of TESOL (TESOL)
Graduate Certificate in Education (教育学)
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
Bachelor of Information Technology ()
Diploma of Information Technology Units (Stage 2) (信息技术方向国际大一)
Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security (网络安全)
Bachelor of Computing(Computer Science) ()
Diploma of Information Technology Units (Stage 1) (信息技术方向本科预科)
Master of Computing (计算机)
Bachelor of Science (Computing) (计算)
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Systems and Networking) (计算机系统与网络)
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) - BSc(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (计算机系统工程和计算机科学)
Bachelor of Arts-Web Media (Mass Communication) (文学-互联网媒体(大众传媒))
Master of Internet Communications (互联网传播)
Bachelor of Arts -Internet Communications (文学-互联网通信)
Graduate Diploma in Internet Communications (互联网传播)
Graduate Certificate in Internet Communications (互联网传播)
Bachelor of Business Information Technology (Professional) (商业信息技术)
Master of Science (Computer Science) (理学(计算机科学))
Master of Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Master of Computing-Artificial Intelligence (计算机硕士--人工智能)
Graduate Certificate in Computing (计算机)
Graduate Diploma in Computing (计算机)
Master of Computing-Computer Science (计算机硕士--计算机科学)
Master of Computing-Cyber Security (计算机硕士--网络安全)
Master of Cyber Security (网络安全)
Graduate Certificate in Food Science and Technology (食品科学与技术)
Diploma of Arts & Creative Industries Units (Stage 1) (艺术与创意产业本科预科)
Diploma of Arts & Creative Industries Units (Stage 2) (艺术与创意产业国际大一)
Bachelor of Arts-Fashion (文学-时装)
Bachelor of Arts-Photography and Illustration Design (文学-摄影和插画设计)
Bachelor of Arts-Digital Design (文学-数字设计)
Bachelor of Arts-Creative Advertising and Graphic Design (文学-创意广告与平面设计)
Graduate Certificate in Design and Art (设计与艺术)
Master of Applied Design and Art-3D Design (jewellery, furniture and/or product design) (应用设计与艺术-3D设计)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Creative Advertising (应用设计与艺术-创意广告)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Digital Design (应用设计与艺术-数字设计)
Bachelor of Arts-Product, Furniture and Jewellery Design (文学-产品、家具和珠宝设计)
Master of Design ()
Master of Applied Design and Art-Fashion Design (应用设计与艺术-时尚设计)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Graphic Design (应用设计与艺术-平面设计)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Fine Art (应用设计与艺术-美术)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Illustration Design (应用设计与艺术-插画设计)
Master of Applied Design and Art (应用设计与艺术)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Photography (应用设计与艺术-摄影)
Master of Applied Design and Art-Visual Culture (应用设计与艺术-虚拟文化)
Master of Design (设计)
Graduate Diploma in Design (设计)
Graduate Certificate in Design (设计)
Bachelor of Arts-Screen Arts (文学-影视)
Bachelor of Arts-Journalism (Mass Communication) (文学-新闻(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts-Visual Communication Design (Mass Communication) (文学-视觉传达设计(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts-Journalism (新闻)
Bachelor of Arts (Corporate Screen Production (Mass Communication) (文学-团体视频制作(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication) (市场营销(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts -Digital Design (Mass Communication) (文学-数字设计(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts-Photography (Mass Communication) (文学-摄影(大众传媒))
Bachelor of Arts(Visualisation and Interactive Media) (文学(可视化与交互媒体))
Master of Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻学)
Mass Communication (大众传媒)
Master of Media and Communication (媒体与传播)
Master of Multimedia Journalism (Global) (多媒体新闻学硕士(全球))
Diploma of Communication Design and Arts (传播设计与艺术文凭)
Master of Digital and Social Media (数字与社交媒体)
Graduate Certificate in Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻学)
Bachelor of Design ()
Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Arts) (文学(舞台艺术))
Bachelor of Arts-Fine Art (文学-美术)
Master of Arts-Fine Art (艺术硕士--美术)
Master of Arts-Screen Arts (艺术硕士--屏幕艺术)
Graduate Certificate in Arts-Screen Arts (艺术研究生证书--屏幕艺术)
Master of Applied Linguistics (Master of Applied Linguistics)
Bachelor of Arts(International Relations) (文学(国际关系))
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts - LLB(Curtin),BA(Curtin) (法律和文学)
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)-Professional Writing and Publishing (文学-专业写作与出版)
Bachelor of Arts (Geography) (文学(地理))
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) - Creative Writing (文学(创意写作))
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities)-Literary and Cultural Studies (文学-文学与文化研究)
Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) (文学)
Bachelor of Arts-History (文学-历史)
Bachelor of English and Cultural studies (英语与文化研究)
Graduate Diploma in Sustainability and Climate Policy (可持续性管理与气候政策)
Chinese (中文)
Multidisciplinary Science (跨学科科学)
Graduate Certificate in Sustainability and Climate Policy (可持续性管理与气候政策)
Japanese (日语)
Master of Sustainability and Climate Policy (可持续性管理与气候政策)
Graduate Certificate in Arts-Professional Writing and Publishing (文科研究生证书--专业写作与出版)
Master of Arts-Creative Writing (文学硕士--创意写作)
Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) (文学(应用语言学))
Graduate Certificate in Arts (文科)
Graduate Certificate in Arts-Creative Writing (艺术研究生证书--创意写作)
Graduate Certificate in Arts-Fine Art (艺术研究生证书--美术)
Master of Arts (文学)
Master of Arts-Professional Writing and Publishing (文学硕士--专业写作与出版)
Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) (文学硕士(应用语言学))
Master of Arts-Digital Communications (文学硕士--数字传播)
Master of Indigenous Australian Cultural Studies (澳大利亚土著文化研究)
Graduate Diploma in Arts (文科)
Bachelor of Science (Multidisciplinary Science) (理学(跨学科科学))
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) (理学(化学))
Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) - BSc(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (理学(应用地质学)和理学(环境生物学))
Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) (理学(应用地质学))
Graduate Diploma in Metallurgy (冶金学)
Bachelor of Innovation ()
Bachelor of Science (Coastal and Marine Science) (理学(海岸与海洋科学))
Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science), Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) - BSc(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (理学(地址信息科学)和理学(应用生态学))
Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science (地理信息科学)
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science (地理信息科学)
Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science) (理学(地理信息科学))
Geographic Information Science Pre-Major (地理信息科学通识课程)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) (理学(环境生物学))
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (理学(环境科学))
Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) (理学(精算科学))
Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) (理学(应用地质学))
Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) - BSc(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (理学(应用地质学)和理学(地质物理学))
Bachelor of Science (理学)
Bachelor of Science (Human Biology Preclinical) (理学(临床人类生物学))
Bachelor of Science (Medical Radiation Science) (理学(医学放射科学))
Graduate Diploma in Applied Geology (应用地质学)
Graduate Diploma in Oenology (酿酒)
Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion), Bachelor of Science (Health and Safety) - BSc(Curtin), BSc(Curtin) (健康促进和营养学)
Bachelor of Science(Physics) (理学(物理))
Master of Predictive Analytics ()
Mathematics (数学)
Master of Science (Geology) (理学(地质学))
Bachelor of Pharmacy (药学)
Master of Geoscience ()
Graduate Diploma in Mining (矿产)
Environmental Biology (环境生物)
Environmental Science (环境科学)
Master of Science (Dryland Agricultural Systems) (理学(旱地农业系统))
Master of Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy (临床药学)
Graduate Diploma in Food Science and Technology (食品科学与技术)
Bachelor of Science (Laboratory Medicine) (理学(实验室医学))
Bachelor of Science (Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology) (理学(分子基因与生物技术))
Applied Geology (应用地质学)
Food Science and Technology (食品科学与技术)
Mining (矿产)
Surveying (测量)
Coastal and Marine Science (海岸与海洋科学)
Extractive Metallurgy (冶金提取)
Geophysics (地球物理学)
Master of Science (Geophysics) (理学(地球物理学))
Master of Science (理学)
Master of Geoscience-Exploration and Mining Geology (地球科学硕士--勘探与采矿地质学)
Water Quality and Supply Systems Major (Master of Science) (理学(水质与供应系统))
Sustainability Management Major (MSc Science) (可持续性管理)
Master of Science (Mathematical Sciences) (理学(数学科学))
Master of Science (Geospatial Science) (地球空间信息)
Master of Science (Food Science and Technology) (理学(食品科学与技术))
Master of Predictive Analytics-Resource Operations Analytics (预测分析硕士--资源运营分析)
Master of Geoscience-Geophysics (地球科学硕士--地球物理学)
Master of Geospatial Intelligence (地理空间情报学)
Master of Predictive Analytics-Internet of Things (预测分析硕士--物联网)
Master of Science (Agriculture and Food Security) (理学硕士(农业与粮食安全))
Master of Predictive Analytics (预测分析)
Master of Predictive Analytics-Data Science (预测分析硕士--数据科学)
Master of Science (Food Science and Technology) (理学硕士(食品科学与技术))
Master of Science (Minerals and Energy Economics) (理学硕士(矿产与能源经济学))
Master of Science (Minerals and Energy Economics), Master of Business Administration (理学硕士(矿产与能源经济)、工商管理硕士)
Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Intelligence (地理空间情报)
Graduate Diploma in Geospatial Intelligence (地理空间情报)
Master of Environment and Climate Emergency (环境与气候应急)
Master of Geoscience (地球科学)
Master of Science (Actuarial and Financial Science) (理学硕士(精算与金融科学))
Master of Science (Project Management) (理学硕士(项目管理))
Graduate Certificate in Environment and Climate Emergency (环境与气候应急)
Graduate Certificate in Minerals and Energy Economics (矿产与能源经济)
Graduate Diploma in Environment and Climate Emergency (环境与气候应急)
Graduate Diploma in Mining (采矿)
Diploma of Health Science ()
Graduate Diploma in Health Promotion (健康促进)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health (公共卫生)
Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences (理学-健康科学)
Health Sciences Major (健康科学(主修))
Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion) (理学(健康促进))
Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences(Paramedicine major) (理学-健康科学(辅助医药))
Bachelor of Science (Nursing) (理学学士(护理))
Bachelor of Psychology (心理学)
Graduate Diploma in Health Administration (健康管理)
Bachelor of Science (Exercise, Sports and Rehabilitation Science) (理学(运动,体育与康复科学))
Bachelor of Science (Health, Safety and Environment) (理学(健康 安全与环境))
Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) (营养学)
Registered Nurse Conversion Australian Registration Nurse Stream (BSc Nursing) - Bsc(Nursing) (澳大利亚注册护士)
Bachelor of Social Work (社会工作)
Master of Dietetics (饮食学)
Master of Health Administration (健康管理)
Master of Health Promotion (健康促进)
Master of Psychology (心理学)
Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Physiotherapy (临床物理疗法)
Graduate Diploma in Public Health (公共卫生)
Graduate Diploma in Sexology (性学)
Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) (理学(物理疗法))
Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences(Health sciences major) (理学-健康科学(健康科学))
Master of Sexology (性学)
Master of Clinical Physiotherapy (临床物理疗法)
Master of Advanced Practice-Advanced Specialty Practice (高级实践硕士--高级专科实践)
Master of Advanced Practice-Clinical Leadership (高级实践硕士--临床领导力)
Master of Midwifery (助产)
Master of Public Health (Practice) (公共卫生硕士(实践))
Master of Advanced Practice (高级实践)
Master of Advanced Practice-Acute Care Nursing (高级实践硕士--急症护理学)
Master of Advanced Practice-Child and Adolescent Health Nursing (高级实践硕士--儿童与青少年健康护理学)
Master of Health Administration (卫生管理)
Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Health Specialisation (儿童和青少年健康专业)
Graduate Diploma in Health Administration (卫生管理)
Master of Advanced Practice-Critical Care Nursing (高级实践硕士--重症护理学)
Master of Advanced Practice-Diabetes Studies (高级实践硕士--糖尿病研究)
Master of Advanced Practice-Wound, Ostomy and Continence Practice (高级实践硕士--伤口、造口和失禁实践)
Master of Nursing Practice (护理实践)
Graduate Certificate in Health Administration (卫生管理)
Master of Arts ()
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) ()
Bachelor of Arts ()
Graduate Diploma in International Relations and National Security (国际关系与国家安全)
Graduate Certificate in International Relations and National Security (国际关系与国家安全)
Bachelor of Arts-Anthropology and Sociology (文学-人类学与社会学)
Master of Human Rights (人权法)
Master of Global Engagement (全球参与)
Master of International Security (国际安全)
Master of International Relations and National Security (国际关系与国家安全)
Master of Global Engagement (Advanced) (全球参与硕士(高级))
Master of International Relations (国际关系)
Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (社会工作硕士(合格))
Graduate Certificate in Human Rights (人权)
Master of Human Rights (人权)
Master of Human Rights and Global Engagement (人权与全球参与)
Graduate Diploma in International Security (国际安全)
Master of Sexology (Professional) (性学硕士(专业))
Graduate Certificate in International Security (国际安全)
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Australian Cultural Studies (澳大利亚土著文化研究)
Master of Occupational Therapy (职业疗法)
Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) (理学(职业疗法))
Bachelor of Science (Speech Pathology) (理学(言语病理学))
Bachelor of Science (Oral Health Therapy) (理学(口腔健康治疗))
Doctor of Physiotherapy ()
Master of Pharmacy (药学)
Master of Physiotherapy (物理疗法)
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (临床运动生理学)
Master of Speech Pathology (言语病理学)
Master of Clinical Physiotherapy (临床物理治疗学)
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Therapy (职业疗法)
Bachelor of Laws (法律)
Graduate Certificate in Human Rights (人权法)
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (法律实践)
Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts - BSc(Curtin), BA(Curtin) (理学和文学)
Applied Geology and Geophysics Double Degre (应用地质学和地球物理学)
Geographic Information Science and Applied Geology Double Degree (地理信息科学与应用地质学)
Applied Geology and Environmental Biology Double Degree (应用地质学和环境生物)
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